General Discussion

General Discussiondota has destroyed me

dota has destroyed me in General Discussion

    I am a sub 250 MMR player with 43% winrate.

    Is this where I belong?


      currently maybe yes,but you can improve too

      Machado98 #xatubaking

        dude you only have ~400 matches, chill. Dota is a hard game, takes time to get good and don't push yourself too much, some people learn dota very fast and in 1000 matches are ancients, some people have 4000 matches and are still archons, like me, it's just a game, play for fun


          You probably never cared enough to improve.
          You will start climbing when you start caring and instead of playing spend the time in watching videos and reading stuff.


            It's very time consuming to climb mmr, one year ago in August I had 2900 mmr, however I stopped playing because of school. I dropped to around 2300 before I started investing more time. I made it back to 3150 when I played a lot, but now that I play a little less I'm back around 2900. It is possible that you don't invest enough time (which is probably good) into dota and are therefore lower mmr

            La Dz

              Just play normal matches and play all heroes exept weaver and riki and bh and try to learn them and when u do that then go play just mid and practice 1v1 mid with sf and storm and ember and tinker and when u go b to ranked just go mid always even if its double or triple dont give up on your mid and just rekt them all but i recommend sf and storm for start

              casual gamer

                improving is simpler for you now than it ever will be

                you can focus on almost any part of your play and improve it

                Lruce Bee

                  With a 45% winrate and only 250 mmr to lose, no you don't belong there. You belong at 1 mmr


                      Stop before its too late


                        I have a high 2k acc if you want to trade with me


                          You should never give up, we get cancers everytim but hey a single non cancer player can change the game


                            sell your account and buy a legend 4 or 5 account. herald accounts are worth more than legends


                              fun fun fun


                                The issue with most people around your MMR (trust me I know plenty), is that they just don't try to improve. A lot of times they just don't have the motivation to climb and learn from their mistakes. If you actually play roles the way they're meant to, and you study your patterns and mistakes, you can get to 1k. I believe in you :)


                                  sub1k can be hard because many smurfs want to stay in this bracket for ez wins.
                                  Still, you can spam Zeus / Riki or OP supports like ES / SS to make a difference


                                    84% play as core. like what other people say. play more. probably switch to supporting. learn from your mistake. sometimes i even watch my own replay. i spectate games to high level players. at drafting i take time to read web guides on what are the natural counters to enemy picks and learn from it as i play. its fun bro. learn how to dominate lanes like agro, zoning the carry. i was same level as what you are right now. climbed to legend 3 brackets. i stuck in this bracket for almost a month now. its hard but im having fun. i practice new heroes in normal game and play it in rank once im comfortable. i often pick to balance my team line up such as AOE, magic damage burst etc... eg. if enemy line up have good armors and high HPs especially carries ,i pick those heroes who has a skill that can reduce hp over time eg. pugna, underlord, necro, and suggest team mates to build items that can break passives while i focus buying items for sustain during team fights, things like will learn all these along the way.

                                    supporting gives me opportunity to learn such as positioning in team fights, etc... one thing that comes to me naturally now is for eg, before 4 minute, ill stack, go get bounty, then smoke to mid, try to gank.

                                    as carry, i learn something is happening if supports are missing for a while when bounty runes already pass 30sec or more. i have to position my self near tower to give extra armor, and i learn how to buy extra defensive tools such as raindrops. alot of unsuccessful ganks with this item. i TP to help my team when enemy is diving towers. this already slowly becoming an instinct to me when mini map has 3 colors vs 2 of my team, i immediately tp to help. trust me, it makes your team mates boost confidence and morale. by the time enemy showed up at my lane to gank me they also do the same. it is really fun. when supports die and im doing good i drop wards and smoke for them to pick up. and trust me, this makes them to encourage more in supporting.... ive meet many carries who did this to me while i play as support. it can give me chance to build utility items for them, force staff, glimmer, euls etc...

                                    as support sometimes i carry extra salve and clarity for my mid or carry if needed, this will make them feel that the’ve been supported very well. alot of things to learn. a lot of mistakes either 😂 but its fun...

                                    you can add me :) im proud to have almost 2k commends with just 700 wins 😂😂😂