General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed help! Again!

Need help! Again! in General Discussion

    How much lc duel point?


      Seems like your problem is your attitude, judging from your posts. How about you stop trying to justify shit and just listen to the advice that's been given to you?


        Abbadon game - you have no safe lane carry and no survivability items as abbadon. I have no idea what you were trying to accomplish building tranquil boots and then going into some kind of right clicker build with a vlads, hyperstone.


          am not interested in justifying anything
          but u guys start talking about what i didnt intend to ask

          abaddon- i was trying to play supp .. initially going supp...we were in flow so thought of making ac for benifits... but i couldnt complete my items as soon as they got strong

          i just dont what items to make according to the situation


            AC for benefits? What exactly? Doesn't seem like they had a ton of phys dmg so the armor buff wouldn't be the most useful. Attack speed? Could've had way earlier and cheaper with drums.

            Looks like their primary damage dealer was the lina for whom you could've bought a halberd. No idea why you bought a vlads because your team had 2 right clickers, the LC and the OD, and the LC has a built in lifesteal. Who was going to benefit from the vlads?

            if you want to continue talking about this, you can add me on steam.


              my situation is the same bro

              wtf is this



                My steam acc is limited🙄😥
                I had made drums after u guys said me to give importance to cheaper items and it's a nice item as well
                What happens during fights is that Lina would initiate with eul so I had to go and shield my Ally but slark in the moment would kill someone other we lost 1 clash and were nvr able to come back again


                  Happens a lot of time... I played shaman where the game twisted at the last moment


                    Can u teach me how to pick counters ,banning and how to pick heroes that would combo with each other ( becoz I don't want invo tinker in the same team)


                      Step 1: pick a few hero
                      Step 2: git gud at that hero
                      Step 3: ???
                      Step 4: profit


                        I really know playing only a few hero
                        But I think having versatility increases the idea about the different heroes
                        I knew that AM takes slightly more time to blink than QoP or with blink dagger but till yesterday I didn't knew that black hole goes through spell immunity


                          300 matches with AM and with 49% WR and 500 GPM. Damn... that's just bad.


                            ^ lol

                            To translate what Jetty is trying to say to you, your problem isn't being able to counter pick heroes/items. You should improve on the basics like improving your last hitting and farming. Honestly, even as a L3 player, I could walk into your game right now and win 90%+ with 0 problems. And it would have nothing to do with what heroes I pick.


                              * 51.5 % in game stats
                              512 gpm= 22k networth in 45 min
                              see ur replies are like out of topic😯
                              stop boasting how u would win 90 % matches( u dont even take in fact that the teammates u would get wont supp u wont carry u as u intend )
                              like me today who didnt buy quelling blade on TB but the axy boy in ur lane doesnt back door nor lets me take lh.. ooo he had a nice skill build as well


                                it would be nice if can add me.. and mentor me


                                  my point is at your mmr, you shouldn't need teammates to support you or carry you. you should be able to 1v5 the game easily and that comes down to the fact you don't know the basics.