General Discussion

General DiscussionLearning Drow Ranger

Learning Drow Ranger in General Discussion

    So I was trying to learn how to Play Drow Ranger and I found her to be pretty fun farming/pushing wise Anyone got any tips for the builds and Play style for her?

    meteor hammer

      do not buy mkb in any game where truestrike is not needed

      the edge cases are so unlikely as to be negligible, and are essentially limited to playing against a 30+ armor hero who suffers from having his animations cancelled, and will build butterfly later


        Play style.Group up and take towers. She can split push Alright and even find pickoff with shadow blade and farm alright but it's not ideal.

        She has a very early power spike where she actually does a lot of dmg. Try to get lvl 12 fast.

        I like prioritizing gust because I like fighting a lot with drow. I feel like that's her strongest spell


          Once u get most outer towers look to take rosh and end the game.

          I'm not as fussy about staying in safelane all game like other safelaners. Sometimes it's better to help the team with a counter gank and a well timed gust plus annoying slow. Even early on in the gMe

          She's one hero I'm not afraid to feed on.


            Ok So I have a Couple things. what Should my late game items For Drow Should be?
            I try to Go mid Drow or should I go safelane? I usually Get Treads First then Dragon Lance then Shadow Blade. What After that? Thx for the help


              After that usually pike or bkb. Not sure what to get cuz games usually over by then lul. Get anything u might need. Butterfly is always good. Diffusal is good as well. Tanky items like skadi and satanic in rarer cases may be good

              Riguma Borusu

                drow is a horrible fucking mid, go safelane


                  Ok thx.


                    at your mmr you can play mid drow, straight rush for shadow blade, gang lines and push towers with team, if your team base on melee heroes (maybe 1 ranged with you) dont max aura, skill it twice and max other skills, manta against slow,silences, pike against melee cores like PA ursa etc, bkb against ton of spells, silver against heroes like LC, bristle, timber etc your final should be like = silver, manta daedalus (1000+crits) pike, and 5th any item like butterfly,bkb,skadi, mjolnier against mass mantas (like you play against 2 heroes with manta/illusions)


                      ^ agree except I wouldn't upgrade Sb Everygame unless against those heroes u mentioned. Manta used to be core item I get on drow but I'm finding it hard to fit it into her current tempo now. Only when necessary.

                      I don't agree that u shd skip aura.

                      Mjolnir build is pretty good if u need a lot of wave clear or if they have a lot of illusions.


                        Question: why you should go SB on drow? Silver edge is understandable, but SB? I didn't see drow as an initiator, and SB is horrible for escaping. Treads aquila (and maybe wand if against spell spammer) into pike is enough repositioning, please correct me

                        I usually do wraith band treads aquila lance yasha pike then the rest are situational depending on circumstances

                        Also agh is fun for pushing fast, better than mjollnir (and mael isn't that reliable alone)

                        Then again, I am only feeder nub with sub 50% wr. Please enlighten me oh dear dotabuff warrior


                          Hm Ok I feel like the Aura And Drow ultimate go Hand in Hand but I think I wouldent have to max it instead put the lvs into Gust and 2 lvs of Frost arrows.

                          Lv 2 Frost arrows lv2 Gust lv 1 Aura Ult. That will be 6lvs lv 7 will be the aura and frost arrows? I think that will work.


                            Early, no need for leveling aura past 1 in my experience. The damage increase is negligible with low agi

                            2-2-1-1 at level 6, then it was interchangeable at next level. If siege was coming, maybe put point on aura. Silence is deadlier than slow on pickoff, except when your team have enough disable. Lv 2/3 frost arrow is enough slow when orb walking


                              Don't skip aura. Usually at lvl 5 u are 2-0-3. Sometimes 2-1-2, sometimes 1-1-3


                                I always get ring of aquila as my first item for some more agility then treads, then Dragonlance The only time i will get a Silveredge is when i'm playing a bristle, WK, Tide or dragon knight. Depending on the enemies line up I would get Manta for some debuffs like silences but if not I go Sange & Yasha every time as drow is really slow and they always try to focus her. a Blink also works really well on her. Once you get these items prioritize agility items and a Crit is really nice and see them melt.


                                  Don't get too aggressive, fast levelling, fast item asap


                                    I believe drow to be one of the most straight-forward carries in the game. You pick her in the ranged-heavy lineup, try not to fuck up the laning stage completely, then gather your team and take objectives, trying to end the game before minute 25. The hardest thing to do is communicate with your team to go woth you and push together. If you get to the point where you need to counter enemy heroes with items you are usualy already losing.




                                        pick drow and tell one of ur teammates to pick vengefull now u can go like that or get the extra speed that troll can provide with his ulty go push towers and finish the game with shit ton of dmg + attack speed (seems good on paper have to test it out lol)


                                          SB on drow to escape :thinking:

                                          주 롄양

                                            Dont take 6% precison aura against pa kappa


                                              I prefer force staff over sb unless the enemy has annoying passives like bb, id go for sb


                                                Shadow blade is a legit escape item guys. I know people will say if u play with good players Bla bla they will have detection. Yea but even in 7k not everyone carries detection and u will at least open more opportunities to make plays and get away it. Of course it won't work if you are completely caught out but the item definitely gives u more ways to escape


                                                  Well I like SB beacuse of the Bonus Damage and the +30 attack speed (or was it +20?) Eather way it works well with the Treads attack speed but at My mmr I usually don't see people getting Dust till like 30mins. It's ok for getting that lone guy that's not where he should be. So I guess Crits will be a Item that will be Good in every game Along with the Situational items like mkb or Silver edge.


                                                    Crit is not an item u get every game


                                                      Look at hero guides section for inspiration on what to build honestly. More importantly is how u play the hero


                                                        Yah I use some guides to help me.


                                                          well builds vary from one person to another, choose a build that fits your playstyle, i have 0% dr win rate

                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            Shadow blade sucks for escaping, everyone with half a brain will carry dust. Until late game when they have no slots. Just get hurricane pike and position well with your gust too and you'll be much better off.

                                                            There are two drow builds basically, one is max agility for aura, single target damage focused. That's items like manta, butterfly, daedulus, satanic, diffusal/skadi. Other one is aghs build with massive aoe which is mjollnir and aghs. I like the aghs one a lot better for fighting, you will destroy teams in team fights, but it's not as good for killing towers and gives your team less aura agility.

                                                            I'd go treads, lance, aquila, hurricane pike, maelstrom, aghs, mjollnir upgrade, butterfly.


                                                              Ah ok I've been trying to learn not to depend on shadow blade as hard now thx

                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                Shadow blade is really good for a pickoff drow and being aggressive. Walk up next to people and hit them with shadowblade opener + your frosty arrows til they die. I don't like playing drow as a ganker though.


                                                                  its very important for positioning in team fights and so certainly cores can't go on you if they know they dont have detection. yes. the ability to escape alone improves your leverage in team fights

                                                                  зачем я начал поиск

                                                                    A very good hero indeed.

                                                                    I would advice you to first pick her and ask for AA/Bane/Venge to lane with you.

                                                                    A beast of a combo! I have alot of trouble playing against such drafts and would be scared to see myself playing against one.

                                                                    Drow Ranger is OP, I'd say.


                                                                      Ok Ill try

                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                        Shadowblade isn't for a "ganking drow" that goes around ganking people, it's for pickoffs before pushing. Basically, you try to find and take out the hero that's the most troublesome to deal with when pushing, and then push 5v4. Kind of the same thing you want to do with shadowfiend, though he's more teamfight focused with his ult.