General Discussion

General DiscussionFrom dota 5.84c until now. Advice needed

From dota 5.84c until now. Advice needed in General Discussion

    Guys and sifus. Dota is my life, and i enjoyed playing it. I have played more than 10 years, from WC3 three corridors to dota 1 5.84c and dota 2 until now. My play in dota 1 seriously is a lot better than now, at least a local tournament standard.

    I wonder there is seriously a lot of mistake on my play style. 10 years in dota and my mmr still yet to pass 3k. Please give me some advice to increase my solo MMR. I have come to here to look for some improvement, not satisfaction. So, i dont mind to be flamed. Just speak freely and honest.

    There is a few hero i good in (i think), like Ursa DK CK WK LS (mostly tanky carry). One problem i face is, i cant snowball with these hero in solo ranked with fellow crusaders and archon. Not much an issue in party ranked. When i use these hero, a lot of things can happend in solo ranked, HC wanna safe and i going off which i am alright with this, then HC failed and i off vs trilane not very good either. Or, support didnt works well with me i suppose. And of course, everyone is responsibility for losses, as well as me playing those hero. Then now, i started to play pose 4 like clock and NS to ensure pose 4 doing job right, but once again, either oponent carry out farm our carry (my fault, romers didnt press carry), or our carry fail (my fault again, didnt protect our carry). I have the mid set of every losses is partially my mistake also because there is a reason of my MMR rank. If i m good enough, those things wont happend.

    Dear Sifus, i need advice to improve my play. Please advice.


      Rip engrish


        How to get 5k in 1 Month:
        1. Mute everyone
        2. Spam Ench
        3. Profit


          how to get 6k in 1 month

          1. pre-mute everyone, and the enemy team
          2. spam ench
          3. profit


            yea, i am SEA player. sorry about my english. Hope you guys can understand


              @offlane or Morph @Cookies LOL at your comment. It is true? i can spam ench later in game xD but i am not good in ench. GG

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                if you are actually 2k after 10 years, this game is probably not for you mate and no amount of advice is going to help you.


                  Have you done the LH challenge?

                  13 y.o (ghoul) (dead inside)

                    Learn how to Jungle effectively and efficiently then you can easily climb up until 4k.
                    You can Jungle as early as level 3 and outfarm anyone then end the game, The reason for this is most 2k/3ks pick a 5 carry lineup and whoever is the most farmed would always win. So Instead of contesting the farm of your other carries, Try to jungle at level 3 if you can.




                        Add me. I also play in SEA. I teach you my ways.



                          You played DotA 1 until 2015? :O

                          Watch some guides on Youtube I guess.


                            There's serious value in muting everyone. Srsly.


                              Im 15 years in dota,brother


                                how to get everybody mute in a minute:
                                1) mute everyone
                                2) ????
                                3) profit

                                Riguma Borusu

                                  jesus christ


                                    13 post 1 is usefull
                                    Gj again guys :)


                                      LMAO yesterday i mute enemy. Out of 4 ranked. I win first 3. It was an easy win. Last game i think i was already tired and the draft went wrong. We don't have FV counter. And he goes unstopable.


                                        @BlackXargon will add you later tonight when i play. Thanks bro.


                                          @Stentorian you are right. I cant imagine the difference. Makes me so focus in the game and less mistake caused by enemy words.


                                            U played for 10 years. But u don't have that many matches under your belt. It's not surprising you wouldn't have improved unless u play constantly for those 10 years. And if u haven't improved while doing that, just give up and meme


                                              @Jacked my dota 2 client should 2k plus games played. Am not sure why dota buff stat so much lower.

                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                that's... much worse then, it means that no matter how much you play you're going to stay 2k or slowly improve up to 3k in about 2000 more matches

                                                just give up trying to improve since you obviously do not have the capacity to do that, just play turbo for memes and that's it


                                                  thanks. perhaps i should quit..


                                                    @Op nah dont quit, if u want to improve im sure you can with the right help.

                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                      it's too late and there's no point in it

                                                      he should just play turbo for giggles and have some fun

                                                      if you don't have fun playing the game and can't break into 3k you should quit

                                                      if you have fun, no matter which MMR you are at, you should continue to have fun

                                                      I basically quit playing the game at the point where it was no longer fun for me, when I didn't want to grind MMR anymore like a retard, etc, I just watch dota now

                                                      Friendly player

                                                        Maybe you didn't seek for right help or maybe you just didn't play for win. Last hitting is useful, harassing enemy is very good, you should look up for guide on how to win your lane, after you master that you can start learning other stuff.


                                                          Guys.. free to look at my yesterday games? I have try to play very focus in game. Yet the game is not in my favor. Please comment where i can improve and where i did mistake. If you guys have the time can go trough the replay also.

                                                          Million thanks.


                                                            Not gonna bother watching.

                                                            But if u are getting a lot of kills and dying a lot and not winning games as clock, it just simple.

                                                            U are taking unnecessary risk, making unnecessary trades, and then probably baiting your entire team to feed with your shitty initiations. So there's maybe one thing I can suggest to improve if u play clock, is to think about whether you should initiate if u see someone, and also when you should initiate, and lastly who you should initiate on.

                                                            You need to improve your map awareness which will help you make those decisions.

                                                            Itemisation will also help u in that regard.

                                                            Of course there are more complicated things involved when playing clock well and it revolves around understanding how to maximise your spell usage. That's something you watch pros and learn. I'm pretty sure u can watch your own game and see for yourself that your spell usage isn't efficient.


                                                              Try playing other positions cause pos3/4 aint working for ya


                                                                I think that the fastest way to increase your MMR/skill is to spam one hero(mb a small number of heroes). I would suggest that you start playing on core positions instead of position 4 or 5. If you try to be a good roamer or support it's just not gonna happen cuz in your skill bracket core players are terrible. So, you actually need to win your games solo.

                                                                You need to choose a hero that you can first pick no matter what and play this hero on core positions. It may be hard playing 5+ games but you can have another hero and just switch after 5 games. You should create a hero pool or pick one hero to spam and enjoy the grind.

                                                                I see that you have decent win rates on Necrophos and WK. These heroes are REALLY powerful and can actually help you raise your MMR drastically. I suggest you spam these two heroes. One should go offlane and the other goes to safelane. The best thing about these heroes that you can first pick them without facing a game-losing counter.

                                                                Frankly, I did it myself when I jumped from 3,1 to 4,7. I was so tired of being a 3k player because I played a lot in Dota Allstars and now in Dota 2. It just feels bad when some1 says that he/she plays dota over 10 years and they are still 1-3k.

                                                                7Mad About You

                                                                  how to get 5k in 1 month
                                                                  1. mute everyone
                                                                  2. spam [insert cancer hero name]
                                                                  3. profit


                                                                    Create new acc bro no one can get out of 2k in sea


                                                                      @jacked thanks for your advice. I should more focus on doing favorable trades.

                                                                      #prizm thanks for suggestion. My wk mostly pick after enemy hero pool dont have both pl and am. Now my pick will be more focus on counter enemy. For first pick core or carry, I have tried that previously. In my 2k bracket, my other 4 team mate will no give a f and result in 5 carry or core. I wish there is a hero which very hard to counter so that i can spam the hero to grind mmr. Congrat to u for leaving 3k and closing to 5k.

                                                                      @wannabee new acv not an option bro. I have quite some cash item and purchased game in this steam account as well. No one really get out of 2k in SEA?


                                                                        @oGC add me on steam i could watch a few of ur games later today if you'd like i have some free time


                                                                          @dawn thanks. I will add you. Would like to have some comment and advice from ppl better than me.