General Discussion

General DiscussionMagical or Physical sf ? and why

Magical or Physical sf ? and why in General Discussion
NlGGER (mute+core only)

    Magical or Physical sf ? and why




        Magic is fun though


          I think the question should be more when should you go one over the other, they both have their weaknesses and strengths.

          After watching so much sf being drafted in pro matches recently I think the euls/blink magic build focused build appears to only be a pub build vs disorganized teams, I've yet to see it be built.


            I am finding much success with the Magical Build in pub games, sure Shadow Fiend is a hero that can easily crash in a game but the magical seems to be quite effective if played well


              Buy a new laptop so that you wont crash in the middle of the game

              Pale Mannie

                magic in an abomination


                  Depends. Whichever your playstyle, the Agh is broken on him at the moment. Both level 25 talents make this an insane purchase.


                    I like hitter


                      magical build is like a meme, imo you should only go for it if you know you have a powercarry that secures your lategame DPS.

                      and it feels like pros pick SF for the physical build which is basically the one that secures that lategame DPS instead of being the nuker that relies on having someone else secure it.


                        Magic sf is something u go when u r dominating and the enemies are relatively squishy or underleveled