General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do teammates force me to do shit?

Why do teammates force me to do shit? in General Discussion

    I've been playing Nature's Prophet recently and I believe I am somewhat good with him, but in every game I have played him in everyone tells me that I should jungle before I even lock in the hero. And when we get in-game they all "remind" me to max treants first, rush Necronomicon, Vlads and Deso and just push. Why is that?

    Note: When you look at my recent games don't look at that Meepo game... My friend randomed Meepo and asked if I wanted him, and that was my first game ever with him.


      Trash hero


        if u were a prophet in my game i'd tel you first to go kill y.ourself for picking that hero, then i'd tell you not to jungle


          Nature's Prophet in Normal skill bracket can litteraly win the game alone.

          one syllable anglo-saxon

            point of the thread


              I usually know the game is lost when I get a furion on my point telling him what to do....also to op they tell you what to do because of their horrible experience with midas aghs nature prophet players that keep feeding treants to enemy carry. not saying aghs midas is horrible but you gotta know when to do it


                I personally max treants last and never get Aghs, because for the money you can get a way better DPS item.


                  mute them and do your thing.

                  if you suck, you'll lose (and learn from it).

                  if you're good, you'll win.

                  зачем я начал поиск

                    Not sure, if this thread is serious or a joke.

                    주 롄양

                      mkb+bloodthrone a bit too greed :<


                        It really depends on how pro-active around map you are. Unlike most junglers NP can sucessfuly snipe couriers and help out on ganks consistently, if you do that great, but if you afk jungle until you get your items fuck you and KYS


                          @remember when I kick you

                          I got mkb after I had gotten my orchid and maelstrom and realized that Troll wasn't building one yet so I built one and then built Bloodthorn from orchid. That game was 73 minutes long so I had the time and it was my first megas comeback.

                          зачем я начал поиск

                            I look through your matches and they appear to me as some kind of insanity-fest or mental asylum-tier gaming.

                            I mean, now I kinda get, how you win with your skillbuilds.

                            If you were not in 1k, you'd lose over and over. Not to mention that 4 games is too little of a time to make any conclusions even for 1k.


                              Exactly why I am using him to get out of 1k. Doom in that last game was apparently too stupid to buy a QB and I'll I did was Tp in, Q and then right click. Clock work was smart enough to buy a Force Staff.

                              And those games were Int Ranked so that was probably why they were the insane-asylum tier...

                              And if you have tips to improve on my NP then by all means share...

                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                  id suggest pressing ctrl+E at the start of ur game sir, try it


                                    why would u max treants last tho. dafuq

                                    死の恐怖 Haseo

                                      u don't know how to play the hero