General Discussion

General DiscussionFrustraited by Dota2??

Frustraited by Dota2?? in General Discussion
Navi ACO

    i have played this game for 6 years and on 18.03.2018 i have uninstalled it from my laptop.
    Valve sucks with their match pool when it comes to finding a new match.
    i should of download replays of few games lost , and in every game i had either 2 or 3 Handicap players [feeders - retards]
    Valve has lost 100s of thousands players in past year, those, i call smart ppl, I'm dumb, realised late spending my money on stupid things in game.
    there is a so many better games with better graphics that is absolutely joy to play without stressing abt broken game..

    now playing Ghost Recon Wildlands and it was worth uninstalling dota2 of my laptop. that game just kept me nervous and busy way to much.

    GL people.


      wow 6 years of playing dota still 2k? i was 1k last year now 3k. u need to get gud meng dont give up!

      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

        Bird with the same feather, flock together.
        -Adolf Hitler, 1945

        You have feeder-retard teammate coz your a feeder-retard yourself. You belong on that bracket.

        Anyway, its a good thing you uninstalled dota. I don't play dota everyday coz of my work and playing Monster Hunter or Persona.


          Just play unranked lmao everyone there is frustrated with the medal system and just fucks off having fun.

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            Oui oui


              Frustrated that you wrote Frustrated frustraited

              SASA POPOVIC

                Same dude playng ranked is so stressful and unrewarding i cba anymore, i still shitpost on forum to kill some time tho. Maybe sometimes in the future i start again.

                Losing nerves and shouting for 1 hour to get +25 / -25 in 2018 LMAO!


                  the game is so unrewarding and I never get so much Frustration and stress outside of dota! I only play cus I have nothing else to do and my pc is too weak for AAA games.

                  low prio master

                    "now playing Ghost Recon Wildlands and it was worth uninstalling dota2"

                    Holy crap is this joke or you actually real?


                      Mad cuz bad, you didnt play support AT ALL. Dota becomes better when ppl like you leave, who only pick cores, although they are obviously bad with cores. Thanks for leaving the game.


                        I feel similar, however for some reason dota plus is actually an incentive to keep playing for me, as I want to level up my sf, to get the silver tier ping and all chat sayings. Like compendiums, dota plus is a nice addition, no matter how shitty it's other aspectS are


                          You speak my word :D


                            finally one less cancer


                              this guy might be a retard but seeing all the replies here leaving the community is a good move by him