General Discussion

General DiscussionDead mid heroes 7.07c

Dead mid heroes 7.07c in General Discussion

    I can nominate Alch, DK and Ember. They are still good but not as OP before. Removing poorman shield just made their early game much worse. The theme seemed to be nukers this patch so they can't really stand at mid with a QOP, Tinker, SF or storm harassing them. Other nominations would be Necro and Veno. They are just too slow to be a midlaner anymore. Changes im regen made necro weird at mid/offlane. Veno with 270/280(?) movement speed is beyond bad.


      literally copied from a free to watch gameleap video on youtube...

      why do you people do this all the time?

      hoping for an aknowledgeable tap of the head from a bluestar player?


        well Lina's pretty dead. You see some lesh as well as shadow fiend but not much

        Microsoft Excel

          i love mango


            Monkey? Idk he still seems stong despite the loss of pms, at least against melee heroes.


              Dk isn't dead cuz the pms change doesn't hurt him too much
              In fact dk may be the only melee mid hero alive.
              Mk is more of a safelaner this patch

              casual gamer

                I don’t think dk is bad with rad build

                one syllable anglo-saxon



                    DK mid with soul ring is quite common now.

                    Necro mid is still fine.

                    Ember now is just a garbage hero in general. Can't out-carry other HCs. Can't dominate a lane.


                      nonstop meber mid


                        Jugg mid's legit af tho


                          Not only did they nerf the heck out of venos move speed, his base damage is a mere base 38. that is on par with CM's trash auto attach damage.

                          Good luck against those qops, invokers,sf's etc etc etc (basically any mid but TA)


                            U know u can murder weak heroes with Gale max


                              Veno Gale, OOV, and Poison Sting is toxic AF. Second the step onto your high ground, they should die.


                                veno is just weak early game and to heroes with better kill potential
                                he can punish rlly weak laners
                                that being said still a dead mid

                                rn almost every melee mid hero is dead besides dk, in the ranged category add lina and maybe some others


                                  DK is fine in a way that you should tell your teammates to NOT GANK MID unless they are really sure, because you can contribute very little to it. DK stays in averse lanes, except that bullshit OD. And at level 6, he's basically a Viper who can harass the enemy with auto-attacks that cause further 100 damage over 5 seconds.

                                  100% WINRATE MASTER

                                    pudge and mirana mid is good now. especially mirana