General Discussion

General DiscussionShadow shaman is hella fun

Shadow shaman is hella fun in General Discussion
👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

    Well I think I found my new favorite hero
    He simply feels to me so flowing, like there weren't these moments where I'm "shit what do i do now?" he always do something, he has great disables which are quiet spammable, so I always have something in teamfight

    He has sick right click and he can nuke a waves, so I can alot of times just go and clear a wave if I'm safe

    He can force objectives, with wards I can dish alot of damage to rosh, and I am a big threat to towers so I am forcing the enemies to constantly keep tab on me
    I am always having objectives when I play him. That's so fun


      best 1 v 5 support in the game. noobs crying u cant win with a support. lul

      👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

        Well I couldn't win without my team, I really cant see how he would be useful without a team. He has 2 disableds where one is a channel, and his wards are useless without team backing them, they die in 2 hits

        He seems like a very team oriented hero to me


          Jacked, Do you ever look at youself in the mirror? 96% core picker told people about how to win with support?

          Justin Weaver

            Just note when this guy is missing from the teamifght, he is getting your buildings before you even notice it lul

            👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

              Well yea that's one of the things about him i like, you must keep a tab on him every time

              Also if you teamwipe and they don't have bb, that's easy rax


                check my sick shaman wr. i just get bored playing support.

                howtonoob. build aghs>plant wards, shackle, solo kill any1. build refresher, and u are basically antimage

                👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                  Well I did buy aghs first in the first game. Simply because I didn't think what else I need. He is really independent

                  But I think blink usually will be better


                    if u can trust ur team, build your usual support items. blink of course is very good on shaman. but if not, just farm and build aghs and ignore them

                    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                      Build my usual support items?
                      Like wards and smoke?

                      Well I did that, I bought 17 obs, 9 sentry, and 8 smokes

                      I kinda couldn't buy more than that, they have cd...
                      Well sentries doesn't I guess


                        Glimmer, blink, force are ur "it's a closer game and I need saves/initiation"
                        Aghs and refresher is a lategame thing, and more importantly a greedy thing, tbh u shudnt even need refresher since 3rd Roshan gives it and u get the shard usually.


                          Hes my go to support. Fucks everyone you grab your grubby little mitts on. You can solokill their storm or am if you play right and push towers and rax by himself. I cant say enough anout him. I buy drums atos for 3 BRACERS MOTHAFUCKA. and he can easilly get these items from nuking waves and “securing” kills lmao. I have like 70%wr after I discovered him last patch and this patch im undefeated with him.


                            -10 games


                              usual support items = force staff/glimmer/shit that u can use on ur teammates to save them.


                                Check this out. This guy makes guides on youtube and he made a shaman one


                                Dont gree with the blink statement though. He has a 0 cast animation hex that can justify the blink. Also shackle blink escape trick

                                👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                  Check this out. This guy makes guides on youtube and he made a shaman one


                                  Dont gree with the blink statement though. He has a 0 cast animation hex that can justify the blink. Also shackle blink escape trick

                                  Yes I know erick wright, and I understood you referencing him when you said "three bracers"
                                  Not a fan of his guides (although I agree with his thoughts about crest) , but they're funny


                                    Funny thing is that the way he sells guides. It actually makes you think they’re good. And sometimes, they actually win me games. I'm always like, yeah, He has a point.


                                      So I play Shadow a little differently. Now that they removed his move speed trait it isn't as fun but I like to build the Spirit Vessel and either Drums or Euls. First items are Tranquil Boots and Soul Ring. I just go SUPER FAST as Shadow Shaman. Don't need blink when you can out run anybody on the map to shackle them. Sometimes I get a glimmer but usually after Tranqs, Soul, Spirit Vessel and Euls I jump right into Aghs to just destroy everythng.


                                        Get windlace + tranquils for move speed


                                          But usually I like to get mana boots as it is good for the team. Otherwise you have juggernauts building mana boots for themselves because they have no mana for omni.


                                            Erik Wright's guides are almost exclusively shit, but make nice memes
                                            If u want an Eric wright guide just fucking build force solar or urn on any hero and that's the build

                                            👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                              Erik has points on his builds, I don't think of them as a set-in-stone way of playing, but rather insights about the hero I can think on when I'm playing and adapt my play accordingly

                                              As I said I think his point about solar crest is really good


                                                Yeah. He's great if the enemy is all single-targeting. Against too many AOE nukes, he's done.

                                                chicken spook,,,,

                                                  Erik is a memer

                                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                                    I tilt way too easily from his garbage cast range

                                                    Decent hero though


                                                      whenever i play shaman it feels like im dead for most of the game :/


                                                        Shaman is the most boring hero in dota 2
                                                        Literally cancer to play and annoying af to play against

                                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                          crusader 4 opinions


                                                            He's a pain to play when your team sucks balls.

                                                            I prefer to play heroes that require minimal team interaction.

                                                            pos5 with carry hero,ez g...

                                                              "Jacked" i think when some1 will need help from 1k dog , that he will ask u ,so pls stop spaming what u think if u dontk now shit about this game , thx

                                                              chicken spook,,,,

                                                                awW nice game (: #1 !!

                                                                Ranked MM 226

                                                                pos5 with carry hero,ez g...

                                                                  ^ 1546
                                                                  SOLO MMR


                                                                  chicken spook,,,,



                                                                      Hahahaha mister 1x1 is mad. He removed me from his Friend list after I trashed his ass 1x1.

                                                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                                                        1x1 = 1