General Discussion

General DiscussionSkill bracket

Skill bracket in General Discussion

    Help me predict my mmr bracket i got high skill and very high skill even though im not in 50% win rate

    Ysa: Supp is Life

      ur barely making it to VHS, u'll get an average MMR OF 3.3K-3.6K when you calibrate. play more efficiently and u'll see that ur getting better. stop thinking your that gud in ur bracket and "my teams holding me back" cos any low ancient can rape you in lane any hero any matchups given and thats being 'toxic'. just play and try to be as positive as you can.

      but u said dota was fun :(

        There is still a cap of 3.5 k mmr. And that is assuming you hit the barrier.


          Thanks but how can i get constant vhs cause i really dont know, im trying to be good in all of my games support and carry.

          but u said dota was fun :(

            Play vhs, man

            Ysa: Supp is Life

              ya theres still 3.5k MMR cap even though ur playing against divines in your first calibration. Play not for fun cos it will just waste your time. Play to get better cos you said it yourself that you want to get into VHS. and play more mid cos the pressure on that role is higher than any role and most of the time youll get laned against the best players of the enemy team.


                hi guys wtf valve wat happen to my account im stuck at normal skill bracket y.. i dnt understand.. i see ur acc. have low kda but mine is quite good.. then i open opendota then to see mmr difference in predict is not quite far.. i have 3.7k predict i play pure solo game.. even once i didnt play party.. can anyone explain to me y im stuck at normal skill bracket.. any advance t.y


                  Now im hitting vhs haha and i really dont know why but kda, gpm and xpm for my case doesnt really matter. All i do is play carry support roamer alternately and playing with mindset to win. Like you said you have better gpm but im in high and vsh.

                  The Chainsmokers - Sick Boy

                    @well_ako you a legit divine playah.congratulations.



                      With my WinRate i am still only at HighSkill