General Discussion

General DiscussionHuskar - Lifesteal vs. Burning Spears

Huskar - Lifesteal vs. Burning Spears in General Discussion

    Have searched quite a bit...

    Thoughts on the +10 burning spears vs. +15% lifesteal talent tree?

    It's interesting going through DotaBuff's guides from the pros - many delay the talents altogether, don't by Morbid Mask but do use the lifesteal, but almost never both Mask + Lifesteal.

    Torte's guide has mask + lifetsteal.

    Anyone done the math on this? Or fully situational, I'm sure...


      +10 spear damage is better than whatever you will get if you save 1100 gold on Morbid Mask and Satanic is too good to not build on Huskar anyway.
      You can stack both lifesteals and get more sustain, but thtat's too boring for me.

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        I've been picking +10 burn the whole time because on paper, you can buy morbid mask for 1100 gold while +10 burn means two extra levels for burning spear. It's so obvious which is better, right?
        But this +10 burn never really felt useful, because it takes too long to burn. While +15% Lifesteal actually lets you sustain in fights and dish out more spears, which means more damage.
        I can't argue too much because I'm not a frequent Huskar player, but it just felt right. It just felt so good!
        My vote is for lifesteal.

        Story Time

          can too much lifesteal be bad for huskar? I mean his attack speed falls quite a bit if he is recovering to full health...


            if u wanna kill go for damage if u wanna survive more go for lifesteal depends on the game


              I aiwalys take lifesteal

              But when enemie get burn dmg i die in 3 seconds


                Lifesteal is inferior
                It actually makes u heal too much imo, reducing ur dmg
                Inner vit and morbid mask is enough sustain


                  the lifesteal talent is more of a niche, when enemy has silences (so you cant cast burning spears) or everyone has a blademail (and you need talent+item to power through that blademail to kill enemy in time)... also when enemy has mass bkb/omni/oracle the spears talent feels weak