General Discussion

General DiscussionAbout Mirana

About Mirana in General Discussion

    Hi! Im just a low type of player with normal skills but with a high desire to win every game. I fell inlove with this hero Mirana because shes so versatile. Please share some tips i could improve my game for her. Thanks!


      Core is the only role for mirana as she doesnt fit the support role with her skill set. Don't be one of those "roaming" mirana who rush aghs or sometimes midas aghs and hinder your core farm.

      As for item progression i like phase/treads into sny/manta then next few item is depend on situation . Pike and mjollnir is quite good on the hero too


        Step 1: buy midas
        Step 2: buy octarine
        Step 3: get to lvl 25
        Step 4: ???
        Step 5: mmr

        Lruce Bee

          Get diffusal butterfly deso instead of mjolnir pike crap. Octarine is a must

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            Tough luck landing arrows, not enough steroids to become good carry. She got nerfed pretty hard, I don't recommend playing Mirana unless there's a Bane or someone to setup arrows.

            chicken spook,,,,



                Thanks for the tip. Any benefits of aghs as first item? Does it adds value to farming?

                Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                  Mirana is bad rn :(

                  As a mid you lose to every other mid in the meta

                  As a roam with no xp from bounty runes you will have 0 levels unless you dont fail a gank

                  And its got to be the worst lane support you can have when you're a carry

                  Carry mirana doesnt compare in the slightest to carry gyro, tb, jugg etc etc...


                    Why to play a dogshit hero when you can play meta heroes ????


                      Because its disgusting to spam omni & underlord


                        I don't spam omni & underlord 4Head I just like playing them. Beast is also a great offlaner who's currently in meta.