General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen no one buys courier for 30 mins, what is the next logical action?

When no one buys courier for 30 mins, what is the next logical action? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Kindly advise based on what will you do or what have you done. Thanks!


      Afk farm jungle


        simple answer my friend, i buy one.

        it's a 150 gold purchase = save yourself ~40 minutes of cancer


          if im playing mid, i just buy it myself. if not, i just use sideshop.


            Do nothing ? The guy who buy courier lose and a tryhard retard in 5 core team game

            [ Crisis- ]

              buy a courier


                96% core picker blame other is real.


                  buy one


                    By 30 minutes the winner of the match is most likely defined so the question is quite meaningless.

                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                      why is it that every ops post looks like a disguised "my team is bad" thread

                      69 god

                        My old days. Try to win your lane. Get the cour yourself. Ik it hurts our ego as a carry but you need the cour more than supp do.

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          i will buy the fucking courier at the start of the game, even if im the carry. come on people dont be retarded and stubborn, unless you want to lose.


                            Some people just have to much fucking ego. Acting like that 200 in game gold is gonna make you poor in real life if you spend it. Bunch of stingy b*stards


                              buy the courier as mid??? thats kinda obvious


                                Rush bots of travel and just go base whenever you need items... Tried it once or twice. 10/10. would do it again

                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                  fr*cking b*stards


                                    You should've picked Natures Prophet silly.

                                    Cancer Malaria

                                      one creep wave is more than enough farm to buy 150 gold cour. you saving for rapier or something?


                                        if by 30 mins noone bought a curier that certainly includes yourself

                                        also curier costs 200 gold


                                          Tell allies to drop items on ground and walk their items to them with your hero. Be the courier, save money

                                          mlvn Fruits` and Veggies`

                                            Simple, you buy one then.


                                              I'd buy it, what sucks is when u buy ur items and leave base, expecting support to buy it, then they don't and u gotta wait till someone gets the gold and goes back to base.


                                                Buy it & don't drop. Also buy all the wards & place them next to your towers for an "extra" vision. I also recommend spamming "well played" the moment your allies feed, for an extra morale boost. Try to tilt people so they feed, them report them at the end, so they get LP. Easy.


                                                  What if couriers and tp scrolls did not exist so supports had to transport thier carry’s items to them .


                                                    ^this guy gets it


                                                      why wouldn't you just buy it? stop spamming tb and play some other heroes then you will know


                                                        So many cancer today.. supports dont buy courier then if their midlaner fail they will blame him and report him.. dfaq


                                                          Buy it myself along with wards and sht regardless of role


                                                            I’ll buy courier if playing core but not wards :)


                                                              That's a really silly question to ask. U know the answer already

                                                              dont be thrilled by this ...

                                                                30 mins, means that u didn't buy too, so u are the same trash why u need advise? they're all like you :)


                                                                  I kindly advise to go afk jungling all game long, unless you stole someone's pos 1 or 2 and pissed them off. In that case I kindly advise to go fck yourself and get the courier


                                                                    win game.


                                                                      If it's 30 mins in and there's still no courier, it means you're just as cancerous as the rest of them.

                                                                      Why do you care when you obviously don't give a hoot about it?

                                                                      Either play on without a courier or you can feed intentionally while blaming everyone except yourself.


                                                                        buy it before the game starts. it's only 200 gold. only 200