General Discussion

General DiscussionLoL player started playing Dota. Looking for advices on how to get be...

LoL player started playing Dota. Looking for advices on how to get better in General Discussion
1-IceTea 🌟

    I am pretty sure OP is fishing fish,I dont think any normal human will calibrate at 200mmr.

    btw new page


      I cant tell if youre being serious or this is a troll or some shits, but Ill assume that you really need advices.

      Base from what you stated above, I will answer it point by point:

      1. Owning your lane DOES NOT mean winning a match, there are many factors into it like heroes in your team and in enemy's team, item builds, potential turning around (smoke, ganks, roshan, good teamfight, splitpushing), etc. For an example, team A can have 5 strong laners that can dominate in lane, and team B has weak laners but good in teamfights/ farming up/ pick up ganks; team A will definitely win all lanes, but they could fail in teamfights or going up high ground.

      2. Yes, but not everygame, madness is now good only for some heroes in some situations like sven, luna due to it double edged effect (self-silenced). S&Y is good when you need a little bit of hp, move speed and chance to slow down enemy, situationally buy on lifestealer, troll, gyro, slark. Desolator when you need to hit tower and need the -armor, situationally buy on ursa, lifestealer, phantom assasin.

      3. Yes, they do have their weakness though, slark is weak in lane and tower hitting if he does not get enough Essence's shift and he loses to AOE skills like Enigma's Blackhole, Axe's Berseker's call, Timbersaw. SF is weak in early laning phase where he needs supports to help him getting those last hits to boost up his damage with his soul, and he loses to high burst damage heroes like Lina, QoP.

      4. Personally from my experience, I think that anyone below around 4.5k should not practice heroes that require high skills to play. It's better to practice easy to play heroes to improve your mechanical skill first.

      5. Welcome to Dota2!!

      6. No you cant, unless the different between skill level is too high. Because Dota2 heroes are all over-powered, so that makes most of them balanced. Each hero has their strengths and weaknesses.

      7. No. Buy midas only when you're ahead and you think that you can do your job with it and make sure it does not slow down the pace of the game, since buying midas means you are slowing down your item progress in short run. For an example, Puck these days are going back to midas after blink dagger because she can do her job with just a dagger alone. Or pudge going midas first item because with or without midas his job is still the same, which is hook a hero. Or warlock/phoenix/AA going midas to boost their xp and gold while they still can do their jobs well. Another situation is when you're playing a carry and you're really far behind where you're hopeless and can only hope for your team to hold for you to farm up and for your midas to pay off.

      8. Not sure about <1k bracket, but I'd smurfed in 1k-2k and I saw people buy wards here and there. If you can one day climb up to somewhere around 4k where people start buying more wards, you will realize how important it is. Just 1 ward sometimes can win you the match.


        dude i cant believe that there are people taking him seriously

        i've played with diamond/challenger lol players before, even without any knowledge of the game, they can dumpster anyone <4k with just mechanics

        it's not a matter of different game = harder, if you're 99.99% percentile in CS GO, even if you go play rainbow six siege, you're still gonna do relatively well even if you know nothing about it

        are you people looking down on lol or something

        white boy summer

          check his profile, he basically goes 20+/3 every game he was just joking to get low ass mmr i guess

          Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

            I'm being dead-serious. This account wasn't only used by me. Multiple people used it for Dota 2 purposes in the playground. At some point I kept it and started playing.

            Thanks for advices Farry Devil!

            Cheap Laugh Guy

              Calibrated around 1k and lost game until 3-digit number
              The previous players are impressive I must say

              Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                They are mostly LoL kids from the playground. :) Wanted to try-out Dota.


                  like I said, i can't tell if he's being serious or trolling, but if he's actually serious about it, then I at least helped someone out. If he's just trolling, then let it be. I don't lose anything from answering his questions anyway since it's saturday and I have nothing to do lol.

                  Although it's kinda hard to believe a diamond/challenger could become a <1k, but looking at his profile I think he's serious because he's been stomping all his games recently but his item builds are so bad, which match with what he has been claiming all these time.

                  Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)


                    Elaborate my bad itembuilds, that'd be helpful. Ty :)


                      > 4. Personally from my experience, I think that anyone below around 4.5k should not practice heroes that require high skills to play. It's better to practice easy to play heroes to improve your mechanical skill first.

                      What are these heroes in your opinion?


                        If he really was trolling and went through all those games buying those items which slow down his victories like 20-30 mins every game just to trick everyone including me, then let he does what he likes.


                          @Fishy Fish 1. saw from previous comments where you said you buy quelling blade first item. I would say 99% of the time quelling blade first item hurts your laning phase a lot. 2. personally i dont like Mask of Madness on Jugg, not sure what's the order of yout items but MoM basically silence you for 8 secs when jugg has his spin as an escape mechanism, silencing yourself in teamfight is not an ideal situation. This goes with your SF build too. SF is a very low base armor hero, activating MoM reduces his armor for anoterh 5. Im not sure what type of armor it reduces, but I guess it's hero armor type, which is kinda bad against physical atk heroes like drow. And I guess you've been missing some kills with SF's razes because you mis-timed your MoM's duration and enemy got away because you were silenced when razes were off cd


                            And getting battlefury slows down your game pace quit a lot, with your skill you could've won all these matches a lot earlier if you didnt buy battlefury. And I'm not sure whether you bought early game items and sold it out or not, but I don't see you buy anything like stick aquilla, etc. I could list out quite a few more but i guess item build is not that important for you as of now, since your skill level is far beyond your MMR. so whatever you buy, there would be no negative side from it.

                            Lahai Roi

                              Owning your lane DOES NOT mean winning a match, there are many factors into it like heroes in your team and in enemy's team, item builds, potential turning around (smoke, ganks, roshan, good teamfight, splitpushing)

                              This is misleading and shitty dude. Most games are decided at the laning phase. Its just a matter of capitalizing on the advantage and ending the game quickly.


                                @The One my "high skill requirement" heroes might be different from most people, since i believe some heroes are mechanically easy to play but they are not straight forward as in how to be good at it. I would say heroes like invoker tinker meepo storm wr naga require good mechanical skills to play, I've never seen anyone in low 4k and below good at these heroes (assuming no smurf).

                                Or even ursa am clinkz which I see people around 3k are having a bad understanding about them. A lot of players play Ursa and Clinkz as early-mid game heroes but when their snowball doesn't go well, they don't know how to farm back up because their mindset is that "Ursa/clinkz is an early mid game hero, I cannot farm, I have to hit people and hit building", which will lead them to death and lost. Or AM where people are playing him like "I'm a farming carry, I'm not contributing to ANY early teamfights even though, they could have gotten some kills from good fights."


                                  @Hermione Granger I see, that's why back then when I was smurfing people were calling GG 5-10 mins into the game when they were losing lanes. Maybe I should try AFKing my games whenever i lose my lane, since I have no chance to win anyway.

                                  Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                    thanks for tips :) I just lost game as Inv.. I can't win with this hero. ffs


                                      No problem :) I cannot win games with the hero as well lol. I had fun commenting in dotabuff forum for the very first time because I saw that everyone thinks that you're trolling and most of them don't actually try to help you out. I might not be very good at this game comparing to high 5k or 6k, but I think i can help you out with basic knowledge of the game

                                      Lahai Roi

                                        lmfao dude thats not my point. The point is that you higher the chances of winning YOUR games against scrubs by smashing your lane.
                                        You saying games are not won at the laning phase makes it seem like winning laning phase doesn't matter so much. But if you want consistent high winrate you need to win your lane every single game.


                                          Where did i say it doesn't matter much, I said winning lane does not mean winning the game, just to answer OP because he thinks that winning lanes translate into winning the game. I would say 70% of the game is based on laning phase, but winning or losing it doesnt mean you've won/lost the game. This is why when BSJ coaches, he focuses mainly on laning mechanics. (BSJ Fangay here)


                                            Thx fatty. Your comments are always welcome here. Ppl who have at least basic knowledge of this game are in short supply.



                                              This is a good example of losing lane doesnt mean losing the game. It's my smurf ID that I used to play it for playing heroes I dont usually play. I was timber offlane with zeus against huskar +1 cannot remember who it was, probably necro. I lost the lane so bad but I farmed up and went 1v5 because of different skill level. I just want to tell OP that while laning phase does mean a lot but it doesn't mean everything in Dota2, so he won't go AFK or giving up after losing his lanes or throwing after winning his lanes

                                              Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                                Soon 500 MMR guys. BIG MILESTONE!

                                                Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                  It would be a BIG MILESTONE if a person drops to 500 MMR


                                                    lol how can u even be excited climbing sub 1k mmr and stomping everygame. obviously no one truly belongs in sub 1k except people very new to gaming in general

                                                    Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                                      IM VERY EXITED! IM ABOUT TO DIE just out of pure hapiness


                                                        gl on your road to 5000 mmr


                                                          btw ur a great player getting that stats with invoker when u dont even pick him that much wp man btw i expect u to atleast get 3k since players suck and if u play the game alot u can get 5-6-7k btw i want to ask u what game is better lol or dota 2 since i havent played lol yet

                                                          Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                                            I've practiced at least in lobby everyhero I played. It's not like I pick Invoker or any other hero before I try it out for a few minutes(at least).

                                                            We lost Invoker game because I went nuts and tried to kill them in their base. :o

                                                            For me it's LoL, because you can get away with much more stupid shit than in Dota. And it's just faster game, which suits my playstyle.


                                                              Im starting playing LoL and im learning basics mechanics of LoL, The first thing you will notice its that not every hero has 5 Abilities like in LoL, so, you are not going to be Spelling Abilities at every moment like in LoL, Other thing its that in Lol you always upgrade one level of each ability and then you max one, but in DotA you must know how to upgrade your abilities, Farming in LoL its way easier than in DotA, in LoL you only in the enemies creeps, in DotA YOU MUST be interested in your creeps and in enemies creeps, deny as much you can. In LoL if you are Tank you always go to top, if you are ADC or APC you always go Bot, but in Dota it depends in wich team you are, if you are tank in Radiant you go top, but if you are Dire you go bot if you are Tank. Farming at the jungle its way different from LoL, there you dont know when neutrals are going to appear Excepting Dragons and Nashort, here in DotA neutral creeps Spawn in this version every minute, so you can stack them to not losing gold, experience and the most important thing TIME.
                                                              I hope this will help you


                                                                @Hermione Granger

                                                                if u lose ur lane u wont lose game. actually if u let a lineup like jakiro undying offlane drop your tower in 5-10 mins u gonna get free farm under t2 tower and rotate to jungle then u can see if u can kill someone after a key level or item. whereas if u stay in lane not to "lose" the lane u gonna have no gold no item then they gonna dive and kill u.


                                                                  This is misleading and shitty dude. Most games are decided at the laning phase. Its just a matter of capitalizing on the advantage and ending the game quickly.

                                                                  I wonder how I win my games although I lane like a 500 mmr :thinking:


                                                                    the fastest way to get out of the 500mmr is playing riki, bloodseeker ( or meepo , you can just end the game at 21-25~ minutes).


                                                                      WAOW OP is stomping hard holy shit, this just really proves that you have much better mechanical skill than that bracket level because your are stomping even with less optimal item builds.

                                                                      @OP why don't you try playing support in that bracket I believe you will be still stomp hard..


                                                                        Pinoy englandski ayy

                                                                        Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                                                          Honestly I'm slowly losing focus. Starting to die a lot because I'm getting bored. So I'll probably take a break day or two, or until I get back my motivation.

                                                                          Then I'll try supporting(maybe).

                                                                          mr. rabbit

                                                                            hey op someone mentioned it in this thread but how do jungle spawns work for non-buffs anyway

                                                                            in league btw hahAA


                                                                              even a 1k will stomp at that level

                                                                              Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)


                                                                                I don't care about that, honestly, but why do I have impression that you try so hard to be smart-ass guy?


                                                                                  Cuz I'm jacked

                                                                                  Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                                                                    Fair enough. :)

                                                                                    Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                                                                      600 MMR guys, road to 1k is real.

                                                                                      I've tried focusing more on denies first few minutes, this is what I got


                                                                                      Od left after a while tho.


                                                                                        Why do you play dota 2 if you don't like it? I never play games I don't like, like lol for example...god forbid going to meet up with lol community at some obscure forums...(You are losing so much precious time here, you should invest it in game you like and become better player there).

                                                                                        Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                                                                          I never said I don't like the game.


                                                                                            Do u want to skip 1k. I'll give you a 3k account

                                                                                            Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                                                                              Nah I'm fine. It's fun playing here.

                                                                                              mr. rabbit

                                                                                                @jacked were u going to give my account to him


                                                                                                  But you're 2k


                                                                                                    Like bws


                                                                                                      im 3000