General Discussion

General DiscussionAbout Cookie's guide

About Cookie's guide in General Discussion

    A short while ago i found a google link guide written by a player named Cookie, which is a very good guide ( some challenge like 100 lh/10 min really make my nerves running but i have improved alot too). I just want to ask if there are any more guides like that from this Cookie ? Thanks in advance, and if Cookie read this, I'm really appreciated your guides !


      this is a crystal maiden guide written by him

      rumor says that he's working on a 50 page guide on how to get mmr

      chicken spook,,,,

        cooikeh xoxo


          actually there are more guides i dont have the links sadly

          死の恐怖 Haseo

              The last hit challenge creates afk farmers.
              Want to win games?
              Aim for objectives instead of hitting creeps.
              Want to get better farming patterns and game sense from a carry pov?
              First pick am for 25 games.
              Don't go into an empty lobby just to afk farm.


                I have to disagree with A BSJ in training's opinion. Through Cookie's guide, I know that lobby training is important too. It helps you get the basics right, so you can focus on other things while ingame. To add more, practice a hero you never played before in ranked is just asking for a report if you failed, and very likely you would though.

                ♥Notail's girl♥

                  You don't know the famous Cookie Warden? Damn son lmao


                    i wonder if these guides can help me get better


                      if u think cs challenge is for afk farming in a real game cya bye

                      at least i used it myself for 10 min farm efficiency, new heroes' attack animations, and micro for the most part


                        The only thing an empty lobby is useful for is last hitting for the first 2 minutes, or learning creep stack/ pull times.
                        Last hit challenge doesn't make you better.
                        And what sia says he used it for is a terrible defense for it.
                        Before a game load up a demo lobby with the hero you want and practice last hitting.
                        If people get used to hitting creeps, they will end up feeding the game away because either they don't push, and starve their other cores of gold, or they aren't good enough at the carry role and don't know where to be on the map, or looking out for what heroes can kill you at that moment. Usually those players are the ones who feed lc players duels over and over.
                        A good carry will find safe farm no matter what, while in an empty lobby the whole map is safe.


                          ^ hmm i bet u don't try that challenge because u have negative mind about the result.

                          chicken spook,,,,

                            stop worrying about cs/farm and maybe you'll become a better core player

                            chicken spook,,,,

                              You don't need to go into an empty lobby and hit creeps to farm efficiently lol
                              There are much more things other than farming speed that differentiate a good core and a bad one

                              A Little Knight

                                pick tinker


                                  Those who said last hit challenge is useless, try to see how much LH you get as a carry on lane in 10 mins
                                  Tips: miracle got 72 as Sven in a heavily contested lane

                                  Also I never see a pro carry falls below 65 at least in 10 mins. On the other hand, low shit carry got only 15 even on freefarm. How would you apply pressure if you didn't even have gold (thus item) in the first place?


                                    Its guide to gain mmr not to be a better core.