General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's the worst matchup you've ever had against you in a lane?

What's the worst matchup you've ever had against you in a lane? in General Discussion

    Played against a Clockwork + Lich + roaming Pudge.

    Don't think you can get a worse lane than that. At 1 point Clockwerk was level 8 while I was half way 6.

    I went full Benao in this game with Drow Ranger 1-10.



        i laned a luna solo against lion kotl slardar
        i wanted to die
        also have done shaker against slardar tiny wd
        it was literally cask into toss back into crush maledict, and constant pulling, fuck.


          Worst part was that this guy randomed drow ranger as first pick and told me to random and if i get support i get to play drow and he swaps but they counter picked so fucking hard and absolutely destroyed me.

          I'm playing drow ranger on dire side and then you have lich killing creeps for mana and then clockwork nonstop denying, the creepwave was literally infront of their tower while I'm trying to farm small camp you have pudge coming top so i need to camp near my tower, that game was fucking depressing lmao, literally wanted to kill myself.


            another loss another thread




              Palmen aus Plastik

                safelane viper and skywrath as solo batrider. no last hits were had that day.

                Potato Marshal

                  Damn, I thought you got banned ever since your last thread got deleted because you tried to pick a fight with everybody.


                    x D .


                      I played solo Morphling against a Silencer and Timbersaw dual offlane, the latter who started backdooring at the 5 min mark. I had help, of course, in the form of a Spirit Breaker who charged in on the Timbersaw over and over, right-clicked him (because that's how you kill a Timbersaw) and got burst by whirling death every single time.

                      I still won, if I recall correctly.

                      P.S. Why was the depressing trash thread deleted but the OP not banned? So we have more and more of the same? Not sure if answering the topic question seriously will skew the discussion in a meaningful direction anyway...


                        There's no need for me to flame you if you're not flaming me for no reason.

                        This is a serious thread and you responded seriously.




                            Most melee solo lanes against trilanes I guess. Afk by tower first 10 min to zap xp and get no gold, yey.

                            зачем я начал поиск

                              Can't recall.
                              Because if the lane is bad, then I either abandon it and go rape mid, force rotations OR I farm the side camps.

                              i.e. I just make them waste their time and split exp for nothing (no kill, nothing, just 3 retards staying in lane doing nothing = best scenario for me).

                              I don't play carry, so idk about other lanes.


                                I've also had the experience of playing solo safe-lane Sven with a last pick Meepo on the team who marks jungle, but what he really does is walk into the safe lane and burst entire creep waves with poof and continue jungling the same area without going to the Secret Shop jungle or the enemy jungle. I transition to position 4 roamer, as I realise my team is designed to draw as much farm away from the safe lane carry and so is the enemy offlane. However, to my delight, every gank and smoke maneuver I make is also stolen by the same Meepo, because some players are just deserving of everything on the map till they start teamfighting and realise all that farm made them a 2/10 overfarmed Meepo.


                                    worst matchup i had is hanter going safelane void and losing to solo phoenix ))))



                                      i was against a kotl who hid in the trees and spammed illuminate and chakra

                                      as anti mage


                                        As I said earlier, my last void game before I played with Havoc and you was almost 2 years ago.

                                        And I don't really care what u say lol. In my eyes u are still 4k player, you just stole ur moms creditcard and bought urself a nice boost to 6k.

                                        Riguma Borusu

                                          solo sven vs viper + huskar, it was a 1k game so I won anyways


                                            with you on the carry position, i think even an empty offlane would pose a threat


                                              4k after 4 years and 5khours? :bc_check: rage smurf after huge loss streak? :bc_check: creating threads: "my teammates are retarded"? :bc_check: 130 hours of videogames in last 2 weeks? :bc_check: depressed alone socially fucked up irl? :bc_check: Must be hunter the retard :bc_fire: :bc_fire:





                                                FUCK NIGG ERS

                                                FUCK ******S



                                                Kylie Minogue

                                                ^4 Kylie Minogue

                                                Kylie Minouge

                                                Private profile too, now that's unfortunate. I wanted to see the 3k after 5 years and 5k+ hours.


                                                  4k after 4 years and 5khours? :bc_check: rage smurf after huge loss streak? :bc_check: creating threads: "my teammates are retarded"? :bc_check: 130 hours of videogames in last 2 weeks? :bc_check: depressed alone socially fucked up irl? :bc_check: Must be hunter the retard :bc_fire: :bc_fire:

                                                  Herald Pride

                                                    haha that's why i pick lich to make enemy heroes under farm and enemy safelane become hardlane ;)

                                                    Potato Marshal

                                                      Oh fuck, somebody is spamming lich more than me.

                                                      Pump Cultist

                                                        waow lit thread, did you know that I once lost a game and didn't make a thread b*tching bout it? I know must seem funny right?
                                                        Roflmaokappa kek nice meme fam


                                                          I ain't bitching though? Was just curious what other people had as their 'worst' matchup.

                                                          Did you know that every smurf I made was never in normal skill?

                                                          Roflmaokappa kek nice meme fam


                                                            SF mid versus Viper, who had Pudge and Ogre constantly rotating to gank. 🙃
                                                            Tied, or close second, was when someone had the brilliant idea of putting me on Spectre solo safelane while they ran aggro tri. And the enemies happily went with an axe-omni creep skip on me.


                                                              The worse lanes are always some aggressive trilane vs a drow. I played against undying shadow Demon and a third I can't remember. Just fed non stop


                                                                Well I dunno but.....

                                                                When I pick Lich i feel like - eat a creep, sometimes use first spell, sometimes help team and win.

                                                                When I pick Chen I literally play my A game and still lose 50/50. Why does this meta make such easy heros to play like Necro or Lich good ?

                                                                Imo high skill cap heros should be more rewarding if u can play them right.


                                                                  3,5k nob, please stop posting shit after each of your games, ty


                                                                    Can someone please explain to me as to why in all of Hanter's posts people always say he is actually 3.5k and not 4.5k??


                                                                      All his Solo mmr games are High skill, so the answer is quite simple.

                                                                      Giff me Wingman

                                                                        I don't know what's worse, hanter struggling in 3.5k oder spunk.... ehem, porki sending coroner to flame him.

                                                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                                                          Every game I play
                                                                          I'm talented at losing lanes


                                                                            considering coroner flames me as well im not the one who sent him, fatty


                                                                              I'm not struggling in 3.5k im just not playing srs on this acc and i play heroes that im not good at.

                                                                              My solo mmr right now is 4650.

                                                                              These guys are just trying to be funny.

                                                                              Also I calibrated after they made the cap 3500 so I ended up on exactly 3500 mmr thats why I play high skill games, my main is permanently banned on forums so i have to use my smurf acc to post.



                                                                                So what is the the ratio of MMR to skill rating.

                                                                                ie Normal is 0-2000MMR,
                                                                                High is 2001- 4000 MMR
                                                                                and VHS is 4k+ ??

                                                                                Is this correct ??


                                                                                  Normal skill 0-3199
                                                                                  High skill 3200-3699
                                                                                  Very high skill 3700+

                                                                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                    HS is up to 3699

                                                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                                                      Ohhhhhhhh dickerchen ist sauer, hattest du nicht genug gefressen du clearasil testgelände? Bist wohl ohne pudding aufgestanden mein pummelchen. Ist ok, deine mutter hat dich noch lieb, obwohl dein eigenes gesicht sich versucht zu töten.

                                                                                      geh dich bei skim ausheulen, der böse blunt ärgert dich boohoooo


                                                                                        Really?? How is VHS 3700+

                                                                                        This seems quite low, to be considered Very High Skill.

                                                                                        I know MMR would be a better representation though....


                                                                                          As i stated before

                                                                                          0-999 inhuman dog
                                                                                          1000-1999 low skill
                                                                                          2000-3999 normal skill
                                                                                          4000-5999 high skill
                                                                                          6k+ very high skill


                                                                                            blunt man nennt das projektion

                                                                                            ich habe ein bild von dir und alles was du sagst passt 1:1 zu dir, aber du hast kein bild von mir :thinking:

                                                                                            Giff me Wingman

                                                                                              4k high skill? LuL

                                                                                              0-999 subhuman
                                                                                              1000-1999 barely human
                                                                                              2000-2999 human
                                                                                              3000-3999 normal skill
                                                                                              4000-4999 want to get out of normal skill
                                                                                              5000-5999 Above normal skill
                                                                                              6000-6999 high skill
                                                                                              7000k+ very high skill

                                                                                              H^ dogshit that struggles in 3.5k :D:D:D:D::D


                                                                                                ich würde ja dein bild wieder posten aber das gäbe wahrscheinlich einen permaban


                                                                                                  Blunt still as retarded as he was b4 xd

                                                                                                  meteor hammer

                                                                                                    bh+roam sk+invoker mid

                                                                                                    died 5 times in a row, still won though lul #carried

                                                                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                                                                      Dickerchen, ich schlage vor, dass du vielleicht fett bei deinen augenliedern absaugen lässt, dann bist du nicht so blind.

                                                                                                      Ausserdem eine hohlbirne wie du weiss nichtmal was projektion ist. Du bist nichtmal in der lage selbst auf den klo zu gehen und willst mit psychologischen begriffen kommen.

                                                                                                      Man fragt sich schon aus welchen Zoo du ausgebrochen bist, da du schon hornhaut im Gesicht entwickelst und mehr wie eine kreuzung aus einem gorilla und einem Elefant.


                                                                                                        lmao hier ohne dein gesicht zu posten

                                                                                                        abartig fette eklige pickel oder was auch immer das sein soll :bc_check:

                                                                                                        baartdichte eines 10 jährigen aber trotzdem wachsen lassen weil er ein "mann ist" :bc_check:

                                                                                                        so fett dass man am hals schon das gewicht ablesen kann :bc_check:

                                                                                                        komische zahnlücken, aber hauptsache behindert lächeln :bc_check:

                                                                                                        ist ein weeb und spammt seine arme, nicht besonders hübsche gf auf instagram zu :bc_check:

                                                                                                        btw, warum hat deine gf ihr insta gelöscht? habt ihr euch getrennt, oder wollte sie ienfach nicht mehr mit deinem homoerotischem müll zugespammt werden?