General Discussion

General DiscussionBehavior Score

Behavior Score in General Discussion

    Okay So guys my behavior rate was normal after whICH i abandoned 2 games and was thrown to C-

    I cleared my lp and got it back to C+ after which I decided to spam coop bot games ( I had the 6 month warning at normal behavior rate)

    So after countless coop bot games and 5-6 green summaries no reports just commends my warning was gone but my fucking behavior rate went to F what should I do now..

    I cant even find games anymore xd

    Solo Leveling

      behavior score is a metaphor for life man, stop being a piece of shit to people, online or in real life and your "behavior score" will improve


        Somehow without even looking at your stats I knew you were a mid spammer just from reading this.

        low prio master

          Exactly what ultrarubbick said.

          michael sassbender

            it's probably because you bought your account and lose most of your games :) go back to your main account, climb and be less toxic


              yo Man WTf I was "Normal" for like 5 months I reached ancient 3 then tried to clmb to ancient 4 and when i was 1 game away from ancient 4 I abandoned 2 games cause of power outrages after that my behavior went to C

              And youre not getting my point...

              I played coop bot gaMES I didnt even play any normal games where people can report me

              why would i trash talk bots?


                Looks like a bought account to me

                Lruce Bee

                  Did u abandon some more?

                  Story Time

                    dont flame in game, Dota checks for bad language to update your behavior score


                      Out of your 100 ranked games I found 1 support game. Literally 1 support game with Jakiro.

                      Its impossible to be a nice person with good bh score and play mid or carry everygame. You have to be that asshole that dont give a damn about others and is just "im mid - end of story".

                      Its really nice to see that system actually works. No one gets F or 6 months ban warning for nothing. What makes you wonder you should have a better bh score ?


                        You bought this account didn't you?

                        Story Time

                          ^why anyone would buy this low mmr account?


                            Why would I buy a 4k acc? xd


                            Dude the point isnt that why i got F its hOW

                            If u look at it I mentioned that before spamming bot games my behavior was C?

                            So basically I didnt play any games with humans after C and just played against bots and after 2 summaries my behavior went to C+

                            Then After 3 more summaries It went to D+ then F

                            So can you explain how did that happen?

                            @hanyolo no i didnt.


                              Dude the point isnt that why i got F its hOW

                              Why? Because you flamed/got reported
                              How? You babyraged and tilted therefore people reported you


                                @tribo read the post and the comments then u can argue all u want thanks


                                  I am not arguing just giving answers to those two questions 4Head

