General Discussion

General Discussion12 year dota veteran looking for a competitive clan

12 year dota veteran looking for a competitive clan in General Discussion
casual gamer

    Jdf do you have some laning tips? I noticed that I lack the ability to quickly notice good trade potentials and exploit it but I might miss out other things that I should improve on

    a few things but honestly i coasted through most of the laning phases against good players because tinker is arguably the best hero for securing cs brainlessly

    small things help like knowing that you can throw a hit before the creep is in deny range, and it will be in deny range from creep attacks when your hit actually lands

    pulling creep aggro right before your creep is in cs range so that their creeps stop hitting your creeps and they miss the cs and you get an easy deny

    trading is important, but i find i do best when i have heroes that "auto-win" the trading game. tinker and ta are my favorite for this reason, psi blades and laser being some of the best tools in the game for gaining an hp advantage

    I buy my own observer at 4 minutes almost every game unless there is already one mid. if they have ganking supports i put it facing the lane they are in. if they have a ult ganker offlane like cw i put it facing him. you still have to watch for smokes but it helps a lot imo

    for tinker specifically i used to kill my range creep by letting it go first and deny it with laser EVERY GAME, this is stupid because good players will dive you with the double wave or fuck your ability to cs under tower but i probably played 2 dozen games doing this against 5ks


      dude is bad regardless of item choices. He should trade hits if he fucked up the itemization but he didnt do it judging from the lacking cs

      meteor hammer

        congrats bro after 6000 dota 2 games you are 4k flat, better than a garena pub player


          Lol that burn

          Player 404335202

            Now op is crying ! Hahaja
            JDF8 can we 1 vs 1 please ? I have never faced any pro


              I lost 1v1 to 600 mmr :)

              Giff me Wingman

                At first I thought the guy was trolling, then I realized he's from US and I understood that he was srs. Idk why but US players tend to be so fucking deluded to the point where other people would simply when realizing how fucking bad they are.

                getting bj'ed and distracted

                  this is just the absolute dunning-kruger madman. Yknoe you cant take someone with a Ph flag for a profile picture+tagalog username claiming to be some big shot from 12 years ago seriously. You never should. The very subtle humblebrag from JDF8(he has gamesense/14-1 HAHAHAHAHA) is just perfect seasoning to my taste

                  Btw JDF8 any more tips you can giff



                    BSJ. LGD

                      well everyone in d1 are shit at last hitting

                      Yung Beethoven

                        Well if you still want a 1v1 with me after you already got destroyed. Im rdy, just add me.

                        getting bj'ed and distracted

                          Well what happened to our 12 year dota "V E T E R A N"?

                          死の恐怖 Haseo

                            well if you want to beat 1 year experience dota 2 player add me


                              I had the same problem as this US pinoy-wannabe dude when I started Dota 2(ex dota 1 as well). Y'all should stop bitching about this dude since everyone sucks at the beginning(even experienced players in dota 1 like me or him).
                              I calibrated at 1.8k solo and sucked so much that I used to play lc jungle rofl.
                              In a couple of months, after getting used to graphics, shop n item designs I reached 4.1k. What I'm trying to say is that, no matter the experience you had, Dota 2 is way different. It requires more skills and knowledge. To git gud, get experience :D!


                                You might wanna change your Topic to "Veteran of 12 years." NOt a 12 year old veteran :D ;P

                                getting bj'ed and distracted

                                  Pretty sure after 100 games you would have properly translated most of your dota1 knowledge into dota 2. Going 14-0 against 58-30 is just too pathetic for someone who claims to be a veteran.

                                  Would be okay if you had skills to back up the talk, which was the exact case of some serbian(bosnian? Idk) guy who also claimed to be a veteran from dota 1 and has youtube clips to prove it plus current games to back it up.


                                    Y'all should stop bitching about this dude since everyone sucks at the beginning

                                    But I didnt brag or post deluded crap while thinking I'm a sick player 2 years ago

                                    The Quantum

                                      can I 1v1 you K-かみ👑 ?


                                        @JDF8 yeah gj be proud of urself u won vs normal skilled player who is buying boots and tangos ............ and u havent been playing ranked for a while cuz u scared !

                                        死の恐怖 Haseo



                                            where did OP go?


                                              ^ uninstalled dota 2 and quit dotabuff

                                              mr. rabbit

                                                i thought he said "12 year old veteran" and it made me cringe

                                                read the posts and it was even more cringe. wtf lol

                                                bring back my yesterday

                                                  lul i play since 2005 too im 23 and i feel so old


                                                    K is a decent laner for a 3.9k
                                                    Would recommend him for sparings

                                                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                      Damn, that's gonna leave a scar. I'm surprise he's serious.

                                                      !tee ice mid or safe

                                                        He's in the normal skill bracket, the guy who he 1 v 1 was in the very high skill, he simply is just talk, prolly in the 2k MMR poor guy


                                                          Yo I wanna 1v1?
                                                          U down jd?
                                                          How abt OP?

                                                          死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                            im down raj

                                                            Player 404335202

                                                              Some1 please play 1 vs 1 with me


                                                                im na tho so anyone there wanna fite me im down

                                                                Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                                  I play dota for about 8yrs and I still sucks.

                                                                  I wonder if he is alright after that humiliating defeat.


                                                                    I played dota 1 when i was 6 until 11, then transitioned to dota 2, took me a while to get used too


                                                                      did ppl rush boot in dota1?

                                                                      also there was this guy in my net cafe that played dota1 since 2005 too. he was sub 1k and so bad. again he could land skills as invoker but he had 0 farm. he started roaming when he was lvl6 or smth!


                                                                        Why all of you people keep asking for 1v1s... you can't even beat someone like me. So stop asking.




                                                                            I want to 1v1 ywn-

                                                                            Shadows Die Twice

                                                                              This topic is brilliant :D


                                                                                1v1 me basketball


                                                                                  1v1 me mid lane. Come at me.


                                                                                    Fight me ywn-


                                                                                      cash me outside how bou dah?

                                                                                      Keep It Rinse

                                                                                        I am looking for a competitive clan to play dota with. A little bit about me, I have been playing dota 1 since 2005 and I just made the transition into dota 2 earlier this year (few months ago). My specialties are carry agilities and initiator tanks such as ES, kunkka, axe, etc.
                                                                                        I was in the same clan as IceFrog back in the old days which is clan TDA (The DotA-Allstars). If you guys haven't heard of IceFrog, he is the creator of dota himself. He created the dota map in the warcraft 3 system and it just blew up from there. Without him, we wouldn't have this amazing game to play.
                                                                                        Anyway, I know it's sad I have been playing dota for this long, but it's been on and off and I just now found some spare-time to be playing again. I am impressed by the dota 2 system and I can honestly say it is way better than dota 1, but it is still the same concept and almost 100% similar.
                                                                                        If any clan is interested into adding an additional veteran player such as myself. Feel free to respond here or msg me.


                                                                                          I could care less about your stats/mmr bullcrap. To a 12 year veteran player like me, that is just some new generation bs for you young players these days. Even if you're 10k or 100k MMR, i wont sweat 1v1'ing you.


                                                                                            I will cash you outside if you beat me 1v1 neat. Fight me kid.

                                                                                            meteor hammer

                                                                                              JDF8 can we 1 vs 1 please ?

                                                                                              ur in sea so its kinda fucky

                                                                                              Yo I wanna 1v1?
                                                                                              U down jd?
