General Discussion

General DiscussionSolar crest

Solar crest in General Discussion

    How does it works now? I used it on PA, as lycan and none of my attack was miss, explain the mechanic plz


      really makes you think :thinking:

      Potato Marshal

        Grants percentage true strike, so it drastically lowers miss chance from evasion, blind, and low ground ranged attacks.


          Yeah, but how does accuracy works? Is it just takes 35%(i think) of PA's blur, so it only gives 15% evasion?


            Yeah, but how does accuracy works? Is it just takes 35%(i think) of PA's blur, so it only gives 15% evasion?


              pretty sure that it takes 35% out of 50%

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                It gives you 35% accuracy. Which means when you are attacking the Shined enemy target, you will have 35% chance to proc a True Strike. Some people think it lowers the evasion of the target, but it doesn't really change the evasion value. It's not 50%-35% = 15% evasion, no.

                It's just 35% of your attacks are bound to hit the target(the attack is a True Strike and cannot miss)
                To make this clear, we use Tinker because no evasion will be involved.
                1. Tinker's Laser hits you and you will miss all your attacks
                2. You cast Solar Crest on Tinker(Tinker has no evasion items or whatsoever)
                3. You hit Tinker for 3 times, and one of them proc the True Strike and hits him
                Grats, we've learnt something new today!

                So when you attack the PA, and all of them landed, there are two possibilities combined, you hit PA normally + you hit PA when the her evasion proc(which means you should miss) but at the same time you proc your Shine's True Strike, thus the attack landed.
                So you were pretty lucky.


                  Oh okay, thanks for the explanation bro


                    ure just overexplaining the thing i said with one sentence

                    Potato Marshal

                      It's not complicated, you have a 35% chance of landing a true strike. What's so confusing about that?

                      Dire Wolf

                        Let's see if I calc it right, you have a 65% chance of not true striking, and of those PA has 50% evasion so you have a 32.5% chance to miss? half of 65%?

                        Other way works too, 35% of the 50% of attacks PA evades will be true strikes, or 17.5%. 50% - 17.5% = 32.5% effective evasion.

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          35% of the time, your hits will connect. The other 65% of the time, 50% of them will miss. Thus you have 67.5% chance to hit PA.


                            lol i actually try to think how to calculate the effective chance of hiting PA and my brain start to hurt

                            Potato Marshal

                              Think about it like this, 100 hits are delivered on a pa with an enemy solar crest shine. 50 of those hits are randomly calculated as evaded. Then randomly 35 of those 100 hits are calculated as true strike hits. Those hits that are calculated as both evasion and true strike are successful hits.

                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                chance to hit + acc. percentage * evason = final chance to hit

                                .5 + .5 * .35 = .675


                                  so how many hits land? somehow goat's explanation doesnt seem right

                                  white boy summer

                                    he basically just said it: 0.675 which translates to 67.5%, so pa has 32.5% evasion. seems weak since it takes her an ability slot and she has a low hp to compensate, and a talisman gives 20% (?) basically a poor man's bloodthorn

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      he's right he's just saying it in an order that confuses you. If you say PA dodges half your attacks and of those 35% are truestrikes and still hit, he's saying it in reverse order and using negatives, 65% are not truestrikes, and half of those are dodged.


                                        Basically there are four cases:
                                        Solar truestrike procs and blur procs: 0.35*0.5 = 0.175 -> You hit and this occurs 17.5% of the time
                                        Solar truestrike procs and blur doesn't proc: 0.35*0.5 = 0.175 -> You hit and this occurs 17.5% of the time
                                        Solar truestrike doesn't proc and blur procs: 0.65*0.5 = 0.325 -> You miss and this occurs 32.5% of the time
                                        Solar truestrike doesn't proc and blur doesn't proc: 0.65*0.5 = 0.325 -> You hit and this occurs 32.5% of the time

                                        So the 3 cases where you hit add up to: 17.5+17.5+32.5 = 67.5% of all your attacks hit
                                        Only one case where you miss, so you'll miss 32.5% of attacks.

                                        Goatfish calculated right, this is just the full method for those who are curious.


                                          i fucking knew that as soon as someone started digging into it, there's gonna be 20 paragraphs about how it's calculated so everyone can show off how good they are at solving third grade math


                                            17% = 100%



                                              Not third grade. As far as I know this isn't even taught at school level (although syllabus probably varies between countries). Its only appears easy because its a 50% chance on blur. I'm not trying to show off I'm just explaining it because not everyone covers probability and some people are actually curious as to how it works out.

                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                I think you guys are confused, this isn't probability, it's a fucking multiplication problem.



                                                    Why are u guys trying to make 0.5+0.5*0.35 look so hard


                                                      seems only maverick explained it right.


                                                      you know its not just simple 'math'. it's about how you break down the mechanic into its component. even if you got your figure correct im suspicious that u really understand whats going on here.

                                                      i mean if i were your teacher and this was a question in a math exam, i'd give you all 0 marks.


                                                        some of you basically quote what solar does, and assume that it is self-explanatory. wtf

                                                        Potato Marshal

                                                          I'm guessing the confusion stems from people not understanding whether the 35% truestrike chance is calculated from hits that have the potential to miss, or all hits in general.


                                                            yes. so potential to hit and potential to miss are independent of each other. so how do u combine both to get the effective miss/hit chance


                                                              Close this thread please more , Maverick explained it super well and that's more than enough, no more shit posts including mine!