General Discussion

General Discussionstuck at mmr

stuck at mmr in General Discussion
Nocturnal Potato

    i am stuck at 2k for a while and i mostly play pos4 or try to if there isnt junglers or something i try to learn from the games as much as i can and i realized that no point blaming team caz i am at this mmr because i suck too. any tips to help play pos4 or anyother tips, it is a bit harder to play pos4 with the xp changes any tips on that. anything helps :)

    зачем я начал поиск

      Pos. feed


        2k is nothing than 3k7 bracket

        Nocturnal Potato

          not much help i guess


            Why Meepo picker want to play position4 in the first place? I don't understand.


              If your main goal is to climb then spam only a bunch of heroes. You have a very good winrate as Nightstalker and Kunkka, why don't you just play them constantly, along with 1-2 heroes more max. As a pos 4 you rely on those early kills from the ganks in the first minutes of the game otherwise you'd end up being useless pretty soon, so focus on understanding in what lane your team has the highest kill potential when the game starts and go for that first blood/early kill. Try to collect as many bounty runes as possible especially for the exp and always keep an eye on the map while carrying a tp, in case one of your lanes is getting ganked and you're needed there. When you play pos 4 but your team goes for a 2-1-2 or 1-1-3 lineup, so when you don't roam, focus on reading the lanes matchups: is it necessary for you to be there? Can you actually have an impact in lane? Is the offlane lost anyway and you'd better leave it so your pos 3 gets at least exp? But if you leave him can he solo? Do you have the potential to kill or zone out their offlaner with your trilane? Or are you only leeching exp while farming some creep from pulls? There are so many things you have to consider that it's actually difficult to list them all so long story short: learn to read drafts and adjust to what your team needs, know the hero you're playing 'cause some pos 4s are greedy and some others aren't, and always be ready to tp and rotate when your team needs you.

              Dat Meepo winrate btw

              Nocturnal Potato

                yeah i have decent map awareness so ill try to focus more on understanding matchups and which lane needs me the most or where i have to start more thanks for the help
                i stopped playing meepo a long time ago as i prefer playing pos4 or 5

                Cobrex :c

                  Don't SPAM only a few heroes while you're 2k. You have so much to learn about how the game works, spamming will make the process slower. Watch guides on youtube, mostly d2bowie would be great for you!


                    Try choose 2-3 heroes for all roles, train it - - > get your mmr easily.

                    I think 2k is very ez to win, even solo, just communicate with your teammates and tell them what to do.

                    But even if on 2k u get 5 cores, idk dude, just outplay enemy :D

                    Anyway, everybody deserve their mmr. If you improve, u will up your mmr, if u degrade, you loose your mmr. (feeders, red days are not included).

                    If 2k players says something like "i get ruiners everygame, cant up my mmr" and he keep saying it for 1-2 months or years, that means he is true 2k player, without brain, he thinks he's good, while he's bad.
                    Everybody gets games, where they just can't win. Bad pick, REALLY bad mates, toxic players, feeders and etc. But this just can't happen everygame.


                      Play pos 4 in unranked until k u have very high skill. And u Will realise that 2k is a joke XD
