General Discussion

General DiscussionMagic Damage Arc Warden

Magic Damage Arc Warden in General Discussion
Machado98 #xatubaking

    Not here to discuss if it's better or worse than the current main build of the hero, just want to read some thoughts about it and how would it be viable

    Classic midas into meme hammer as a wave clear and picking the caster talents (except at lvl 15, 350hp seems really good, dunno which one would be better)?

    After that I don't see the likes of Kaya, Veil or Dagon being useful at all, sticking with double actives and utility seems much better to me, vyse, orchid etc

    An early Aether Lens would be good? Seems like a wasted slot but can be sold later on, dunno

    I can only see this build working in the midlane however, I know arc isn't the best midlaner but a magical oriented pos1 seems unreliable

    Seems viable to me in a good scenario, can't see ratting work very well though

    Enlighten me, i suck anyway


      imo safe lane aw even with magic build, just make sure you have another, good scaling mid. Memehammer is super good, stats+regen+waveclear+tower pressure (without taking any risks). a mobility tool like blink (or shadowblade) seems good, so you can outmanouver your opponents and use your elusive double to pressure towers. afterwards hex or orchid seem to be good depending on the enemy line up. dont go for lens or kaya (they dont offer that much, with memehammer and quila your regen-problems should be fixed)

      also keep in mind that a setup for the memehammer is a really strong tool (sometimes a euls can work, also good item on aw!), but like an od, naga or shadow demon are super good setups

      keep in mind that you are on a timing window with that build (midas+hammer+bots/blink/shadowblade is like 6-8k gold you need before you can start helping your team, so make sure to get those asap!) and lategame you might need to retransition to a hitter build.


        Even if u go memehammer, u shud still transition into double hex or orchid and 1 mobility item later on