General Discussion

General Discussionhelp me get better pls

help me get better pls in General Discussion

    im a 1k mmr scrub and i know i suck really bad can anyone help me by pointing out some mistakes?


      U would want orchid in that clinkz

      chicken spook,,,,

        play more :)

        The Chainsmokers - Sick Boy

          You cant do it alone.Party with someone with a high skill or high mmr. You will improve if theres someones very good enough to mentor you.


            No, you do not want orchid on clinx, your build is fine


              500 buildings damage with clinkz...
              Well if you don't feel like to gank zeus/sniper, you can take t2/t3/rax
              And 100 last hits in 38 minutes is kinda meh, especially if you don't take objectives.


                Watch pro players pubgames from their perspective and tru do it thoughtfully (not just copying them but trying to understand some teasons behind their decisions) and play a lot.


                  Get better at farm, don`t go for kill just to get kill. ( If you don` t understand: if you can kill suport but you will die don`t kill support, save yourself). Try other builds,( just build radiance on pa, try fury on PL, try to play support with core heroes and core with supports, something like that, think what is best item vs your oponet, but don`t do that in rank games). Just try to see how is going, i know that most of these is stupid but maybe you will need sometimes to now that, but don` t just pick sugestin build, cause with many hereos isn`t the best what you can get. Lean how to pick, how to make combo, how to stack spells with your team, what to don`t pick and when to pick something. And watch others hwo to play, pick hereos in meta, see what is out of meta(avoid that), and I really liek Mecrick gaming on you tube gives good advice for busting mmr.


                    ^ wtf is this bullshit ur saying?!


                      Try playing support to learn another perspective in the game. That way, you will learn what are your core needs, and what are your support capable of

                      You will also learn both heroes and roles power and limitation and minimize dying due to overestimating your team capabilities and throw badly


                        Learn how to git gud to git gud


                          Learn powerspike

                          yung griphook

                            It may sound dumb, but I can 100% promise you that you can get to 2-3k alone but just learning to last-hit. If you can last-hit or "CS" near perfectly, it will be enough to get you to 2k-3k.

                            You will have more gold than the enemy at the same time, thus 1 extra item going into a team-fight or whatever, thus a higher percent chance to win the fight and snowball, take buildings, etc.

                            If you can perfectly or near-perfectly CS to the point where you don't have to think about it anymore, you can focus on game-sense things like, aggro, creep equilibrium, reading the map, out-playing the offlaner, creating and taking space, jungle rotations, power-spikes, item timings, etc etc.

                            Don't get me wrong, I don't perfectly CS or do the aforementioned flawlessly every-time, or even anywhere close to every-time, but eventually you'll get to a point where you know enough to know that you don't know enough, and you go from there.

                            EDIT: also, limit yourself to 2-3 heroes per role and only play those heroes.
