General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone having next Monday problems?

Anyone having next Monday problems? in General Discussion
Player 153433446

    For like 3 months now...almost every week I tell myself that next monday will be good, meaning that I will start a healthy routine where I go to gym and start reading books, eating healthy etc...

    Sad cause that monday will never happen...and thats the difference between a normal person and a loser.
    Anyone experiencing this?

    < blank >

      i understand your problem pretty well. i'm now in the best shape i've been in the last 10 years and i started working on it less than a year ago. reading books, eating healthy and some shit you mentioned wont just happen on the next monday.
      you are unhappy with your current situation and you got some goals already set, that's good. But don't try to reach them all at once on monday, go step by step. I suggest you to go the gym 2-3 times a week and try to eat properly, even if you keep eating shit you will see some results which will motivate you to care more about what you eat.
      by going to the gym you discipline yourself and this will help you to add more things from your list like reading books.

      push yourself to do those things, maintaining it is the "easier" part.
      it's just the first push that's the most difficult one

      also i'm by far not a role model by any means, i should be probably playing less dota but that's life.
      i also need the first push to delete this "game"

      Player 153433446

        Thx bro...i will try changing bit at a time.
        I usually go all in then get burntout in a week, and then everything back to how it was

        Riguma Borusu

          the best way to go about this is to convince yourself that it is an activity you want to do

          I had this problem with my studies but as soon as I tried to get to love certain subjects it was no longer "next monday" shit or "I will do this 6 hours today" or anything like that, it ended up being "ok so I really like this shit so I am gonna do it".

          You can apply the same thing to exercise. Some people even create a whole stat system where you gain strength and shit while exercising I know it sounds fucking dumb but hey it works to motivate some people.

          TL;DR: Start loving the activity and this problem is gone no matter what


            at least for me, i wud not be able to run 50 miles a week if i was on a team
            i dont have the ability to motivate myself to do it
            getting some friends to hold each other accountable helps to hold u to ur goal
            i am strong minded once i start, but the biggest thing is starting


              I've read that giving yourself that 1 day a week to cheat really helps.
              You will make yourself sick by abusing it 2 or 3 times, but then you will get sick of being sick, and pretty much quit. Eventually, even though its your "cheat" day, you'll see yourself making healthier decisions because you are wanting too - rather than "having" too.
              Good luck man!
              I have the same issue, but with online school, rather than healthiness.

              doc joferlyn simp

                Sometimes I also feel like this. On what I experienced though, trying to do a significant change to your routine by yourself is extremely hard and needs a lot of focus and commitment.

                I can say for sure that it helps having an authority, that you can't possibly fight against, regulate your behavior for you. So when the time comes that your commitment to your improvement is wavering, you won't have a choice but follow through your plans because of the presence of the said all-powerful authority. You simply have no choice.

                In my case it was my parents but maybe it can be your girlfriend, highschool gym teacher, or that dude from Walmart. Whoever or whatever is strong enough to control your life. Voluntarily on your part of course. Keep in mind regret comes last, but so does success. Make sure that you're sure.