General Discussion

General DiscussionJuggernaut

Juggernaut in General Discussion

    What's much better Battlefury at min 15 or Diffusal blade at min 15 , why do people prefer diffu rather than bf on jugg this days , i think bf is still much good because u can flash farm, any thoughts guys :rage:


      Never get Battlefury.
      If you get a hardcore farming item, get Maelstorm.

      Jugg will benefit more from Agility items (and general attack speed items) than he will from raw damage (in most cases).


        yeah, i don't know man i really suck on jugg 22.22% wr like i dont know whats happening. i suck

        1-IceTea 🌟

          Why only this 2 options when I can 13mit BF?


            I wonder how can you compare a 4500 gold item with 3150 gold item at the same minute mark....🤔


              @fattydevil Hahahahahahahahah i dont know man ahahahahahah




                  Seemsbad :(

                  chicken spook,,,,


                    chicken spook,,,,

                      But it doesn't matter what item you buy since you'll still most likely lose with a juggernaut on your team


                        if u go the farming build its manta mjollnir abyssal (maybe blink somewhere in there)
                        if u dont then go diffusal blink after manta


                          @hime "most likely lose with a jugger on your team" feelsadman.


                            Bf is fine, situational though.
                            Gives him farming as well as some much needed hp and mana regen. Also goes well with your ult.
                            Just because the "meta" may have favored another build does not mean the old build is bad.
                            Also, you cannot compare the items for a 15 minute mark since they is a 1k gold difference

                            chicken spook,,,,

                              I have like 40% jugg winrate this patch rofl lmao

                              chicken spook,,,,

                                BF jugg is fine, but not an every game thing


                                  Jugg is kinda like a stable carry. but he's secretly bad and no one realizes it


                                    Yea jugg has a lot of exotic and versatile items builds.


                                      I would say Aether lens > Radiance > SB is the best build on jugg. This match of my smurf proved that this new meta build works

                                      Or if you don't like that, there's a situational build Aether lens > Armlet > Medallion

                                      So.. why aether lens?? Because Jugg lacks of mana pool and aether lens solve that for him, furthermore, the spell amp is so good with his Spin and Radiance. Not only that, the 200 cast range also helps him to be in a better position. Have you ever died in teamfights because you tried to ult someone but that person was too far from you? Aether lens is the answer.

                                      Why armlet?? Because it gives Jugg all the tankiness he needs, PLUS armlet toggle is super good since health is not an issue for jugg because he has healing ward to heal himself up, so you're not going to run out of health from armlet's active


                                        i agree, this is the most optimal build^, it's just that lowbie scrubs have to go for bfury or diffusal because they're too noob to execute it.

                                        I was gonna include it in one of my guides, but i thought it'd be too complicated for low mmr players, but really worth if you practice it 10-20 matches first.

                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                          but he's secretly bad and no one realizes it

                                          I learned about it the hard way



                                            Riguma Borusu

                                              not sure if trolling or genius


                                                @fatty devil @cuckie


                                                  are you stupid?

                                                  bfury has 51% winrate and so does diffusal

                                                  radiance has 66.6%

                                                  BSJ. LGD

                                                    pretty sure you buy rod of atos recipe every game for that 100% winrate

                                                    Erdal Kömürcü

                                                      i d choose diffusal blade for early kills but if you want to farm faster then get maelstorm not bf its more useful on jugger imo


                                                        bf is a highly suboptimal item for jugg
                                                        diffu first aint that good either, u normally rush manta after aquila/stout/sticks/raindrop/whatever else


                                                          Bf in less than 15 min is still so strong. Even getting a regen ring at 2 min. U have a permanent tango activated. I think bfury is still a good item ho heroes like jugg and pa.


                                                            12-13 minutes is a good battlefury time if you'd be lucky enough you can get it at 8-11 too


                                                              in the last year in 5k+ games i saw 2 bf-s on pa, both times against meepo, and 1 on jugg, cz he was a pretty bad carry player.
                                                              that pretty much dummarizes the utility of this item on all heroes except antimage.


                                                                I think more comparable would be Battle fury or aghs around the same timing. And if you're going Aghs, you're going the only right build, the only way to play the hero. kappa


                                                                  Bfury is fine vs some heroes like AM/Meepo. Just don't be a retard and go BF first item, you want to go phase+aquila+yasha->bfury.


                                                                    when do you go mael/mjol on jugger?


                                                                      Battlefury is ok on jugg below 4k imo


                                                                        You people are saying it like it's the worst item, only am can make use of battlefury's potential that doesn't mean it's bad on jugg there was a time when jugg battlefury is a thing it's at least than the time when battlefury is believed to increased crit damage in a sense it does since it givet damage


                                                                          Cookie went battlefury in all his games pretty much. Such a fucking arsehole.


                                                                            cuckie is trolling every one on every thread, Seemsbad.


                                                                              im pretty sure MoM yasha halberd eagle song talisman of evasion is better

                                                                              chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                Nah best build is radiance octarine manta mjolnir agha


                                                                                  15 min diffusal????


                                                                                    Radi > Blink > Shotgun > Shivas > Octarine


                                                                                      ^I disagree on the shotgun .... 10/10 wouldnt know how to build

                                                                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                        Veil aether radi force staff shiva blade fury talent for beyblade gaming

                                                                                        Story Time

                                                                                          troll thread... just dont pick juggger this patch or gg