General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is your most surprising record?

What is your most surprising record? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Profile > More > Records

    What stat surprises you and do you even remember wat happened? Thoughts pls


      2h long game as centaur

      my team had veno+kotl which defended against megas for an eternity

      since veno wards and kotl illuminate killed all creeps i couldnt even hit neutrals, just standing around.
      verry exciting game with afeect, member? monkas

      most kills 31 with CK.
      was a game where a turk and a greek screamed and flamed each other all game instead of playing, while i destroyed the enemy team solo, if they would have played we would have won EZ. eventually got outscaled by spectre because couldnt end game with 2 allies sitting in jungle typing xD

      Pale Mannie

        27k hero healing as lycan lmao

        Story Time

          Top damage by a support (OD), very strange :D


            highest tower damage is 17,676 by a viper of all heroes.

            most gold is 61,891 and it wasn't even my longest game. It was with mirana back when the aghs was op.

            and most kills is 42 a record I've tied in three games with the most impressive being an hour long huskar comeback.

            also most denies is 53 on sniper.



              Longest game played with highest farm as Shadow Fiend, a hero I suck at and dislike playing in general. Would like tips on what I could have done better or itemized differently.

              27k hero healing as lycan lmao

              Have 68k hero healing on Lycan myself, that skill was crazy before it got changed.

              Also, longest winning streak is 14 on Huskar, which is incorrect.


                My longest match which was a 2h Ogre game....

                Enemy team got Mega's early..... everyone in my party was support players who pretty much kept the game alive

                We were Tide Lich Ogre, so needless to say by that point in the game it was worse than watching paint dry

                I guess i got delirious because the game D/C me.... Instead of pressing RECONNECT.... I Hit ABANDON >>>>>>>>

                I mindlessly click the YES button......

                Yeah that was my friend who played Tide last Dota game ever

                It broke him


                  ^Man that's sad.

                  My longest game, one and a half hour of pure suffering with Pudge.

                  I don't even remember this game tbh but I just took a look at the details of the match lmao
                  God knows what I must have gone through in the late game of that match vs a radiance Naga and a Phantom Cancer.
                  Special mention to our wonderful Medusa, not able to counter both these two ILLUSION heroes with NO DIFFUSAL.
                  I got 41 assists but I guess that trash was too much to handle.

                  90 minutes of applause, best carry this world's ever fucking seen

                  Also most kills in a game: 36 with Dagon Axe. I have more than 6k games and I get that record with dagon Axe vs an arcane boots+s&y+tarrasque BH and a BoT+tp Enigma ???????????????? what the fuck was that game even.

                  And highest tower dmg: 18.137. Mushroom hat Invoker confirmed

                  зачем я начал поиск

                    I am surprised we somehow lost this game:


                      In the longest win streaks and lose streaks the hero shown is the hero which you picked in the last of the streak game; the game before the streak ended..


                        I have 42 kills as bounty Hunter of all heroes.. the reason was that the enemy team was full of bots and three of my teammates were also bots.. XD
                        And 5k hero healing as dazzle.. And that's the highest..So low lol.
                        Also highest xpm 997 as sniper.
                        I dun know what I did that game..
                        And 1.24 kills per min also as sniper.. 22 min stomp
                        Highest kda 44 as void.
                        I didn't know I was this good as void.

                        Dire Wolf

                          Nothing on mine is that surprising except

                          Most hero healing and healing per minute is this one lycan game. Does his howl count as healing? Does lifesteal on self count as healing? Does feral impulse count as healing?

                          It's very weird.

                          Also that my longest win and loss streaks are only 9 and 8. That doesn't seem that high for either tbh, was expecting like 12/12.


                            84 denies in a 27 min game, fucked the enemy's mid too fucking hard.

                            ST (Syltestreik)

                              a 22 loss streak


                                @Unhealable Damage I remember that I wanted to abandon and didn't give a shit anymore those players were just unbelievably bad gg tilted afk ff mid


                                  Most gold and lasthits as treeant. 1.267 lasthits and a total of 74.711 gold. Game was 65 minutes long...
                                  Highest tower damage 19.322 as Terrorblade.
                                  Highest hero damage 116.703 and Invoker.
                                  Wtf I got 110 denies one game as naix....
                                  Highest xpm 1.033 as Timbersaw and highest gpm 1.228 as Alchemist.
                                  Also most kills as Tinker (48)


                                    ^ I had 1234 gpm on Alch I win

                                    Seriously now Ive seen people with 1440 gpm on Alch back in the days


                                      70k gold Arc Warden 1h26min game
                                      109k hero dmg Venomancer


                                        I have high lost streak(7) as jugg but having 60%wr as him lmao
                                        Edit : i have highest KDA as Riki pos 4 lmao. More gold than invo

                                        Chao Vritra

                                          Most Kills 45 as OD. I know OD is OP but i never play him so this surprises me.

                                          Also best KDA 44.00 as pudka baby


                                            60 Assists on Undying, that shit was retarded, i don't even know what the fuck happened.

                                            40 KDA ratio on Warlock same, didn't even know how the fuck did i dodge so much deaths in a game


                                              I went jungle luna, and ended up having a record tower damage: 17,000.


                                              Other than that would be my assist game.
                                              Dark Seer - just had a great impact overall. I remember, I was actually 2/3/30 then shit hit the fan, I died a ton, and only won 1 or 2 more fights before losing.

                                              chicken spook,,,,

                                                13.32 cspm near l33t smh


                                                  2 hour and 40 minute game as Techies. It was insanly long..


                                                    I think I'm the only one I've seen that has their 100% kill participation game won. It was on a 2k smurf, but whatever.

                                                    Ebola Chaser

                                                      Nothing too surprising for me. Just 1010 xpm on Visage and 92k hero damage on Viper of all heroes.


                                                        160 denies. I think I average ~30 denies per game whenever I play core, but that one game was hilarious, I had more denies than some people had last hits


                                                          surprised? now what would i be surprised? impressed rather.

                                                          Potato PC

                                                            Only "Most Hero Healing - 35,113 - Io"


                                                              51 kda on a slark game in sub 1k mmr with retards

                                                              also a 1 hour 51 min game as mirana when aghs was introduced, our sven had 40 kills but we played like classic 1k and bought no detection against old techies and it stalled the game like mad


                                                                I think I'm the only one I've seen that has their 100% kill participation game won. It was on a 2k smurf, but whatever

                                                                I've got this too as Dazzle LUL


                                                                  @ Luxon

                                                         (100% kill participation win)



                                                                    100% kill participation as Silencer a year ago


                                                                      988 Last Hit Treant Protector


                                                                      Possibly the heaviest team I've ever had, did over 100,000 hero damage as Zeus, still lost.


                                                                        Not in those records but -

                                                                        88 kills in a 32 Minuten Game yesterday... Both pudge and silencer had a ton of fun with their stacks

