General Discussion

General DiscussionSo I followed a 5k's farming pattern for Invo

So I followed a 5k's farming pattern for Invo in General Discussion

    That happened and my aghs timing is now back to 15 mins and less :) The most important part was doing the basic cookie challenge with Invo a few times. Here's the match ID

    To NS players, your last hits, everyone of them. Count. And matter alot. Im quite sure if I keep repeating this with other heroes im sure to climb easily. Can someone explain creep aggro 'management' to me please. And how do I get solo pick offs in the midlane as invoker within the first 6 minutes? I know how to solo pick off with Invo but just not that early. Say some skill build I follow is 1-1-3.


      U lucky u dont meet me hhehe
      Wowowow your skin is expensive as fck


        Add me, lets play a 1v1 sometime :)

        Emperor Xu Mail

          you don't. Invoker is not a hero like that. No mid is going to let you solo kill him within 6 mins unless your skill far outlevels his. Which means you harass him more than he can, and you get more cs and denies than he can. In which case, you do the meteor cold snap combo as soon as he goes for a last hit. His mind will be focused on that creep, he probably won't see it coming. This is the same technique used to land arrows or hooks.It is important that you follow it up with Alacrity. The forge spirit, snap into sunstrike combo is another possibility, but doesn't work most of the time because he will dodge the sunstrike if he just doesnt walk in a straight line, the chances of your landing the skill is less than 20 percent.


            u need atleast 2 quas for cold snap to be a bit useful


              let me tell u as 4k player played 2k 3k games when was learning invoker and was getting in 12 min agh( midas boots sticks) so its not so good try get faster

              speaking about solo kils as voker is super easy ( more easy in 2k)

              suports dont react fast to tp and save mid

              u should get cold snap and ss

              hit ,snap, ss, hit, kill

              i usually go 2 0 3 with wall if my suport come gank but i see pros go 1 lvl wex almost always so they must be right but


                Do that in 5-6k bracket kid. See u ✌🏻


                  Haha Katz still think he is 4k

                  all role player

                    i see ur match...
                    stack with friend who have 400 mmr so i assume the avg is 1k
                    the qop doesnt pick mid cw mid with roaming so u get free farm
                    10+ last hit miss
                    died by obvious cw ss
                    so worth to watch....


                      Haha bws still think he is 3k


                        @Lelouch. Can you please take a fucking look at the match I shared instead of others you 26minute blink dagger tinker player. Don't tell me shit about farming. Im still practicing. Go work on your blink dagger timing thanks bye. I would be able to finish an aghs by then man.


                          What's a 5k invoker farming pattern though? It'd be interesting to learn this


                            I usually go for 1 point in wex only if the enemy mid is Melee/ easy to kill(drow ranger for example) so I can get alacrity coldsnap, otherwise I go for the very old 4-0-4 build by level 8, and skill wex by level 10(ignoring talent till level 14), and since by then I usually have my aghs/euls(depending on game) I can start participating in most fights


                              like i've said, you can't just ask ''how tu kill''

                              if you wanna learn, then run 1v1 mid till you can win 30-50 games in a row.

                              alternatively/preferably find someone whos 2k+ mmr above you and 1v1 him, ask him to point out your mistakes

                              я вова сори

                                5ks pattern, playing in normal skill breket. Genious!!!!!! U are 2-3k player, so please dont be so proud of your timings