General Discussion

General DiscussionAcc buyer everywhere

Acc buyer everywhere in General Discussion

    Last 5 solo game i got matched with ancient in my team, either ancient 0 or 1. Theyre usually have the worst skill in the team and get tilted so easily. Im playing on legend bracket, around legend 3 with 3.6xx mmr. Why is this happening, usually the enemy team dont have this ancient game ruiner guy


      Yes, everybody who has a bad game is an account buyer. Logic 100


        @inx4c Ppl crying on Dotabuff are crying for the smallest thing mostly, but I do meet a lot of acc buyers and I can perfectly distinguish ACC BUYER from BAD DAY GUY, TROLL, etc. Having played hundreds of hours in every single bracket with and against people from Herald 1 to Divine 100, I can spot movement patterns they make. There is a lot of similarity in item choices, farm patterns, decision making.

        This guy prolly has no clue though what the difference is, system is bad, he is good, teammates hold him back kek


          Dude im legend 3, usually meet ancient 0 and 1. Isnt that a really big skill difference? And also if there's ancient in my team there's usually no ancient on enemy team but the ancient in my team cant carry us anyway, some legends in my team carried us, not ancient. In rare occassion, i carried my team


            it's bc the ancient guy is losing lots of games so his mmr is going down. he's about the same level as you guys if he's with you


              this isn't that hard


                Agreed... Lots of them and new smurfs with 25 fuckin games...


                  legend 3 to ancient is an horrible bracket as it's the bracket of max calibration
                  so much booster too


                    Lol use your brain little. How can you meet ancient at your brackett? Ofc its because that retard ancient lose so much that he drop at same mmr as you

                    But remember the badge cant change, so even his real mmr is 3,6k, he still have his ancient badge till next season

                    I believe there will another post like this likes, herald meet archon, guardian meet archon, crusader meet legend :D


                      And why the fuck would anyone buy acc at legend or anceint what the hell


                        Ppl crying on Dotabuff are crying for the smallest thing mostly, but I do meet a lot of acc buyers and I can perfectly distinguish ACC BUYER from BAD DAY GUY, TROLL, etc. Having played hundreds of hours in every single bracket with and against people from Herald 1 to Divine 100, I can spot movement patterns they make. There is a lot of similarity in item choices, farm patterns, decision making.

                        This guy prolly has no clue though what the difference is, system is bad, he is good, teammates hold him back kek

                        only that you will meet 1 account buyer per 100 games, maybe even more
                        Even divine is such a dogshit bracket that all u need to do to get there is kill fucking creeps


                          im a low mmr acc buyer
                          recent games for proof SoBayed


                            i too suffer from dillusion


                              @Xcell thats what i said, they bought ancient account, dropped mmr really hard


                                There we go again, "oh everyone on dota is dogshit except me" Lol. Talking to you mr.inxs. If divine bracket is dogshit I guess we'all be seeing you in the sub 100 ranks soon. GL boy

                                Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                  I have a game where our opponent have a Divine [0] and most of us are Ancient [1] - [2]

                                  Good thing he won. He must be in some kind of losing streak coz Divine [0] players are on around 5.2k mmr (i'm only 4.3k)

                                  mlvn Fruits` and Veggies`

                                    Delusional players who can't accept their MMR reality and blames everyone without them realizing their own mistakes proceeds to buy a high mmr account and then ruins high mmr games because they are playing with people who are obviously way better than them.


                                      stop whining you garbage retard

                                      secondly, I went from legend 5 to ancient 3. it may be bugged, idk

                                      but seriously, shut the .... up. whining douchebag.