General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR is just a Badge and a Star

MMR is just a Badge and a Star in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Are you guys ready for the new era? what are you excited about? not excited about? Pros and Cons? Thoughts pls




        same trench, different name.


          Hello Milnor.. Can u help to be in HighSkill Level game like yours..?

          MMR though I havent played sounds interesting to me..


            I surely gonna dumpster this kids and rech mythic when u recalibrate

            casual gamer

              a lot of people will have renewed confidence that their teammates are holding them back when they recalibrate in the exact same shit tier

              expect lots of "calibration is broken! i won all my game but calibrated in tier 3" and "how to git very high rapier"


                Wasn't it supossed to start yesterday? lulvolvo


                  nothing changed, except some ppl lost their motivation to play now

                  Pale Mannie

                    there will be still a number so...

                    MMR is just a badge, a star and a number DendiFace