General Discussion

General DiscussionYou get this guy against you..

You get this guy against you.. in General Discussion
1st class tourist

    What do you do?

    1) Take one for the team and abandon

    2) Get stomped and try to win the game?


      3. i will win


        You don't get better by playing others at or below your own skill, so therefor the only correct answer is, of course, Onions.

        jk you fucking win that shit mate. Or you die trying. This is dota.

        Then you watch the replay and learn some new shit that will carry you to the heavens.


          holy shit, 1 game brood to end before 20 next game techies to keep the game going for 10 hours

          this guy is the devil


            get 25 mmr because im god


              take mid and win the game


                negoitate with the guy,pls let me win


                  Try to win, of course. Even if I lose, there's always a nice replay to watch.


                    divine 3 and he is playing normal and high skill games ?


                      The best parth i see his mmr as 837 :)

                      < blank >

                        Boosters are very easy to spot judging by their profile so you can prepare your team mentally to work as a team.

                        Against broodmother boosters - Jakiro mid + some help from roamer is so far the best option. Its a disaster when your team pick too greedy pos 2 cores against BM mid. In such games you lose all towers in 20 minutes. You also need a lot of lockdown, ideally also a natural Radiance carrier.

                        Against lycan boosters, its simmilar to bm games. You need a lot of lockdown, best if bkb piercing. So heros like Axe, Void etc. But apart from the pick you need a very good team coordination which is very difficult to get in pubs.

                        But hey .... 2 days ago I won a game agaisnt a Lycan booster.


                        Im Lex.

                        And this is the guy ...

                        Before that match, he didint lose a single game for 30 games straight. Even though we had 20 k advantage, everytime we tried to push together he was already trying to finish our last of two remaining raxx by ratting. Very diffucult game I must say. Before we could push we had to push out the lanes, smoke + make a pickoff on lycan with Chrono. Only then we were good to go.

                        Potato Marshal

                          A lot less impressive when you see he's playing playing in barely 3k MMR matches.


                            his account was at 1 mmr although he's obviously a divine player, the question is how does he have a divine medal when his solo mmr is obviously still very low

                            I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

                              I would rape

                              ♏mikeeCS ツ

                                @Zenoth : Dotabuff MMR number is not updating since the medal updates.
                                And as some people said here that the account boosted by someone.

                                So before the medal update the MMR was like 800 MMR but after the medal update someone with 5000-6000 MMR boosted this accnt and this account get the divine medal.....

                                Cheesy Wenis

                                  Matchmaking works, which means he is just as bad as you are in spite of that amazing record. Crack your knuckles and get to work on that pretty face.


                                    @♏ikeeCS ツ

                                    hence my using the past tense "was"

                                    also his solo queue ranked games are still in normal/high bracket so his solo mmr is obviously no more than 3k, which is why i'm asking how he got the divine medal

                                    Fuck SJWs!!!!!

                                      Look at his first game, he ruin a few hundred games. Report him and maybe he gets ban

                                      bum farto

                                        Accounts like this just smell of abuse, boosting, or match toggling so hell yeah I would play it out.

                                        bum farto

                                          Adding to that his opponents are all legend 2-3 so unlikely the badge is correct.

                                          EDIT: Seems it is correct and he might be using language or setting abuse to get in easier games.

                                          bum farto

                                            Similar bug seems on this 4.6k player