General Discussion

General DiscussionHigh ground

High ground in General Discussion

    Anyone ever just walked up highground with all five enemy heroes alive and like no abandons or signs of having given up and just taken mega creeps and then the ancient without anyone trying to defend. Like the enemy team doesn't even come into vision, they're not even just hovering around looking for an opportunity, they just straight up dont show up to defend their base. Because that just happened to me and I have to say it was the weirdest game of dota 2 I've ever played.

    Bad Intentions

      These things only happens in US servers I think.. not sure..


        my last game as lc i had a lot of dmg and invoker buffed me and had aegis too,we just walked mid and raxed them then throne,they gave up and didnt even try to defend.We had afk drow too ).Basically 4v5,and they were scared to fight just because of my dmg and aegis.


          if anything i have the opposite
          im playing against sniper or tinker or smth with an assload of waveclear and im farmed af but cant push hg at all and they defend like a mofo

          the only reason we broke hg was because pudge hooked me in while i was infested and i instant bkb then shaker gets a big echo

          Pale Mannie

            i feel like people pick only sniper in my games only for that highground defense comeback regardless of team...


              ^i had to second pick sven cuz team was losing me too much gold
              instant sniper
              i have a 10k gold lead on sniper alone and we still cant do anything


                we didn't even have that much push. It was only 25 minutes into the game and our best building hitters were a morphling and a viper and neirther of us were level 20. Like if they had just stood around and looked like they were going to defend we might have backed after only one rax.


                  half of my games end with either team sitting afk in base


                    They've given up haven't they


                      In SEA its DieTrying ROFL


                        What? Pff hell no. Every time the enemy team give up they start writing bullshit like "end mid" "please ff" "gg no def" "go throne" "gg ez *insert midder or carry* end" a billion times, and you can be 100 fucking percent sure they're gonna def like Na'vi at the TI 3 grand final, ESPECIALLY the one that wrote to end. No joke


                          happens to me like 1 in 5 games, it's quite easy to execute tbh, just requires map awareness


                            but do you spend like a good 4 to 5 minutes taking their base with literally no one even showing up until your halfway through killing their ancient. I mean we were stomping but usually people at least make an attempt to stop you from taking their highground, unless they're mostly dead but we really didn't see anyone until we started diving their fountain.


                              I mean, if u do it while they smoke rosh, I can MAYBE see it, but idk


                                Probably US thing. I Have it happen all the time where Ill be like Hey lets Defend T1, Unanimous Replies Nah, Defend T2. They Opposing team decided to push T1 into T2. Eh, NM lets just defend T3. They then continue to push T3 im Like guys... They see were not resisting they are going for it. Ill literally be the only hero defending the T3. Im like What in the world is going on here. I feel like every 10 games I play at least 1 We lose without even defending.