Faceless Void, Death Prophet, Doom, Sand King, Lich. If I see these 5 heroes together again I will abandon the game.
AM when my team mates pick Axe off, CK safe lane, SS pos 5, meepo mid and me as a duo off laner playing SK.
Changes with meta I guess but I really hate when my team has a limited win condition window compared to theirs , like for instance having 1 to zero tower pusher with a early game line up vs a late game lineup that has mixture of dps and tank . Or your entire team picks hero’s with no dps vs tanky hero’s , I mean having no tanks suck and having no disbable sucks but you know you may get lucky and catch fire in a bottle with dps mow them down n take some rax .
some super snowbally, early game dumpster fucking crap + a tower killer
like my lineup here
axe if I'm a right click carry (which i am 99% of the time)
that kunkka that you see every so often that has like every single fucking immortal and mythical that's available
NECROPHOS i thought they nerfed this hero or some shit
storm spirit who zooms at my safelane at 12 minutes and gets a double kill
Bara, Mirana, Zeus, Spectre and pudge in the same line up, can't farm, can't lane,cant show up on map ever, I would abandon the game instantly :3
Bara, Mirana, Zeus, Spectre and pudge in the same line up, can't farm, can't lane,cant show up on map ever, I would abandon the game instantly :3
i see Medusa i just try to gank the shit out of medusa before she get Skadi
anything wth Medusa now really. Fuck that hero
And makes you think its possibly going to be a tough game. Thoughts pls. Thanks!