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General DiscussionNeed help micromanaging

Need help micromanaging in General Discussion

    How do I learn how to Micro well, like step by step basic stuff from casting spells by switching units etc. I wanna learn how to meepo. Also please explain the control group settings and the keys I should bind to it. Lots of good heroes that require micro managing are fun to play chen, arc etc. Your help and effort is appreciated :)


      Play Warcraft and Starcraft. Learn to treat each unit with utmost value, tracking each of their ability timers, making sure they stay alive always. Then come back to Dota and play Meepo or Chen, it will feel like nothing, I promise.

      But serious advice(well as serious as I can get, being a 3K skrub), my settings: bind 1 to "select hero"(This will select Meepo prime), 2 to "select all units"(Meepo Prime and all clones, note: will also command illusions), 3 to "select all other units"(all clones, includes illusions). Enable quickcast. To make your life easier. This would also work for Chen.


        But serious advice(well as serious as I can get, being a 3K skrub), my settings: bind 1 to "select hero"(This will select Meepo prime), 2 to "select all units"(Meepo Prime and all clones, note: will also command illusions), 3 to "select all other units"(all clones, includes illusions). Enable quickcast. To make your life easier.

        This, basically.

        Machado98 #xatubaking

          Honestly, using the settings suggested above is very good to start in the micro universe but will only start, eventually you will have to switch and create more specific groupings specially with meepo, not only to increase farm efficiency but also your overall survivability. I used 1,2,3 like the suggestions above for most of my life and only recently changed to my current settings and really it's like learning a new hero but it will be worth the time. I use F1 for meepo prime, F2 for "Select All Other Units", F3 for "All Units", 1 for meepo prime too, 2 for 2nd clone, 3 for 3rd clone, 4 for 4th clone, 5 for Meeps 1&2, 6 for Meeps 3&4 and 7 for illusions.
          For Chen I still use the 1,2,3 cliche and just tab through units, haven't found a good setting for me yet, but chen involves much less risk. So far it's woking wonders in my bracket, specially because everyone knows how to counter a meepo but most people in my mmr don't even know what chen's skill set does.


            @Lolórde da badaga Seems ok, but will require more movement of the left hand(to get the 4,5,6,7 buttons). It was worth the effort for me back in Warcraft, but that was completely different, I used the further control groups to quickly select to buildings/niche units. I'm experimenting on using the lower keys(z,x,c) for further control grouping, but it will require me to adjust my item hotkeys, which are still the default Z-X-C-V then shiftZ and shiftX

            Machado98 #xatubaking

              It does require some movement but 5,6 and 7 I use mainly to farm more efficiently, when I join a fight 1 to 4 is all I use. But use whatever us best for you

              Bill Cutting

                U asked how to use your skills:

                Use the TAB (or whatever you are comfortable with) to cycle thru your units. For example if I want to poof all my meepo’s it’s W TAB W TAB W TAB etc. same for net

                Quickcast is the best for making this quicker in my opinion.

                TAB also great for using spells and items for arc warden

                Just practice, a lot of this is just repetition


                  Apart from turning quickcast on, the rest is up to you. practice on bots and think about what you want to do and then set up control groups that work for you. be honest with your abilities - its retarded to set up control groups for every clone if you can't handle it. most likely you'll be best off just having a group for your prime, one for all the clones and one for all units when you get started.


                    What @Taylor Hill said; Assign the shifting between groups command to Tab, so that you can easily shift between them and command them all to do something differently;


                      I usually use tab to switch units