General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to quit dota forever

How to quit dota forever in General Discussion

    this thread gives me autism

    literally any piece of entertainment can be classified like this, and 90% of players would just move on from dota once it fully dies
    the most ull get from someone is nostalgia, but its not like everyone is fucking addicted to this game
    what u said abt people caring can be exactly applied to this thread
    literally no one gives a fuck




        I have a demanding career, a marriage and a house to look after. Beyond that, i give to charities, try to keep in shape and see my friends.

        Dota is a nice 45 minute break from where world where i dont have to think about anything else. Even if people are feeding or toxic, I see that as it loving me back because it takes my mind off the world for a little bit...

        chat banned :)

          Haha guys this is some deep shiiit. But u know what? at the end of the day, it is about the feeling you have when your playing it's about enjoying the game or getting angry about how noon your team is but you still want to play after that so go do what you like nobody gives a fuuck about you but yourself

          1-IceTea 🌟

            EZ for winner

            ROAD TO HERALD 0

              Look who's back from the dead X_X


                Ice Tea back from the grave *pogchamp*

                Story Time

                  he came back to save the jungle!!


                    ROFL I told u he not ded


                      Didnt u die ?

                      1-IceTea 🌟

                        I will live as long as there is jungle creep!


                          so if jungling dies you will die too,maybe we should email icefrog about this


                            Reading poems and playing piano will also do not get you any real "life value", exept for the challenge they provide and the entertainment.

                            What is real life value?

                            Money on the bank and a fullfilled love life, a carreer?

                            That works with dota.

                            In the end you will die and fade away, like you never exsisted.

                            Story Time

                              it is amazing that in 2018 people do not know the purpose of life... I do, but the rest are so confused :)


                                i definitely DO NOT know the purpose of life
                                what is life


                                  Positive Mental you go to see your doctor asap.


                                    Think of all the side bitches u could be having in your 8 year long relationship if it wasn’t for dota, pathetic nerd


                                      ez get 6 month ban, and when the ban is lifted get 6 month ban again