General Discussion

General DiscussionFinally hit 3k

Finally hit 3k in General Discussion

    After caliberating at 600 mmr and playing in SEA server, i finally hit 3 k mmr. Atlast now my games actually have decent supports. So guys it is possible to get out of the 1k and 2k trench. I am feeling soo happy to finally hit 3k :DDD


      Good job ! 🎉


        Gratz my dude. Been stuck at 2.7k for past 4 months :(


          Nice. I hope to get 3k soon. I'm like 500 mmr away.

          chat banned :)

            goodjob now u will deal with smurfs acc buyers and toxic teamates wish u luck


              Thank you mates :D


                Congrats... but idk what you're talking about "at last my games actually have decent supports", I still get a shitton of 5-core games.
                I was so happy breaking 3K all the way from 1.4, now I'm no longer satisfied, I want legend medal, archon 5 isn't enough




                    Good job maN keep it up! :-D

                    chicken spook,,,,

                      took u awhile but congrats anyway


                        Yes it did take a while because i played a lot of party unranked games. I wanted to have fun in dota and that for me was to play with friends.anyway now next up is 4k. Hope to hit 4k by the end of this year :p. I play solo q only when friends are offline.

                        Lruce Bee

                          Wow that's a lot of games played

                          chicken spook,,,,

                            fun > mmr anyway :thinking:


                              Turn back before it’s to late

                              Story Time

                                a few more of weekend dota for me and i hit 3000 mmr too!


                                  It's so depressing watching Story Time's mmr and comparing it with the mmr he had 2-3 weeks ago


                                    Lmao.story time you need to chill bro.your losing streak made me cry :v

                                    Herald Pride

                                      good job... i play in SEA and also grind from 900 to higher 3,7 k mmr and now i drop to 3,2 k mmr


                                        Dont play ranked now cause if u lose u'll be back in 2k...

                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                          Clicking circles is way less tilting and time consuming than dota :thinking:


                                            Im calibrated at 2600 mmr and stop at 3300 mmr after ~1400 matches, i climb mmr all the way by support heroes (mostly Omniknight).

                                            After few month trying to hold my mmr and breakthrough 3300 mmr, i failed very bad.

                                            My mmr drop like stone to 2k7 (still using support heroes but matchmaking mechanism team up me with player that play core very bad, feel like my team is noob and their team is smurf)

                                            My advise is stop at 3100 mmr, start playing pub match, training your skills better, if you are a core player then start playing support and otherwise.


                                              Bro i tried playing as support but in this bracket the core players are so bad that it is tilting to see them play.right now i am 3.2k mmr and i do enjoy playing safelane everygame i just first pick carry.since i am spamming my heroes so i am actually better than the opponents in my mmr and dont actually care if they counter pick heroes. So by spamming heroes i am actually gaining a lot of mmr. Kudos


                                                wellcome to shitty bracket and with team mentally retarded.

                                                Lruce Bee

                                                  Sometimes u attain an mmr you don't deserve. So you drop back down.


                                                    Hansolo hate your negativity. That is why your stuck in sub 1k mmr after creating bunch of you think i was carried to legend? Check my games bro. I carried my team in 90%of games. And it sucks to be you man :)


                                                      If you expect supports to be better than in the trench

                                                      You’re gonna have a bad time

                                                      Lruce Bee

                                                        If you played with the shit teammates I have in my bracket who have no idea what they're doing, you wouldn't be able to win. Trust me on this.

                                                        Honestly 3k is kinda impressive. Most people will never get it. Then again most people don't have the luck to climb with good teammates. Most people don't have the patience to spam OP meta heroes either


                                                          Funny talking about meta heroes.

                                                          I grew from 1.8k to 3.7k by playing trash heroes. I played mostly wind, who was sitting on 42% being I worst 15 heroes untill 7.0. Same, even worse for dusa. She was once in under 40%. WD is coming to meta now a bit. PA maybe was for some time. Riki not.

                                                          My winrates with trash green meta (necro, venom) never had over 50%.


                                                            Han solo you do realise i was 600 mmr 1 year ago? I spammed ta mid to get from 600 mmr to 1.5k easy when ta was in 42% winrate and not even meta. So dont talk about teammates because opponents are as much dogshit as your teammates. Nvm enjoy your game :)

                                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                                              why do u people still bother with hansolo he's been trying to be Le FunNi PsEuDoInTeLeCtUaL MoRoN for the past few month and u people still treat him seriously



                                                                3k shit bracket promise . Hansolo you want me boost you to Legend? Pay me steam cards xD


                                                                  grats bro... same here, and took me 3 months to road to ancient, but i feel it is way harder, i think i'm gonna stay in this bracket for the next 3 months or even more.


                                                                    Now I have the strength to push through.. 900 mmr to goooo


                                                                      Jacked pls stop it already w this HanSolo shit

                                                                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                        May the PMA be with you.

                                                                        Lruce Bee

                                                                          @Etd, the names hanyolo. i dont know who hansolo is. and i'm not jacked.

                                                                          @OP, right i totally didnt read the part about you being 600mmr.
                                                                          you have my respect now.


                                                                            @Etd, the names hanyolo. i dont know who hansolo is. and i'm not jacked

                                                                            I’m just done with this fucking moron

                                                                            Lruce Bee

                                                                              ROFL. yea really not sure what you're trying to point out here?


                                                                                He isn't jacked.


                                                                                  600 to 3k is amazing,great work
                                                                                  you deserve a compliment lol

                                                                                  on your dotabuff,you used a hansolo name before that was he mean
                                                                                  a hansolo is someone who ever made a thread about undying rushing perseverance,got famous instantly
                                                                                  if you're not that guy,maybe good then
                                                                                  since the guy was herald 1 and you're herald 5 when i saw your first id


                                                                                    No because he’s Jacked trolling


                                                                                      i'm a jacked too,hi

                                                                                      2 B R 0 2 B

                                                                                        @Feachairu any link to Hansolo profile ?