General Discussion

General Discussionany 7k+ Arc warden spammers?

any 7k+ Arc warden spammers? in General Discussion
saving private RTZ

    Does anybody know some dotabuff acc of AW spammers? I need some replays

    white boy summer

      suma1l, reso, n0tail were spamming arc in pubs. you can find some reso arc games in tournaments too


        vaxa and zyxc

        зачем я начал поиск

          Магистр Ликантроп is also the one I recall.

          зачем я начал поиск

            And can't you use Opendota/Dotabuff ladders to see for yourself?


              My favourite weeb streamer, recently he plays a lot of aw on his solo q


                opendota leaderboards only, db are terrible

                even the mods said so, they're making new rankings.


                  EE ARC WARDEN LOL


                    EE did beat DC as a solo farmed core AW, so...

                    saving private RTZ

                      @Murdoc faust you talk like EE is only a streamer and not a fucking TI player and Major winner lol