General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion about Account Buying

Question about Account Buying in General Discussion
Yung Beethoven

    Hello guys,

    several times i saw people complaining about how "this dude 100% bought his account", "this dude got boosted" etc. etc.

    My question is: Can you really confirm that someone you know bought an Account? im NOT Talking about confirmations like: "yeah i had a dude in my team who was so bad that he cant be in my bracket".

    Dont give me presumptions. I want valid confirmation.

    I just want to know how many account boosters/buyers there really are. Cuz certainly there are some, but surely not as many as ppl claim there to be.

    In conclusion: Has there been any person you know (even better if personally know him/her) who bought an account or got his account boosted?


      i see like 1 in 200 games

      they're very obvious, 100-200 gpm, basically all losses, never any kills etc.

      people in 4-6k are just full of themselves and can't accept their teammates are as good as they are, so they dehumanize them by putting them a title of ''account buyer''


        Look for his recent matches, if he basically have retarded win rate(<42%) and spams a single hero but never changes his item build regardless of enemy lineup, there you have it, an account buyer..

        Potato Marshal

          I did remember seeing a mid OD in my low 4k games once who only played like 5 games, rushed a hood of defiance, and just overall played like shit. Though that's really more of an issue of matchmaking and calibration. That's really the only extremely egregious example I could think of recently where a player clearly didn't belong in that level.

          disgusting weebs

            everybody i know were boosted by blunt at one point or another

            зачем я начал поиск


              You check the All Time Winrate tab in Scenarios and notice a big, stable and sudden drop since a certain time point.

              Check GPM/XPM/KDA and each of them repeating the trend would raise my confidence of a bought account to near 100%.


                @.Zab, a very good example
                This guy was 5k mmr

                Mlada i Luda

                  well all my dota friends are also my real friends and recently half of them bought an acc. with 4k + . the irony is that they rarely get detected from other players, while theyr real skill is less than 2k lul.


                    the truth is you bought 2 accounts at way higher mmr than you deserve and hence both your accounts are dogshit with 30% winrate even at 2k


                      looking at one game is hard to tell. sometimes ppl just play bad or look out of place on a hero. but it happens from time to time.

                      Othertimes u may be extremely suspicious based on certain peculiarities. u can't just say, oh that guys feeding, he's an account buyer. the only time i ever got suspicious of a person just from the way he looked like he had no idea what he was doing, i checked his profile and he had like 30% winrate and weird account activity. which is enough to raise suspicion of it. i wouldn't say it confirms it.

                      because you'd need something obvious like, whole periods of extremely high winrate in a different server, followed by extended period of losses.


                        perosnally know none
                        i see 1 in 1000 games, except mb some ppl who bought an account 500-1000 mmr above their rating and are hard to notice


                          also, don't listen to mafioso and his whole troop of account buyer friends who ruin 2k games. lmao. he has a tendency to look at closed data and misrepresent the facts. he is basically illogical rat that operates on emotions and pseudo logic. i would say the actual probability of encountering real account buyers in your game, given the number of active players, is probably very low.

                          Mlada i Luda

                            lol, this is the older acc of 1 of my friends that recently bought a 4k+ acc, and this is lower mmr than my main but BS is much better is 9500 thats why im playing in this acc, cause iplay party with 1 or 2 friends almost always and if i play with my main bs is 6000 and we always end up having 2 toxic retards in team and i was used with it kinda but my friends cant handle it for shit lol. dont forget people this game is for entertainment and having fun , if you not enjoying the game why fuck you need that higher imaginary number that you all try hard for it so much?!!!!!!!


                              This week:

                              MATCH DURATION
                              WIN RATE
                              KDA RATIO


                                in 2k


                                  im struggling to see how you're blatant denial of ownership means you are any less shit than you already are.

                                  i mean ive played alot of party for shits and giggles. bad behaviour score, good behaviour score whatever. ive memed hard on party games. yet you dont see me using that as an excuse for sucking so fucking hard in 2k bracket. lmao

                                  Mlada i Luda

                                    well jacked i dont know on what researches your basing your arguments since you not given any info here, but i did not say anything about the number how acc buyers can be around . as yo ucan see the question was if yo ucan confrim that someone you know bought an acc. and thats waht im doing since i have a lsot of real friends that play dota, im confirming that many of them bought a 4k+ acc, 3 of them bought from the same person and they payed cheaper, its not my fault that yo uahve no real friends and the only answer you give it commes from your imaginary world that your brain creates for you.


                                      birds of the same feather flock together. well, you are basically implying, or indirectly giving others the impression, that you and your circle of friends are some sort of accurate representation of reality. but u should not have posted anything about your own experiences because you and your friends are an extremely shitty representation of the normal population. that's all im trying to get at.

                                      im actually pretty sure u bought your accounts and play together with all your boosted friends and thats why u lose so hard on your 2 normal skill accounts.


                                        If you go to their dotabuff and see that their first 100-200 games were on an entirely different server than what they are playing on now, usually means they boosted/ bought their account.

                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                          are hard to notice

                                          Huehuehue im still safe in VHS

                                          Mlada i Luda

                                            well i have to admit your partly right , yes indeed thats the reason im loosig mostly of my party games in my 2.5 k, cause the average its about 4k, andi have 2-3 fake 4k players on team cause they bought acc lol, actually 1 of them is completely new in dota his not even 1k for real lol, and yeah i was almost to buy a 4k acc to cause the price was to cheap , my 3 friends bought 3 acc for 50 euro in total from a guy in nepal lol, but i waited to see from them if it worths bying it, and decided to not cause mostly them have regret for it cause they saw they dont belong there and can play against 4k for shit lul. now they stuck in playing party and droping my party mmr into 1.5 from 2.8 cause they still have 3.5 k party mmr and the games are never balanced lol. still to much fun to play those games though


                                              you are boosted shit fucking kid who bought his account just a fucking pathetic fucking dogshit fucking player


                                                ^ you are very good at writing alot but actually not writing anything

                                                Yung Beethoven

                                                  Can you guys stop this flame shit in this post. Thanks.

                                                  And to everyone else: Guys i wanted valid confirmations (facts). i dont want to know how you guys "detect" (which is obviously an assumption, not a fact) accountbuyers. I want to know if you REALLY KNOW PEOPLE who bought an account.

                                                  Thanks to Mafioso and Triplesteal.

                                                  Does anyone else know some account buyers / boosters?

                                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                                    -Different server
                                                    -Abrupt hero pool change
                                                    -Stability in terms of mmr into constant loss
                                                    -Inactivity into sudden high amount of games
                                                    -Follows trench meta

                                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                                      I know some people who bought 4k account and they tend to spam their "best heroes" to survive there, although to no avail


                                                        BWS was gifted a mid 3k acct and he is basically still a 2k player in my eyes.

                                                        Yung Beethoven

                                                          @Jacked is that an assumption or is that a real confirmation? Has he got an 3k account as a gift?


                                                            yes. he brought it up to 3.8k

                                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                                              Fix = I was 2k flat when I was gifted the 3k flat account
                                                              1k mmr difference shouldn't be that hard to survive on unless you're a special kind of delusional retard

                                                              chicken spook,,,,

                                                                I am sure people like Alice, Haffy, Renshin, etc can confirm this

                                                                Yung Beethoven

                                                                  So a lot of ppl get their account gifted it seems. How about buying, do you guys know ppl who buy them? And do you know the price?

                                                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                                                    4-4.5k was about 10 to 13$ here
                                                                    I think the price has gone up ever since the 3.5k limit cap introduction

                                                                    зачем я начал поиск

                                                                      I know a guy, who boosts accounts on Broodmother and another one, who boosts 5k+ accounts with Broodmother, I mean, like, 5000-5000 or 6000-6500 kinds of boosts.

                                                                      Played like 5-7 games w/him in party stacks:

                                                                      Former has a 6300 main and a popular Twitch streamer, latter has 7100 main acc and a semipro player, both are Brood spammers and are in top-100 on the hero mastery ladder.

                                                                      Sometimes they calibrate, boost and sell accs.
                                                                      Live off of small tournaments, streams, boosts and money from sold accounts.

                                                                      зачем я начал поиск

                                                                        Tbh, like 60% of all popular Russian Dota 2 streams are players boosting accounts, talking shit and analysing the game, what they do and how. It is very common.


                                                                          @coroner just add "fucking" after each word and it looks like u wrote a book while there's like 4 actual words in it.

                                                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                                                            just fucking add fucking "fucking" fucking after fucking each fucking word fucking and fucking it fucking looks fucking like fucking u fucking wrote fucking a fucking book fucking while fucking there's fucking like fucking 4 fucking actual fucking words fucking in fucking it.

                                                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                                                              amazing!!!!!!!! book writers dont want u to read this!!!!!!!! real poets hate him!!!!!!!!!!!




                                                                                  I will never forget this game

                                                                                  When this guy first picked brood and there was '' in his name I understood that something isnt clear here so I checked his profile in game and he had 800-900 gpm/xpm avg for 20 last games. Then I checked his profile on dotabuff and saw a page full of victories on broodmother with score like 30/0/30.

                                                                                  Eventually I found out that it was some russian 7k player who was boosting this account from 3k to 4.5k. As I see now, the original owner either dropped dota or locked dotabuff.


                                                                                    ZaB heres the prove:
                                                                                    check this games.
                                                                                    now check this video:
                                                                                    this guy literally boosted himself with lobby matchmaking - u know the one u queue at low-population servers with different game modes which impossible to make you que with normal people.-
                                                                                    so thats how he reached vhs bracket and calibrated as 4.7k+
                                                                                    also this video published at february now this guy is at 3k.

                                                                                    so i hope that convinced you about acc buyers.



                                                                                        I bough this account


                                                                                          sad life u can get 3k acc's for free :[


                                                                                            Then give me one please afag[:

                                                                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                              u can get 3k acc's for free :[

                                                                                              can confirm LMAO
                                                                                              plus u need a goddamn 1-2k acc instead of 3k alright

                                                                                              Yung Beethoven

                                                                                                @executive supervisor you never had to convince me. I just wanted to know how many there really are.

                                                                                                well after all everyone has "Seen" boosted ppl or ppl who bought an acc, but in the end there are not many ppl who actually know ppl who got boosted / bought an acc.


                                                                                                  ^ i only know a guy doing it as a job, he has 7.5k mmr and he thinks hes able to boost people even above 7k.
                                                                                                  actually he did boost one of his friends to 7k from 5.6k.
                                                                                                  but generally your right its hard to understand whos boosted or not. mmr brackets are so mixed in these days. thats why people saying omg acc buyer or etc. that much.
                                                                                                  i think as a dota 2 community we should acknowledge that sometimes people who you queued with might not be in good mood and they might do stupid stuffs which makes you mad, we shouldnt label them as acc buyer. i was indeed labeling people as acc buyers before. but i stopped it for me its boring and hurts myself cuz no one cares.
                                                                                                  well now its impossible to dodge this type of people even you really queued with acc buyers. so i must say looks like valve wants us to accept this and move on.

                                                                                                  Yung Beethoven

                                                                                                    Well obviously there is no way to stop account buyers. maybe if the account was bound to a certain adress ( but that wouldnt work i guess ).

                                                                                                    after all, i think most of the ppl labeld as account buyers are probably ppl who have a bad day or did something dumb, which everyone does from time to time


                                                                                                      sometimes you see people with abnormally large party mmr in average mmr range, and i think it's likely that they baught their acc and dropped the solo rank. like i play in 3k, i see this guy with 4k party mmr shown on his profile. let him go mid, and he has low impact in the game and below 500 gpm.

                                                                                                      i myself had a 4k acc onc (traded), and i dropped 1k mmr, but i improved a lot in the process so i dont hate account buyers myself.

