General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR After 100 Matchmade

MMR After 100 Matchmade in General Discussion

    Can someone tell me why I got normal skill if I went mid with good KDA, and got VHS if I went support with bad KDA. I still don't understand. Here's my id


      how to play like hs or vhs ? any tips so i can climb.... cuz if i play with archon 2 and 4 ill wint the game.. but if i play with legend valve give me shitty allies they dnt care win and tt all the time thats is pignoy shit... sea server..... at normal skill cancerous people feeder.. and still talking shit..

      give me tips to climb at hs and vhs...


        @well ako

        in order to clarify your mind .. let me tell you dude.. are you below legend 2 ?
        if you are below legend 2 theres no need try hard to attain it .
        create a new account. then play normal games
        when starting a game you should buy items basic items actually like magic stick. power treads , aquila ring if you are mid laners or hard carry buy basically item like drums magic stick, please do not jump on expensive items


          @Sunday told u :DD

          The Intruder

            ive played 101 games and still ranked gaming remains locked


              play 102


                @Sunday told u :) max is 3.5k

                Sir Ian Gwapo BOKOG

                  Hi, I already have 101 matches and still the rank match is still locked. Any clues what I need to do to resolve this? Also, I have abandon on the past games is it the reason?


                    High is how much mmr?

                    #1 Philippine player

                      mmr has limit now only 3.5k even after calibration. 3.5k max mmr cant go past that


                        There isnt a cap anymore.


                          I have played 100 matches but still ranked match not yet available? help me pls