General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you deal with LC / Doom with halberd to pop linkens?

How do you deal with LC / Doom with halberd to pop linkens? in General Discussion


    meteor hammer

      cyber-bully your teammate into buying another linkens and hanging it on you

      or buy a bkb and pop it when u see them and hope doom didnt eat a net creep

      Palmen aus Plastik

        My bet would be on blink dagger and quick reflexes. Is there anything else to be done really? I'm interested in an answer myself.


          Proper positioning
          Game sense
          Try to be the initiating team


            what science said, play the goddamn map properly

            Livin' Real Good

              You don't, they saved up 3300 gold just to break your linkens, so they deserve to break your linkens if you get caught not watching the map. They bought an item to counter your counter item, there's no third counter besides map awareness.

              one syllable anglo-saxon


                  tier 2 counter

                  Player 281121816

                    Maybe rely on ur support more?

                    winter wyvern 3rd skill can prevent any bm combo like lc+bm or axe+bm....or eul too

                    Player 281121816

                      Whats wrong with this carry picker these days?

                      Like... they think they can do every thing alone without any backup..its not like doto are 5v5 game
                      Really arrogant and selfish in my opinion

                      Pale Mannie

                        yall suck. better buy a 2nd linken and a refresher


                          op is more mmr than any of u


                            you buy aghs on AM to counter their halberd. if you're not playing AM, you perform a tier 3 anti counter-counter to destroy the enemy ancient before they ever find you and pop your linkens wth halberd. one up them and sell that linkens for a lotus orb.

                            chicken spook,,,,

                              Toy cooldown
                              Doom is not a nuke
