General Discussion

General DiscussionWhich 5 hero enemy lineup demoralizes you?

Which 5 hero enemy lineup demoralizes you? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    And makes you think its possibly going to be a tough game. Thoughts pls. Thanks!

    gankl  der hochstapler

      Huskar Omni Oracle + random 2 heroes when AA is banned

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        Faceless Void, Death Prophet, Doom, Sand King, Lich. If I see these 5 heroes together again I will abandon the game.


          AM when my team mates pick Axe off, CK safe lane, SS pos 5, meepo mid and me as a duo off laner playing SK.



            old man

              omni+any regular cancer (pl, ck, huskar etc). just because.


                Changes with meta I guess but I really hate when my team has a limited win condition window compared to theirs , like for instance having 1 to zero tower pusher with a early game line up vs a late game lineup that has mixture of dps and tank . Or your entire team picks hero’s with no dps vs tanky hero’s , I mean having no tanks suck and having no disbable sucks but you know you may get lucky and catch fire in a bottle with dps mow them down n take some rax .

                chicken spook,,,,

                  Lane destroyers


                    a bunch of bkb piercing disables


                      Heavy gank. People in my tier can’t usually recover after a bad start and give up


                        some super snowbally, early game dumpster fucking crap + a tower killer
                        like my lineup here


                          axe if I'm a right click carry (which i am 99% of the time)
                          that kunkka that you see every so often that has like every single fucking immortal and mythical that's available
                          NECROPHOS i thought they nerfed this hero or some shit
                          storm spirit who zooms at my safelane at 12 minutes and gets a double kill


                            I think everyone is scared of tanky heroes now

                            Justin Weaver

                              Bara, Mirana, Zeus, Spectre and pudge in the same line up, can't farm, can't lane,cant show up on map ever, I would abandon the game instantly :3

                              Justin Weaver

                                Bara, Mirana, Zeus, Spectre and pudge in the same line up, can't farm, can't lane,cant show up on map ever, I would abandon the game instantly :3

                                Fee Too Pee

                                  i see Medusa i just try to gank the shit out of medusa before she get Skadi

                                  anything wth Medusa now really. Fuck that hero


                                    Any Hero who can counter gank and disable mobility


                                      late game heroes

                                      Bill Cutting

                                        Any hero that can kill you no matter what your farm - bara and axe come to mind