General Discussion

General Discussion2K MMR is a distant memory...

2K MMR is a distant memory... in General Discussion

    Ok so, before people think i'm purely blaming team mates - i'm sub-2K MMR so i'm clearly not THAT good at DOTA2 despite many hours invested into the game and there are many areas in which I personally need to improve (any suggestions welcome).

    Having said that; in my MMR bracket I am finding that there are just too many other players holding me back from increasing my rank/MMR. in the past 10 games I've had someone afk/disconnect and then come back near the end of the game to say he d/c cuz we 'lost the lanes'. I've had a mid-Ember who was 0-3-3 in a 40min game. a Venge support who decided she was no longer supporting after 10mins so I had to start buying all the wards playing Offlane Timbersaw. I mean, the list is endless. I normally pick support heroes purely because, if i don't, we won't actually GET a support...

    I repeat that I can also improve my own game overall to help the team further but it is becoming more and more impossible with team mates who are this bad/toxic. Am I just on a mega unlucky streak? Am I just THAT terrible that I should still be winning games despite these issues? Are games less like mine above 3k MMR? ...Cuz i'n MY bracket it's usually lost in the draft when we clearly need a position 5 but the final pick will be a jungle Legion Commander...

    If anyone has any thoughts (or even help/tips) for me, particularly those in my bracket - feel free to reply.
    I love the game but currently the bad games are out-weighing the good.

    Apologies, rant over...Cleric.

    remember to drink water

      Honestly those kinds of games shouldn't be a deciding factor in your mmr. You can't control how your teammates play so just do your best every game and try to not get tilted. For every feeder and moron on your team the other team is likely to have one


        ^this. The system isn't against you(unless you were shadowpooled for toxicity). For every moron you get, it's likely that in the next game, the enemy team gets a moron as well. Those who've climbed out of 1k, 2k, 3k are those who've been able to deal with their respective morons and win regardless

        Lruce Bee

          You must understand this simple fact. Your team plays like shit. Disconnects. Feeds. Whatever. But you're the one with the entire Page of red. Very disturbihg


            MMR is an estimate of your skill level based on the idea that if you're below your skill level, you'll win more games than you lose, and if you're above your skill level, you'll lose more games that you win. Over enough time, you statistically will reach your true skill level. Some people think they're much better than they really are, so they blame their teammates, or a shadow pool, or some other shit, but the truth is in your games, the only constant is you. So if you want to improve your mmr, make yourself a better player, since that's the only variable you can control. When high MMR players say "get gud" they're not just saying it to avoid answering questions about how to gain MMR, they're saying that if you get better at the game, you will get a higher MMR.

            tldr: You're the only constant in your games, so improve as a player and you'll gain MMR.

            michael sassbender

              get good and be less toxic


                4 negative impact teammate and 5 positive impact enemy seems really fun


                  u bad ı won 16 game ın last 18 game


                    Just focus on learning 1 hero well and focus on not dying. Eventually you'll start winning more games than you lose.


                      u can add me as friend.. seems u like playin supp, n i like playin ck n wk... might try gettin u some party mmr cleric... n 1 advice, if u wanna climb sub 2k solo, play mid or hard carry... its very hard to win constantly with supp below 2k

                      #1 Philippine player

                        "Cuz i'n MY bracket it's usually lost in the draft when we clearly need a position 5 but the final pick will be a jungle Legion Commander..."

                        Draft doesn't matter below 4k sad to say.
                        I can play support crystal maiden and crush everyone in your bracket with 80%+ win rate .

                        < blank >

                          Team hold me beck .. pls halp

                          First of all its better not to say anything and mute other players, than get into discussion with them.

                          Secondly learn how to farm, and when to push after a won teamfight which is the biggest issues with 2k games.

                          SASA POPOVIC

                            Forget it, i always try to push alone when my team farms jungle to get six sloted, i dont get very far, i have no idea what magic other team uses to make their teammates push together or focus around chasing me whole game while my team just farms and farms but i would like some of that magic.

                            Now i just spam Doom because he counters everything #yolo

                            Hot Bird

                              i spam visage, funny how everyone attacks me and die to my familiars

                              GRANT MACDONALD

                                Other posters are right. The enemy will have feeders, ragers, toxic players and the PA-SF-Sven-AM last pick jungle LC lineups too. You dont get better at the game when your balanced team easily crushes that lineup just like you dont get worse at that game when you pick carry, someone also picks carry, fights your farm and your team is toxic. Focus on getting good. i've been 800 MMR, climbed to 2.6 and am around 1.6k now after rage playing during a bad streak and just generally not caring about the game for a while. There are vast differences between 3 digit mmr dota and queuing with 3k players.

                                Play heroes that can take objectives and have impact without having to gobble every drop of farm on the map. Ultimately that is how you win dota. Looking at your last 7 games, ALL of those heroes are dependent on others to hit towers.

                                Lycan is ridiculously strong in this meta and he takes objectives. Hell, you can play him offlane even since if you're smoked, you can wolf and initiate. Necros are back in the meta so there's your detection. Nothing says you cant also buy wards, place them and use them to set up fights and objective taking since you seem to have basic support mechanics figured out. He's easy to CS with and hard to harass out of the lane.

                                GRANT MACDONALD

                                  @ Lemon Cake

                                  I cant imagine playing visage in sub 1k. It must be a feeding frenzy.
                                  He's legit what is getting me back to 2k

                                  Hot Bird

                                    @ AIDS

                                    I see what you are doing there :P

                                    See you in 2k mate.I have a friend in my list who got from crusader 2 to archon 5 jjust by spamming visage.His news feed consist of post with his rampages and ranks ups.I kind of got interested and start watching his games and now I have a feeling i can climb with him.

                                    Ser Lactose De Intolerant

                                      If you are really good, which i doubt so (no offence mate), Pick a carry hero that can 1v5 like invoker or meepo. If not, learn how to play support.

                                      Source: I calibrated at 1.6kmmr, played support till 2.5k in 2months, got stucked in a trench, read up on guides to improve on supporting and went up to 3.5k. took a break off rank for a while and trained core carry heroes in pubs, then played invoker till i reach 4.3k mmr

                                      GRANT MACDONALD

                                        @ lemon cake
                                        I took a look at pros starting to buy HOTD so I incorporated as my first item after tranqs and have been like 16-2 in ranked since. lul.

                                        Story Time

                                          the topic of this thread is confusing