General Discussion

General Discussionvipers mana

vipers mana in General Discussion

    how do u sustain ur mana in midgame pushes as this hero?
    clarities are hard to keep up if ur fighting
    supports with arcanes or smth?
    i feel like a god with not enough mana to constantly shit on them without going abck to base or smth

    Potato Marshal

      Aquila, pike, raindrops, tread switching and conservative use of poison attack. And you should usually have at least one guy with arcanes in a team.


        viper definetly has a mana problem. I usually get by with just aquila and conservative use of mana. Late game you're forced into some item with mana regen, in my mind linkens or orchid is your best choice, and often that isn't what I want or really need. Right now I feel the hero just has too many weaknesses that it's forced to cover with items. The hero really needs a talent that covers one of these issues, ideally either a mana regen talent or an armour talent, although a poison attack pierces bkb could work and maybe a little more damage at 25.


          aquila is enough for early game
          wand also helps


            Dunt buy treads, buy arcane. U have 5scd cd nuke with amplify and break

            If u want to buy treads,go aether lens brother. U can cast 2nd skill with really long ass range


              Casual perseverance


                U don't have problems in the early game or even in short midgame fights where u can Regen between fights, using nether toxin every wave doesn't drain ur Mana too much with Aquila.
                The biggest problem I've had is sustained pushes, or lategame. I ferry hella clarities.


                  Casual perseverance into aghs is the way to play


                    Please never buy aghs on this hero it's so trash
                    I know above person is memeing but on a serious note I see it sometimes on the vipers in my bracket


                      I'll do it right now to prove a point


                        U don't have problems in the early game or even in short midgame fights where u can Regen between fights, using nether toxin every wave doesn't drain ur Mana too much with Aquila.
                        The biggest problem I've had is sustained pushes, or lategame. I ferry hella clarities

                        Actually viper has mana problem. He has 3 active, one having 0 cd, and one having 5scd cd

                        Viper role and playstle was same actually, just nuke,kite,nuke again,kite,enemy dead


                          ^he does, but not early
                          u dont need the min 10 arcanes, ull be fine with clarities
                          u cant use clarities to sustain a push tho
                          the spammable actives r 25 and 75 mana respectively, theyre not that expensive


                            here is viper aghs working, just played it now. ROFL


                              fuck techies.


                              also fuck that weaver

                              casual gamer

                                Aquila plus wand plus clarities (Sorry). Ideally you will have an arcane boot hero on your team but it doesnt always happen. Keep in mind you can drop pike/aquila when you wand for a little extra mana


                                  jdf8, any ideas on what I could have done in that game I posted. To me it felt like am splitpush and techies anti push just slowed the game down too much and we lost to superior late game.

                                  (sorry to hijack thread but the questions pretty much been answered)

                                  casual gamer

                                    If you want to catch am you need null + BT and either blink or silver edge.

                                    If you need to break hg against techies just beg cw to flare the t3 and then click it from max range with pike. Obviosuly roshing first is ideal but you probably did rosh

                                    I cant really give you any crazy insights without actually looking at the match but those couple of things would probably have helped significantly (kill anyone who leaves base with null+thorn, chip t3 with flare vision, have sentries for when you go to hit rax and force them to come to YOU, then silence void when he blinks in)


                                      yeah I understand you cant do a whole lot with just the dotabuff, especially cause its not truesight. thinking about it I probably should have gone nullifyer and sold skadi. We may have been a little too worried about am split push but I think the biggest problem was that we didn't have enough wave clear to hold on to map control and as the game wore on we just steadily got pused back into our base. Really needed weaver to go mjolner. The problem really came down to map control. we needed map control to win that game but we couldn't hold on to it. which really sucks cause that was one of my best viper performances since 7.07,


                                        clarities work in the mid early game, but u cant sustain pushes with em or they get cancelled