General Discussion

General DiscussionAdvice on playing mid

Advice on playing mid in General Discussion

    Hello guys, i am currently a low 3k scrub player from sea server. i would like to learn the mid role. i hope u guys can give me some advice on where to start and where can i look for guides.


      get cs, deny cs


        kill the enemy midlaner, don't die.


          Learn about creep aggro. Learn about lane positioning. CS properly, and try to make it hard for enemy mid to CS(not necessarily deny, mess with him w attack animation on the creep so that he misses the CS). Learn about hero matchups so that you dont go first picking Invo into an OD.
          That's the tip of the iceberg. There's a lot of information to be disseminated, and most people on the forums are probably too lazy to type it all up. Best way to learn mid is to play mid and watch videos on mid.


            Creep agro, bring them onto your range creep on your hg
            Deny everything you can deny and outplay the ennemy midlaner


              aggroing creeps to deny the ranged creep. its insane how many people at low 3k dont do this or take the aggro back...

              also fück the bounty rune, block your creeps.

              if the creeps meet on your stairs and you deny your ranged creep most of the time you already won the lane

              👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                Kill the ancient


                  thanks everyone for the advice. what mid heroes do u recon i start learning?


                    Pick meepo

                    chicken spook,,,,

                      30% wr midlane overlord is here


                        Try qop and viper ez to lane and secure kills


                          Make sure you pick high base dmg heroes if you want to win midland. Not garbage Like OD. LUL

                          chicken spook,,,,

                            void mid :thinking:


                              1: BLOCK THE FUCKING LANE

                              stay full HP at all time. if the enemy poke 50 hp off you, eat a tango and rightclick him more, if he takes 200 health off you order a salve.

                              on the flip side, try to keep the enmy mid as low hp as possible and constantly as close to dying as possible, this way, he can't go aggressive on you without you finishing him, so he has to either back or heal -> time wasted.

                              if the supports are missing, shove the lane and retreat to the jungle, if you know they're busy, try to keep the lane on your hg (unless you want to go for rune)


                                creep advantage > trying to kill enemy midlaner

                                chicken spook,,,,

                                  why not both


                                    I won a lane as viper against tinker then lost in 15 more min AMA

                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                      buy clarities
                                      get ur own obs by night if there isnt one placed


                                        I'd highly recommend Dota 2 Bowie for a start, especially his starting items on midlane guide. Below are some things I tell myself.

                                        1. Never pick mid heroes first as it opens draft for counterpicking.
                                        2. Always bring a salve into lane after bounty, so you can trade hits and heal up and not end up getting zoned.
                                        3. Cs > Denies. Don't forget to use creep aggro to last hit better.
                                        4. Draw creep aggro or going back to block creeps if the lane is not in our favour of equilibrium.
                                        5. Push out the 30s spawned wave if you can bottle or neutral/stack.
                                        6. If need be ferry regen to stay in lane, getting zoned out is worse. Same goes for obs and sentries.
                                        7. Be on your toes for rotations, and never assume supports are going to reach you in time.
                                        8. Know your hero, once you hit a power spike translate it into an objective.

                                        For a start, try DK, QOP or Viper. Watching replays can help, but I think its better to watch games with specific analysis as it is already broken down for you. Sometimes watching a replay may not give much because you may not understand the rationale behind the actions. We don't know what we don't know.


                                          Don't try qop
                                          It's hard


                                            Qop is great . Good escape, great skills for harassing/wave clear and enough damage to secure kills and cs.

                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                              this guide is outdated as fuck

                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                also when i was 2k it didnt rly help me because i didnt undersyand 50% of the stuff he was talking about


                                                  qop is also hard because she needs to stay on top of a game. You really don't want to try and play qop from behind and it's very easy to die if you missjudge things.

                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                    qop is great for newbies because she has blink(to blink into 5 people) and an aoe ult(to cast it point black and miss)


                                                      Actually denies > Cs since you get an enormous xp advantage, and you'll be able to pressure more with a lvl advantage than with let's say a second null talisman.(obviously only applies when there's an enemy laner nearby)


                                                        maybe for ranged creep but otherwise no

                                                        Justin Weaver

                                                          Play sniper mid, nothing better than that little shit


                                                            You need a second null if u want to even contest with shitty base dmg mids


                                                              ^2 null on mirana report