General Discussion

General DiscussionMorphling change

Morphling change in General Discussion

    They fucked it up so bad...

    The DarKNovA

      Aye, they did. They really did. Some of the talents area pretty good, but they could just take away his ult as it is now.
      No ulti use, you keep the hp % when you morph in and out, etc.


        Long live meme rubick...

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          The shift was good. I can do the Armlet thing to get HP.

          But the ult really sucks. I tried it. It's just so bad.
          I found it too situational to use as a carry morph.
          Even worse, it copies the basic attribute of the target. What's even the point of having max Agi as carry?

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            Even Brewmaster gets a new life transforming into 3 bears but Morph just have the original HP when wasting his time casting the ult

            I hope they make it copy even the target's HP percentage so it becomes like a survive tool(similar to TB's sunder) since you build stats you're more tanky
            And also make the stats in Morph form = Copied target stats + Original Morphling stats + Both items stats

            Cheap Laugh Guy

              Second lowest winrate with Pangolier below Thanks GabeN
              Tiny too
              LUL I just lost my Turbo games with them


                uhm, maybe start adapting

                if you just keep playing the old morph ofc you wont win

                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  No, the hero seriously sucks.
                  If you've been in a game where you Morphed into a Windranger and you have Shackle Powershot and Windrun
                  But a fight is on and you're a carry
                  You dont have the time to land a shackle or run around with Windrun with that shitty copied DPS of yours and not to mention you need a whole new mana pool to cast all those things but you just used wave and morph
                  The situation doesnt call for the lack of damage and the skillset

                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    maybe ur build is just garbage

                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                      Even Rubick is more flexible
                      Firstly becoz support doesnt take dealing damage as priority
                      He builds all sort of initiation items instead of being subjected to build carry items which doesnt help landing skills


                        Maybe dont ever use morph ulti and just play it like normal


                          HURR DURR IMMA 3k

                          I play a reworked hero the exact way he was played before the rework and expect it to work out

                          if it doesnt its icefrogs fault, not my fault for not reading the patch and having any creativity.
                          also my team holds me back


                            Morph is like brewmaster now is really sad

                            Cheap Laugh Guy

                              The ult is a worse version of Hybrid, if you know what Hybrid is
                              I don't need to play ten games to adapt and find out it's a trash ult for carry morph

                              1. Go play an actual game
                              2. use the ult
                              3. Woke
                              4. exit Morph form
                              5. Accept that it's a trash ult

                              IT'S JUST THAT BAD


                                what if....

                                heros changed their role after a rework????


                                Cheap Laugh Guy

                                  If you mean support or utility morph

                                  Support - Has nothing at level 1 to gank or zone (Can't roam/lane lvl 1)
                                  Offlane - Low base HP and attack range (Can't lane without babysitter)
                                  Jungle - Iron Talon removed.

                                  I play stunbot morph a lot. It works, but the higher the skill level of the game, the more ineffective it gets.

                                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                                    I'm a sane person! Please believe me! The new ult is TRASH! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


                                      Morphlibg support. Overfarmed enemy carry? No problem

                                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                                        ^Does not copy items stats


                                          Morph is terrible.

                                          The DarKNovA

                                            He does not copy ITEMS, TALENTS, ULTIES, and keeps YOUR HP %, so you can't even use it to keep you alive or something. Seriously, you will not use his ulti in any meaningful ways, no matter what.
                                            Thus, -10% winrate.


                                              I have no idea why icefrog decided to take a perfectly functional, fun hero design and turn it into a trash version of rubick. All he needed was a talent buff to make him playable after the offlaners got nerfed but ofc Icefrog decides he'd rather take away one of the most fun and interesting abilities and give him the ability to turn into a shitty version of an enemy hero.

                                              Yung Beethoven

                                                yeah, he will probably played now as a offlaner or pos 4.

                                                The DarKNovA

                                                  I don't think he's a good choice for either.

                                                  OKIJI KUZAN

                                                    there is no point using morph ulty. low manna pool and can't help to survive


                                                      Im going to lose like 2k mmr thanks to frog xD

                                                      The DarKNovA

                                                        I think support morph is better off than carry morph though.


                                                          To me the worst changes of game were the deny buff to denier(70% to 25%) and creeps being much harder to block in offlane/creeps meeting closer to safelane tower. I dont know how you are supposed to play offlane solo Morphling nowadays vs 2+ heroes after now unless the lane is super weak like spectre+rubick and even then they can probably zone me cause of the crappy stats of morphling.

                                                          I understand the point about support being better than carry, but the hero is so trash in first 4 levels that i don´t see how are you going to have any positive impact in early game and the stun duration got nerfed too so why would you even pick the hero instead of some other classic support hero?


                                                            wait till the morph balance mini patch boys.