General Discussion

General DiscussionJuggernaut Tips & Playstyle

Juggernaut Tips & Playstyle in General Discussion
Bill Cutting

    Hey guys,

    I’ve never been good at this hero - would anyone be able to give a few pointers..

    -how to micro the healing ward like a pro
    -when to go battlefury and general item builds
    -what’s the playstyle are u a fighter,farmer or pusher

    Bill Cutting

      Also, is nullifier your new diffusal


        why wouldn't you get diffu on him,the stats are still great for the price


          1. bind the healing ward to a hotkey and practise
          2. battlefury always unless you have magnus or are looking to end early then you want manta or sny
          3. u farm a lot, if they dont have any way to cancel tp through bladefury, u can farm really aggressively and when enemies come just spin tp out
          4. nullifier does more than old diffusal, it cancels bkbs and prevents/stops euls and ghost scepters


            Fight early when omni and ward is up because he’s really good at it. Know which hero you can chop up with ult, like say go for that SF, maybe don’t go for that puck just yet. Hold spin if you need it to live. Never underestimate healing ward. Battlefury is good, use it till it gets nerfed because the value is super good. Basically think of him as the most all around carry


              Phase+wand+aquila -> bfury can't really go wrong with that build in pubs. Bind the healing ward and play lots of Jugg. Item builds are very flexible, usually sny or manta after bfury into whatever you need. Nullifer is good when you absolutely need to delete 1 hero especially with a blink but you don't always need it imo.

              Lruce Bee

                How to micro ward? Don't put it down so quickly in range of ranged heroes. Try to deploy it in trees where enemy can't see. Go look for kills with omni every chance you get. Get battlefury every game and farm aggressively. Don't waste tp. Save it for spin tp. Silver edge is really good on jugg.

                Lruce Bee

                  I would say you need to fights more with jugg. But if things aren't going well, you're a great split pusher if they can't cancel spin tp.

                  Always try to coordinate for rosh. It's really easy for jugg

                  Bill Cutting

                    Awesome ty all

                    Shadow blade/blink dagger - do u get these items and when don’t u?


                      After blink nerfs I prefer sb normally but vs some heroes like sniper/drow or when you have stuff like mag on your team you just buy blink.


                        @CUTNPASTE do you think its ok skipping aquila if you're planning to go battlefury or do you still get it just for the sake of pushing their offlane tier 1 or having bigger manapool so you actually have mana to cast all your spells at once?
                        Also what do think about the boots choice on jugg? I've seen most of the pro players lately prefering treads if they're going battlefury.


                          i thought people never go aquila when they go BF?


                            Go yasha after BF and see if to can upgrade it into SnY or Manta depends how the game goes. With boots you have three item slots left, I usually go abyssal, butterfly, and skadi. Bkb and silver edge are situational.


                              *you can

                              Lruce Bee

                                You honestly do not need Aquila on jugg anymore. Really. You don't. Try it. Blinks not very good honestly. It's as Cutnpaste has said. If your team has BIG initiation that you need to follow up on. SB is just superior on jugg.


                                  I used to go no aquila but I played some games with it and right now it's just superior imo. With just aquila+a few clarities you have enough mana to spin camps down so you farm fast anyway, the damage+aura just makes your early laning and fighting so much stronger. I actually am very sold on aquila right now on every single agi carry in the game, even shit like AM.


                                  Aquila AM, ez 12 minute treads wand aquila bfury.

                                  I tried treads a few times and if you are just afk farming it's ok but I like to play fast paced and pressure the tower and the offlaner early, phase are superior for that.

                                  : )

                                    always get phase boots, roa, wand in any order the game goes. you always want fury but not everytime. any build works on jugg imo. hes the most flexible hero out there

                                    Lruce Bee

                                      But you don't need additional laning advantage as jugg. By the time you're spinning camps down u already have pers. it's impossible to get a good bf timing if you go Aquila unless u get 10 kills before 10mins


                                        What about getting treads instead :thinking:


                                          Do you buy lifesteal when theres axe or lc on enemy team


                                            No, u die


                                              You always want additional laning advantage if you can get it for cheap,. Aquila only slows your bfury timing 1-2 minutes maximum, has a lot of impact after bfury is finished with the bonus armour/damage/stats and if it nets you an extra kill/saves you once/gets the offlane tower faster it has already paid for itself and more imo.

                                              Vs axe you want to tank up with skadi/abyssal/ac, lifesteal hardly does anything vs axe because it applies after reductions, so you lifesteal fuck-all after axe gets 40 armour buff. Vs lc you just get a linkens if he's a big issue and play as normal otherwise.


                                                Great suggestions overall. My tip is to think hard about why you build a specific item.
                                                While BF is good on Jugg I do not feel that it is a mandatory item on him.
                                                Aquila is very very good on Jugg.


                                                Can't Buy Culture

                                                  @Taylor hill.
                                                  my go to jug build is phase -> bf -> yasha -> blink -> upgrade yasha into manta or sny depending on your enemies and then u get a luxury item (butter/skadi/abbysal etc).

                                                  Lruce Bee

                                                    I would revise that to 2-3mins delay because you're not having perfect games all the time with free farm. And then for the marginal improvement you get, you delay bf and possibly lose the game with a lost mid game fight because you got manta at 25 mins.


                                                      idk i never need clariities, Aquila + perseverance is basically endless mana


                                                      i feel like you're understimating jugger's ability to fight with just ult/spin, getting a 1-3 min later bf doesn't make a difference when you can compensate for it because you were able to push waves (or even a tower) and take side camps better cus of aquila, more early levels = stronger midgame powerspike


                                                        Phase and aquila is a must on jugg as aquila gives soo good stats at 900 gold that it is hard to ignore. You just use your spin to farm camps in between lane creeps to get bf with 12-14 min. And i prefer phase over treads as the active on phase is super good early.Go Sny if there is no silece or buff that you need to get rid off or go manta into butterfly or skadi depending on whether you need to tank up or need evasion which also gives damage. Then you can go blink or sb depending upon opposition lineup.


                                                          Yasha + mom > battlefury

                                                          Lruce Bee

                                                            for it because you were able to push waves (or even a tower) and take side camps better cus of aquila, more early levels = stronger midgame powerspike

                                                            well possibly this is true. my entire premise is that jugg is not weak in doing all those things to begin with. And hence my conclusion that aquila only marginally improves this aspect of juggernaut. thus it is not worth the investment which results in a delay in your other items. the mid game being more important for juggernaut is another point.

                                                            now if you were to say recommend aquila on a hero that sucks at laning and pushing towers, then i would welcome that suggestion.

                                                            *i must also qualify that higher skilled players are more likely to have higher gpm earlier on in the game, so the investment is less expensive for them. BUT even so... you dont need it. trust me

                                                            Lruce Bee

                                                              i would also like to say i'm extremely tickled that 2 Divine 5 players are having a discussion with a guardian and they haven't lost their shit yet.

                                                              i have 5 reports to use

                                                                Arms race to battlefury my dudes. Most of the time the enemy won't react to you or won't farm properly and you just win by default.

                                                                Lruce Bee

                                                                  ^yea. you know, i might even be as bold to suggest that you should try skipping boots and straight for wand battlefury.


                                                                    i mean for all i know you can get to top 100 with whatever build as long as you can execute it

                                                                    I just value the stats from aquila when it comes to pushing and farming early on, the item simply gives you too much for the low price.


                                                                      If u buy aquila, use it to take the tower and fight more
                                                                      If u skip it ur just opting into a harder farm build
                                                                      They both have their scenarios where they are useful and just require a different style of play