General Discussion

General Discussionpretending scenario

pretending scenario in General Discussion

    lets say u pick anti mage in ranked game were people are so srx about winning the game and u getting raped hard in lane and rest of ur team aswell lossing their lanes and enemy is about to group up and start taking towers and rax
    what should ur items build be like to start fighting instead of afk farming / split pushing keep in mind they have 3 nukes + 1 disable in their team while ur team lack nukes and disables
    apply the same scenario to:
    sven / slark (safelane)
    axe / timber / bristle / LC offlane
    thanks in advance thro that scenario i only want to get idea how high mmr player would react to that and what they can do to win the game back

    all role player

      in some high mmr game i watched. even if the am got raped so hard he is still split pushing because high mmr know they team can hold HG not like low mmr picking anti mage everygame with team that didnt give a shit about defending and farm jungle instead


        @lelouch so what you can do at that situation when ur team cant def HG that's exactly why i asked this question cuz am 100% sure they wont stall or hold the HG at all so i'd have to fight too