General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do russians avoid communicating in english?

Why do russians avoid communicating in english? in General Discussion

    I mean, I am not even english speaking myself, nor is my secondary language english, but if you are playing an international game on an english speaking server, what cause would you have to speak or write in your native language while playing strict solo q?
    Is this a cultural thing where russians think their language should be dominant or sth?
    Seriously what is it?

    Yung Beethoven

      Yeah that makes me wonder too. Just a few days ago i had a 5v5 full team vs full team while my team was only speaking english. The other team however had an russian player who talked all the time russian on the all chat, altough we even told him that none of us talk russian, but he kept on doing it.

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        two reasons:
        they legitemately dont know english
        they assume everyone else in the game knows russian

        ♥♦ GED ♣♠

          Mother Russia will dominate whole world soon... try to learn something before it becomes the universal language.


            there's a great thing to do
            Go in windows option and add russian to your keyboard which you'll switch with alt+shift
            enjoy writting nonsense and the russtards question marks
            Something like this : рпфы жжйждйц йгрцгшур бь


              Its because non of them can speak and understand it really.Also theres eastern europeans.


                Russian are rustards.


                  im learning a bit of russian and when i have a russian in my team i always talk some basic russian stuff..i guess then they dont feel bad about not speaking english bad, because i also soeak very vry bad russian but i still talk.

                  kind of an icebreaker

                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    because the pillars of russian dota community are rotten to the core, ru community has always endorsed and promoted being loud, obnoxious, "funny"(in a 12 btw haHAA style) and uncaring

                    not that it makes euros or ameritards any better, theyre just different kind of cancer

                    mid or safe farm

                      When im tilted and losing i all chat too,doesnt matter that he is all chating in russian or not,maybe he is tilted and flaming his team,he is doing it to calm himself,not talk to your team :)).


                        how is being loud an obnoxious a way to calm yourself? Did I miss sth?

                        Riguma Borusu

                          because they are brain damaged retarded fucks who deserve to be tortured and killed


                            I didn't expect the final solution so quickly in the thread

                            low prio master

                              Yeah exactly how you said,i do some traveling and meet russians pretty much everywhere,last time in Thailand i couldn't bealive what kind of ppl they are,very arrogant,they not even trying talk english even shops,restaurants....they will just talk Russia to you,same thing i found when playing doto in eu,everywhere these dic.k heads talk their language.


                                Sometimes I speak only in Korean so that my team will give up on trying to talk to me


                                  Habla russtard penopt cyka blyat?
                                  Spasibo penopt.
                                  3to gege
                                  Did I miss something?


                                    most russians just dont speak english


                                      I'm Russian but I almost never talk Russian in dota2 coz many ppl hate Russians and offence a lot vs them.
                                      So may be few people do same and you never know you playing with/against Russian coz he speak only english.

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        most russians just dont speak english

                                        ...and almost all non-russians don't talk fucking russian, is the point

                                        I could spam Serbian every time in every chat all over the internet but guess what people don't understand this fucking language and there's no reason to learn it.

                                        Same with fucking russian. Learn English you subhuman morons.


                                          The other thing is, there are enough russian players playing Dota2 to regularly end up with 3 or 4 russians in the same team. I don't know about you, but if I find myself in a team where 60-80% of the players speak my main language, I'm going to do so, fuck the other people.

                                          I guess the russians think the same. If there is only one or 2 of them and he keeps doing that, then who cares? You and the others are the majority now, mute them and communicate between yourselves. If you end up arguing with those people speaking english anyway, then the russians are not the problem and you are just a cuck, end of the story.

                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            you made the wrong assumption when you assumed that russians think

                                            they dont

                                            you cant think with so much vodka running through your veins


                                              some of them probably despise english becuase they are "amerikanec uebishce" or something like that and even if they could speak it, they wouldnt.


                                                I like it when they assume everyone on team speaks russian then I say something in my language and they ironically say "English pls".
                                                Like what the fuck. Why don't you speak English to begin with since you're on eu server


                                                  Same goes in sea ! Pinoys wont stop talking .. Their voice is annoying


                                                    ...and almost all non-russians don't talk fucking russian, is the point
                                                    I could spam Serbian every time in every chat all over the internet but guess what people don't understand this fucking language and there's no reason to learn it.
                                                    Same with fucking russian. Learn English you subhuman morons.

                                                    i meant its a question of lack of proper education, not like ppl conciously choose to not learn english
                                                    also, as zano said, unlike serbians there are often two or moree russians in every game so at least someone can understand this language

                                                    on top of that, dunno why so much hate, u think/express urself in a very similar way to how most russians do it


                                                      agree trpilesteal the unnecessary racism towards russians angers me even more than being matched with 4 russians in my team whom i cannot understand.


                                                        Cyryllic is used in many old USSR countries.

                                                        First of all who play dota ? - kids mostly, teenagers that dont know english.

                                                        Add Russian hatred towards english language and Russian imperial aspirations on top of that and you have your answer. Besides russian society is poorly educated and you can meet many boarderline russian kids in dota.

                                                        Russians are hated for a fckin reason. They show everywhere that in majority they are a bunch of savage drunkards. And trust me I met a lot of russians in my life and I avoid them more than muslims. At least muslims apart from bombing Europan capitals follow some rules. Where russians are as dangerous as western european leftist politicians sponsored by Soros money.

                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                          I was fluent in English when I was 9, and I haven't even started learning English at school at that point.

                                                          The internet gives equal opportunities to everyone in this regard.

                                                          No excuse.

                                                          That being said, not understanding English is one thing, but replying in your mongol Russian swear language when someone kindly asks you if you can speak English is another thing altogether.

                                                          I honestly wish DOTA cost at least 10 euros so that those people would not fucking play it.

                                                          зачем я начал поиск

                                                            Let's see... I have 3 other people speaking Russian in my team and only 1 speaking English.
                                                            Why would I speak the minority language within the group?

                                                            Of course, I'd try to communicate some of things with the English-speaking guy, but it's not like I always need to.
                                                            That's literally it.

                                                            Don't mean to say anything bad, but many English-speaking players think that people are somehow obliged to speak their language. No, I don't. I didn't sign any papers, nor did I owe you something. People speak whatever makes the most sense to them in a group, that's the only real rule there is.

                                                            The same way I am not obliged to follow any of your behaviour rules, which you've made up for yourself in your comfort zone.
                                                            People are different, languages are different. I've seen German guys getting in my team, speaking solely with each other in German. Did that upset me? No. Because they owe me nothing, they can do whatever the fuck they'd like to.

                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                              Don't mean to say anything bad, but many English-speaking players think that people are somehow obliged to speak their language.

                                                              1) Serbian is my language, not English
                                                              2) The server is EU West, queued for ENGLISH LANGUAGE

                                                              I get 4 russians, neither of whom communicated in English, even if they may or may not understand it.


                                                              зачем я начал поиск

                                                                Servers are arbitrary are purely formal. They don't even correctly follow their real geographical zones. Russian server is hosted in Sweden, for fuck's sake. Language selection is also flawed, as it is fairly obvious that any average person is interested in reduced queue times.

                                                                Let me elaborate for a bit here. I can queue up on my server with my language, but I would have longer queue time OR I can queue up on 3 different servers and select "English", which would give me a reduced queue time and penalize me with nothing, if I lie.

                                                                Of course any sane person would choose the latter. You get all the benefits, without losing anything. That's what any sane human being would like to do: maximize the profit, while minimizing the losses. Here you get exactly just that.
                                                                News flash, rules are not rules, unless they have any power to back them up for an average person.

                                                                The only way I can lose something is if a players mutes me ingame or starts to intentionally ruin the game, hence why the only true rule is the majority rule. By speaking the primary language within a group, I minimize the number of players to possibly get upset and maximize the congruence.

                                                                Here's a tip. If one person in a team happens to speak a language, which 4 other people don't want to speak, they don't have to wipe that one person's butthole, they may not really need that one person that much, as long as that one person doesn't go full retard and feed. Works for any 2 languages.


                                                                  @Flying High:
                                                                  If there was no russian server, your bullshit would be slightly relevant.
                                                                  Coming on another server and then spewing your language is just the highest level of retardation.

                                                                  The english language isn't spoken so often because we "owe someone something" but because it is the easiest language to speak, that is also the reason why it spread so fast and why it is of international usage.
                                                                  If you play party que, speak wtf you want, I don't care. But if you are going solo que speak the god damn language of the server.

                                                                  How is this so hard to grasp ffs.

                                                                  Also this quote:

                                                                  The same way I am not obliged to follow any of your behaviour rules, which you've made up for yourself in your comfort zone.

                                                                  Rules... in... his... comfort... zone
                                                                  wtf is wrong with you?

                                                                  moral of the story:
                                                                  play on the russian server, keep the pride of vodka for yourself

                                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                    im yet to see valve define any servers primary language and desired player demographics

                                                                    instead all i see is tears of euro cucks


                                                                      TL;DR of this topic:

                                                                      we are russians comrade, we have own rules, go fuck you and your rules

                                                                      I wonder why nobody in eu likes russians, a fair number of russians included

                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                        When reports were more plentiful I used to report people for communication abuse as soon as they'd speak some mongol language on the English server.

                                                                        im yet to see valve define any servers primary language and desired player demographics

                                                                        you can't even queue before picking a language, you fucking retard, but apparently russians hate playing with and against other russians (shocking? not really)

                                                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                          we are russians comrade, we have own rules, go fuck you and your rules

                                                                          why do euros act as if their arbitrary "rules" should be followed over whatever other arbitrary rules is beyond me

                                                                          зачем я начал поиск

                                                                            I am afraid, Valve would need to introduce penalties to make me have any incentive to do that, assuming I am an average person.
                                                                            Electricity takes the path of least resistance.
                                                                            Humans choose the easiest ways to achieve their goals.

                                                                            Goal = to find a game.
                                                                            Ways = queuing up on different servers
                                                                            The easiest way = queueing up on 3 different servers @ once, selecting the most common language.
                                                                            I get no penalty for doing so, so I can have the less profitable way of 1 server/real language forgone.

                                                                            Valve made a flawed system of rules, yet you whine about a particular social group.
                                                                            Not about Valve being retarded and lazy.

                                                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                              you can't even queue before picking a language, you fucking retard, but apparently russians hate playing with and against other russians (shocking? not really)

                                                                              language preference has always had minimal matchmaking impact

                                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                                why do euros act as if their arbitrary "rules" should be followed over whatever other arbitrary rules is beyond me

                                                                                because russtards have their own fucking server
                                                                                because you talk about euros as if russians aren't euros, so if by your own admission russians aren't euros,
                                                                                WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK ARE YOU DOING ON EU SERVERS

                                                                                I don't see a serbian server
                                                                                I don't see a swedish server
                                                                                I don't see a french server

                                                                                There's the russian server, and then there's EUW/EUE. Valve has designated a quarantine for your type of filth, so would you be so kind as to live there?

                                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                  especially when its limited to 5? languages

                                                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                    russian server is in stockholm))))

                                                                                    even if it was in dead center of russia why do i have to segregate myself when valve doesnt explicitly tell me to do so

                                                                                    зачем я начал поиск

                                                                                      Instead of crying and thrashing your keyboard, I would advice you to go and watch some videos/read some good books.
                                                                                      No, not the BLM facebook posts or that gender studies book your elder sister told you to skim through.

                                                                                      Your reading comprehension and ability to understand plain English written text is worse than of a Russian dog, assuming you think of me as such. You spew emotions all around like a menstruating 40 y.o. widow.


                                                                                        just queue na and learn to speak spanish


                                                                                          Instead of crying and thrashing your keyboard, I would advice you to go and watch some videos/read some good books.
                                                                                          No, not the BLM facebook posts or that gender studies book your elder sister told you to skim through.

                                                                                          can u at least stay on topic instead of promoting liberal stereotypes that dont even apply here ty

                                                                                          зачем я начал поиск

                                                                                            I am afraid, Valve would need to introduce penalties to make me have any incentive to do that, assuming I am an average person.
                                                                                            Electricity takes the path of least resistance.
                                                                                            Humans choose the easiest ways to achieve their goals.
                                                                                            Goal = to find a game.
                                                                                            Ways = queuing up on different servers
                                                                                            The easiest way = queueing up on 3 different servers @ once, selecting the most common language.
                                                                                            I get no penalty for doing so, so I can have the less profitable way of 1 server/real language forgone.
                                                                                            Valve made a flawed system of rules, yet you whine about a particular social group.
                                                                                            Not about Valve being retarded and lazy.


                                                                                              I could never understand other russians, really. Sometimes they don't want to enjoy their game, they are obsessed with mmr and they see their team as an obstacle. For some reason they also believe that they have to shittalk everyone and try to convince that they are superiour. Ofc they speak russian only. They usually go mid/safelane carry for obvious reasons.

                                                                                              Then there are those who want to have fun. By ruining games for others. They also speak russian only because they are retarded.

                                                                                              There are also people who just don't know english. That's because our education is shitty as fuck. We learn either english or german and usually there is no real choice for us.

                                                                                              And then there are those who try to avoid speaking russian and contacting with them. Try to guess why.

                                                                                              Also, sorry if my english is bad.


                                                                                                its funny because the second valve would just remove the russian server the russians on the internet would go rampage but a lot hold the idea of queing on another server because there are not enough people on the own, yet eu west and east can't get rid of russians.

                                                                                                seems like my answer is: it's about culture

                                                                                                @Mods, you can lock this, I think its the best for all involved because after this it will be just a shitpost spamfest.


                                                                                                  I agree that many of russians are fucking annoying(cause most of them are 12 yo kids and drunken retards ) when they chat in russian language but :

                                                                                                  as @Flyin' High said
                                                                                                  "You spew emotions all around like a menstruating 40 y.o. widow."

                                                                                                  зачем я начал поиск

                                                                                                    As expected, this person can't read and reply to any of my points.
                                                                                                    Just non-stop girlish rage and butthurt. Resort to emotions, forgoing all the logical reasoning which I have provided.
                                                                                                    Must feelgood.


                                                                                                      Russians are dominating over you lol

                                                                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                                        its funny because the second valve would just remove the russian server the russians on the internet would go rampage

                                                                                                        citation needed

                                                                                                        but a lot hold the idea of queing on another server because there are not enough people on the own

                                                                                                        citation needed

                                                                                                        yet eu west and east can't get rid of russians

                                                                                                        which in turn makes queuing in eu servers have even more sense for russians since there are so many people that speak their language there