General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to know if you're a shit support?

How to know if you're a shit support? in General Discussion

    ^are u a 6k??


      I am a pos 5 support here for almost a year so I know pretty well to play a support.. (See my matches and my top 10 heroes)!
      I totally agree with @Bungmangler, @Jacked & @Prizm statements above..

      Nah for me, playing as support is fun and also "no one want to have that role, so someone have to fill that role to win the game.. Then if someone is being forced play as support, he wont do any good as support or play so badly (by that I mean ex: waste gold on sents, never buy wards, dont know how to babysit his carry etc)..

      Before I played as support, my role is jungler and offlaner.. So when i switched to a support, I got more commends than i was as jungler or offlaner.. Beside, the praise u got from a teammate as a good support is something make urself feel so good..

      So I will add some:
      -The wards in stock should never at his maximum stacks (4).. The time for ward to reload is so long so every second counts.. This apply to smoke of deceit as well.. Buy it as soon as possible when u have the gold..

      -Always buy safe items for urself, like force staff, glimmer ape, ghost scepter.. Remember, as a support, u will always get aimed first in every big fights.. Ex: lyesterday match, I played as Shadow Shaman, my teammate Slardar asked me to buy aghanim instead of glimmer.. But I doubt so and buy glimmer first.. So when the team crashed, enemy PA bkb blinked to me and i used glimmer.. The result all of the enemies died and we push and won the game.. (Match 3598792174)

      -Buy sent or dust when facing invisible enemies.. Dont care u are poor or cant buy any items.. Just buy it for offensive or defensive.. It is better to lose when u give all of ur best than u lose cause u dont have detection.. Ex: My match when using Lion facing Riki and Tiny sb.. I already told my teammates that I couldnt support alone with riki here.. But Doom said he will help and buy a ward at beginning.. But after that no one buy detection beside me.. I could only do my best without asking help anymore.. Stay poor but we won the game.. Doom realized it and said thank you for my hardwork before the game ended.. (Match 3561482061)

      -A good support will always died for his carry.. By that I means u sacrifice ur life so ur carry still stay alive, not when ur carry died, u also follow him to die.. If u see u cant never save ur carry, just let him die.. Ex: I played as Shaman, still at beginning, me and Drow wants to get bounty.. When Drow standing at bounty rune, 3 enemies come ganked her and she ran to my side.. I distracted them by attack them and shackle on of them.. Instantly they focused on me and I died while Drow was safe and thank you for my sacrifice.. Still I won that game.. (Match 3480456382)

      -As a support, at beginning u are the only one who is not focus on farming.. So u need a good map awareness skill.. By that I mean, u always notified the others when u saw ur enemies buy new items or what at his inventory, Ex: Tinker mid has ward and u need to look at him where he put the ward or when u saw Shadow Fiend bought a SB at min 10.. I know it when I played as core, u can only focus on ur surrounding and last hit (It is not that u cant, but it is just not as easy when u play as sup).. Also u need to notified the others when enemy come to gank using our jungle or prepare to TP when u saw ur teammate is in danger..

      Basically to answer @Nikki about his question about "How to know if you're a shit support?".. My answer is simple.. U are a good support when u get a lot of commends and praises when playing as support.. If no one commend or praise u, or worst case ur teammate blame u, then u are a shit support xD


        I know that I'm a dogshit supp, I don't really mind it THO haha


          I think if u r mid 3k and you don't know how to harass and zone without taking creep Agro you are bad. Also if u don't buy smokes you are Super bad.
          Agree with Wendy; You have to pay attention a lot more early game to new developments and warn people/ make calls and plays/ be At the right place at the right time.

          Your items also show how shitty u are as a support if u go eblade aghs on lion even tho u contribute by dealing dmg but u basically just play as another core. You don't enable your cores.

          So u don't have to do all the good support things to do, and you can honestly still get by, but you're a shit support in my Books.

          When I play carry the supports are usually so bad and you have to flame them. They just sit behind u in lane and soak xp so they can do stuff later like playing with a core mindset but just not last hitting.

          But they honestly get better to higher u climb thankfully.
