General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to counter PA in 7.07?

How to counter PA in 7.07? in General Discussion
69 god

    Mkb doesn't give true strike. Suppose a pa gets crest, deso and a bkb. How are we supposed to fight her lol

    Rogue Knight

      2 words, You can't


        Magical dmg before bkb and silver edge/blademail after?


          No matter how much evasion she builds, with an MKB you will always have AT LEAST 75 PERCENT CHANCE TO HIT HER


            PA this patch will be so damn good
            Look at her talent tree i mean


              I don't think there's any change to Halberd. They're still undispellable by BKB doesn't it?

              Magic damage dealer, especially Tinker still fuck her. Bloodthorn also doesn't get changed ( as far as I read the patch). If you're lucky Hex (SS, Lion, Vyse) also good to give some time to burst her. Also in exchange for losing true strike, MKB get cheaper, and gives you attack speed ( with mkb not landing all attack you had, getting more attack speed is better than damage).

              And if I'm not wrong if you have MKB even after PA goes full evasion with talent, bfly, crest, halberd, talisman(not sure what other item gives evasion) you'll land 75% of your attack +1.56% of the attack that doesn't have Accuracy, that's 76.56% of your attack. And the build above is really bad that maybe PA will only take bfly+crest at best as her item and that will gives your accuracy as 75% + 3.25% = 78.25% attack landed. Though this is based on assumption that PA talent is additive rather than multiplicative, which will gives her 75% blur evasion rather than 62.5% blur evasion at level 25. And at this point PA should only have 5 seconds of BKB, and your core should have crest / halberd / bloodthorn at this point, which is either cheaper or better at bursting / locking down PA.

              PS if you think you can right click PA to death as supports, that's not your job to begin with.

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                silver edge, bthorn, mkb is still fine because its cheaper.


                  With magic of course. Finger her

                  white boy summer

                    mkb is cheaper, and it gives you 75% chance to hit with pure dmg and 7.5% furthermore chance to hit her so u have 82.5% chance. not like mkb was a go to item before anyways.


                      Ember got thru strike talent.

                      Dire Wolf

                        I don't understand your math frogface. The way accuracy works is it overwrites all hits and misses in the table. So PA with 50% evasion normally you will miss 50% of all hits. With accuracy you will land 75% of all hits. Then the remaining 25%, she will evade half of those, so her effective evasion is 12.5%. With her 25 talent it's like 18.75%. So it's good, it doesn't make mkb completely dumpster her but it's still plenty to deal with her.

                        Viper will be a gigantic counter with his nethertoxin break. And most of the time you counter PA with breaks early and bloodthorne + mkb late anyway so it just buffs her late game a bit which was needed anyway.

                        Player 153433446

                          I would be more worried about faceless void backtrack...25% evade of anysort of damage.
                          No mkb helps vs that

                          Justin Weaver

                            Pick ember lol, ember got a true strike talent

                            Riguma Borusu

                              If PA had 75% evasion, you'd have:

                              100% chance to hit her 25% of the time (evasion does not proc)
                              75% chance to hit her 75% of the time (evasion procs)

                              This means you hit 25% + 56% which is more than 80%

                              If PA has 50% evasion:
                              100% chance to hit her 50% of the time (evasion does not proc)
                              75% chance to hit her 50% of the time (evasion procs)

                              That means you hit 50% + 37% which means she is left with freaking 13% evasion

                              This means she will still have SOME effective evasion if you have a MKB, but it is kind of.... shit. Because PA wants to depend on not dying to physical damage. Now MKB gives bkb piercing PURE damage that fucks her through BKB too. I am pretty sure PA wants to build an HP item now, satanic was always good for her situationaly but now you kinda need it since MKB is so cheap and good that multiple cores can get it because it's a good item.

                              Dire Wolf

                                It's basically evasion * (1- accuracy) and that's new evade:

                                (100% - 75% = 25%) * 50% = 12.5% evasion.

                                More in depth formula is here

                                But it's right, as this note from solar crest's decsription says:

                                When a unit is targeted by an allied and an enemy Solar Crest, it effectively has 12% evasion. This is the result of 20% evasion applying only 60% of the time (as the other 40% of attacks have accuracy)

                                Calculating hit percentage is like coming at it from opposite side, both are right, you just dropped the .5%.

                                Riguma Borusu

                                  Yeah, this is just going about it a different way, this is the additive formula, you used the subtractive one.

                                  so you are saying if the unit is
                                  hit with 100% chance 80% of the time
                                  and hit with 40% chance 20% of the time

                                  That means that the chance to hit the unit is 80% + 40% * 20% = 80 % + 8% = 88% which means it has 12% evasion just as solar crest description says.

                                  The logic behind this is that when it comes to whether you hit or not, it does not matter if the accuracy proc "OVERWRITES" the hit that would certainly hit because the "accuracy" of hitting when evasion and miss chance does not proc is always 100%.

                                  Story Time

                                    btw ember has 100% truestrike as his talent

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      I already edited my post before you posted when I realized I was wrong. You different answer is cus you rounded off the half percent. It's just whether you calc chance to hit or evasion chance. Same difference.

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        Yeah I edited my answer too after I saw that haha. I like using the additive formula because it is more obvious from a statistic standpoint.

                                        Also yeah ember does have true strike as a talent, but I am 100% sure you lose almost every trade against PA if you are trying to manfight her, ember has shit armor and would prefer not to build it, this talent means sleigh of fist won't miss which is huge if you play physical ember, if you play magical, you just try to burst her down before she gets BKB I guess.

                                        Player 153433446

                                          ^^ember isnt a rightclick core...i dont imagine him going tow to tow vs an agility core.
                                          Truestrike doesnt matter on him

                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            I imagine the true strike talent would only be good on a hero that does not build mkb or blood thorn and the alternative talent is shit. Really not feeling it on ember, also physical ember goes battlefury, which further negates the need for true strike.

                                            Actually now that I think of it, a lot of illusion heroes (which ember can clear) actually build evasion (halberd, butterfly) so this might actually be pretty good I guess.

                                            If you play physical ember and have to clear some CK or PL illusions, being able to not give a shit about halberd and butterfly's evasion is pretty good.



                                              casual gamer

                                                if u proc accuracy u WILL hit her

                                                75% of ur hits (w mkb) will hit her no matter what

                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                  ^to add to this, MKB lets you hit for more than 75% of the time if the hero has less than 100% evasion

                                                  in case of PA her "cant hit this" evasion turns into a mild inconvenience (that is still relevant though)


                                                    PA is just such a good hero. Very fun to play.


                                                      I just had a game as sniper vs a pa, trust me mkb is basically almost useless vs her, o had a huge attack speed and still didn't hit her enough plus I got maelstrom wich shall be enogh magical DMG aswell, still could not kill her once, im really starting to think she is just way too op in this patch. Just saying.

                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                        How strange. I also had a game against pa and i shit on her real hard because i can actually get mkb as a 3rd item on lifestealer now.


                                                          viper ;)


                                                            Vipers really shit this patch and pa is one of the heroes that the new nethertoxin is worst against due to her mobility in fights.


                                                              Actually MKB is now a great item against high armour heroes because of the 60 pure damage if it procs. I think now it's a must-buy item against DK, timber etc


                                                                now i'm actually considering getting MKB instead of avoiding it


                                                                  Viper fucks really hard PA, she can't do nothing against him.


                                                                    75% accuracy = deletes 75% of evasion, so 50% becomes 12.5%

                                                                    why's this so hard to understand


                                                                      Does break also temporarily disable coup de grace?


                                                                        ^ it always does if i remember right


                                                                          Im new to dota2 and playing ML. Ithink Jakiro talent tree is awesome at Lvl 25 piercing with no question if game prolong.

                                                                          My answer is "Hit em hard with your team there is no question he will survive or simply delay his progress from the start.

                                                                          I hope my opinion help. Thnx

                                                                          Story Time

                                                                            ^so why is your jakiro win rate is so low? Whose that smurf is anyway? Diox again=?


                                                                              Its not beacause my winrate is low its what the author of the thread asked. Its just me saying and sharing opinion. Im not a smurf as mentioned above i play ML. Thank you for under estimating my game

                                                                              Kurt Bukakke

                                                                                well mkb may be cheaper now but it literally has 0 damage vs a bkb carrier it is purely a counter to evasion so it is still way too expensive considering how bad it is now in general...

                                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                                  it deals pure damage through bkb you fucking retard
