General Discussion

General Discussionpos #4 heroes suitable for first picking

pos #4 heroes suitable for first picking in General Discussion

    Lately I've been playing #4 in ranked and I prefer to first pick. I was wondering if more seasoned players could help to figure out which heroes are suitable to first pick.

    I suppose that some #4 heroes are easy to outdraft when picked first. E.g. bh: enemy will pick mid with blink and fat sidelaners.

    However, some #4 heroes are not so easy to outdraft even if they are picked first. They're like more universal I'd say. E.g. kka, nyx.

    Eventually, my question is, what #4 heroes are safe for first picking them aswell?

    Dont suggest spirit breaker please, I hate this hero.


      So.. Err.. Spirit breaker?

      Skywrath is a pain in the ass early game and I don't see how he can be countered in the laning stage.


        skywrath is thin and by picking #4 without stuns u force ur team to pick a lot of stuns. However, in my bracket no one cares and u ll most likely end up with 0-1 stuns in your team and get anti-mage last picked in the enemy team


          True, I wanted to add that. You will need stuns that Sky doesn't have, but I think normally a team has to have stunners, no matter what your first pick/pos 4 is. Didn't check your mmr so Idk what bracket you play in

          Ah you're mid 4k. Man I don't think 4ks are that retarded or careless, and you can always ask them to get stunners if you wanna pick heroes like Sky, they will understand and adjust. Plus AM counters Sky after he gets manta, but before that it's the other way around.


            Just get atos mate.


              never first pick as a pos 4 player

              you dont want to end up with 3 lanes where you cant do anything at all.

              pick 3rd


                @good pos 4...
                I always pick #4 first, check my last games, seems that it works just fine in my bracket
                Pros/high mmr players also often pick #4 first unless they have some cheesy combo they dont want to show early/they want to pick something easy to counterpick

                I think sky is more of a #5 then #4

                100% WINRATE MASTER

                  Mirana is the best. role versatile, easily transition to carry in late game, easy escape with the new leap (op af)


                    I used to spam lich, it works good for both 5 and 4
                    I would argue its a better 5 because of killing of the offlaner and keeping him underleveled with sacrifice


                      No offence but mirana is the worst #4 possible and usually it's a go-to 'semi-support' for people who didnt get core role but won't accept playing support. They just buy 0-1 wards through the course of the game and spend their time clearing jungle for 30 min aghanims thus just robbing their cores in terms of gold. After a couple of missed mid arrows of course.

                      Lich can be played as both and he is a better #4 since he can dominate offlane hard (at least he used to in the previous patch) but he was nerfed and he is boring af. Not worth playing now imo.

                      100% WINRATE MASTER

                        add me for mirana games. its good only if u can land ur arrows like me


                          However, the majority of people are disgusting at landing arrows. Besides, even considreing you are good at arrowing, there are heroes who offer much more than that now when played as #4. Mirana is the best as #2 now.

                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                            if u create a thread and then proceed to decline suggestions of perfectly fine pos4 heroes why create a thred in the first place

                            Palmen aus Plastik

                              Pudge works? I mean the threat of Pudge is more important than the hero itself in my opinion. So maybe that's a good first pick.


                                Pudge is very good in pubs rn according to stats, yeah
                                However, people start picking heroes you dont wanna hook if they see pudge: centaur, ursa etc


                                  sand king and sb maybe?

                                  honor guard

                                    earth spirit

                                    Palmen aus Plastik

                                      @harya, very true actually. I once hooked a tide to my team when all i wanted to do was hook the drow. I got 5 reports after the monstrous ravage that followed :)


                                        pretty much all the pos 4 heroes can be firstpicked nowadays

                                        ns, nyx, slardar, clock, ench, sk, es (not shaker), kka


                                          mirana and lich are not suitable for pos 4 but if u like it, its fine, i guess


                                            Pudge guys. Haven't you notice u can just pick him every game and do okay?


                                              Pudge, Tusk, Earth Spirit, Kunkka, Rubick, Lion, SK, Night Stalker and nevet forget, Spirit Breaker.


                                                Below that would be doom, clock, ench, mirana and chen. All are good but requires good positioning unlike the list I mention above which are braindead to use.


                                                  Riki and BH are also good.


                                                    Umm nature prophet ganking style?
                                                    The enemy supp Will be wasted their gold forr counter yourgank and you making space for your carry.

                                                    Or ns is really strong i mean u cant play well with low viision did u?

                                                    Well no matter what im suggest u Will reject it anyway


                                                      I better seejugg supp rather than Mirana supp ty