General Discussion

General Discussiontips for storm spirit

tips for storm spirit in General Discussion
deep name + dark anime pfp

    please from higher mmr and people who can actually play the hero

    < blank >

      What tips are you looking for?
      Why should I put effort into answering you if you don't even put effort into setting up real questions?

      fuck you


        Step 1 : ban anti-fun

        one syllable anglo-saxon

          dont jump on people unless ure 101% sure theyre alone and u can get awayon ur feet after u kill them, if u die twice after bs ure gonna hate urserlf

          one syllable anglo-saxon

            also chickening out in fight until u get a perfect opporunity is alright, its not worth it to risk dying for winning a fight because of the way bloodstone works unless its a game deciding fight i.e suiciding into enemy cores who dont have buyback

            Dune, the Desert Planet

              Make sure you use every Overload.

              Toggle PT properly when you use Soul Ring.

              Farm woods, stack camps yourself and ask team to stack. Scout enemy stacks.

              Take Wards from supports since you can place them deep with lesser risk of dying.

              When you are ganking from fountain, after you TP to tower use Bottle while ultying towards your target.

              Make sure you hit ppl with ulty.

              You can delay or skip Orchid in some games.

              Linken and/or BKB are must in some games. So is Eul. So is Shivas. Start with Platemail if you need armor.

              When jumping AM with Aghs, use Eul/Hex/pull while in ulty so you trigger Spell Shield but do not reflect the spell back, since you are invulnerable.

              If you're caught out w/o mana just deny yourself instantly. No need to risk getting chain disable and giving gold and XP.

              You can actually deny with BS to heal your team during HG push. (lul) and come back with BoTs. (extremely situational) but BS heals insane amount if you have lots of charges.

              When defending, do the Ball TP stuff.

              Dune, the Desert Planet

                Just random stuff, take it with a grain of salt.

                BTW k-i-l-l yourself is banned term. LUL In case some1 is wondering I used that phrase instead of deny.

                Yung Beethoven

                  ^^ he already mentioned a lot.

                  If you are jumping on ppl, always jump behind them so they have to turn which gives you time to hit them use your abilities or even jump behind them again. Abuse their turnrate as often as possible