General Discussion

General DiscussionPub strats that gave you cancer

Pub strats that gave you cancer in General Discussion

    1.) Go veno, make sure to lastpick regardless of team composition
    2.) lock jungle
    3.) spam wards and ignore team getting bodied in all lanes
    4.) mute everyone
    5.)finish your precious midas
    6.) finally it’s time to gank, at like 15 mins in
    7.) fail gank
    8.) flame team for feeding
    9.) feed yourself.
    10.) I have a veil, blink and BoT along with my midas at 40 mins clearly I’m the better player.
    11.) lose emphatically
    12.) report everybody for screwing up your perfect strat
    14.) profit

    Post your sad experiences that make you mute all and pretend they’re badly programmed bots


      you go aquila and boots and spam your ult somewhere @ 5mins


        Pick 5 core lineup and hope for lategame. Always works vs my team, btw


          Mid or Feed. My Ancient smurf have seen a lot of those retards and they end up playing very horrible too. Lmfao


            sniper rushing divine and alchemist gifting aghs to sniper... have seen it like 10 times, so retard strat. snipers always hold the hg, move out and lose rapier -.-

            not arin

              pick jungler
              blame carry for having 300 gpm

              totally didnt happen in my last game


                Pick weaver / wr / dragon knight offlane. Thats all you have to Do to tilt me.


                  Opponents pick Zeus And sniper.

                  Take all outer towers. Lock enemies in their base (Maybe small jungle). Gain 10-15k advantage. Take one rax for teamwipe. Lose all Vision because of Zeus.

                  Procede high ground atempts to lose the game one hour later.


                    When enemy team is a stack and happened to be either...
                    - le ebin 55% winrate pick (SB/Necro/Venge/Zeus whatever cancer)
                    - drow strat (oh, even their witch doctor got 200 damage ? geez wonder why)
                    - fucking cancer safe lane (cm+jugg/sven, and don"t bother on your allies to save you with that level of tryhard)
                    - ancient player with guardians/crusader (I also do this sometimes but it's fucking cancer) and specific strat

                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                      Any player on any team (that's not me) picking Tinker, TA or AM.


                        I ask for SOLO Offlain. PPl agre, but one guy pick semy support hero like tuck, mirana, riky, Techiles went offlain with me, push lain, play aggresif but just till he don`t get lvl 3 or 4 than leave lain go jungling, or runing around map, letting me be crashed buy tripple lain cause other support of oponent team came to help his carry, I die and lost tower. Caue i don` t have exp adventage, there, and after that star to blame me for loosing lain, when he give me full support. Just like when game went like that.


                          ^ ur English gave me cancer

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            every pub strat gives me cancer. dota is cancer.

                            ROAD TO HERALD 0

                              Go veno, make sure to lastpick

                              I routinely first pick veno, tactical feed and still win.

                              Grow some balls and get on my level kid.


                                When people try the meme builds they see on youtube but mess them up.

                                I'm totally fine with experimenting with the builds themselves, I do it myself and a lot of times they work, lots of fun.

                                But when people try to do them in situations where they won't work (wrong lane, countered, etc.) it get's kinda annoying.



                                  I was referencing someone else’s strats

                                  7Mad About You

                                    Balance team with ward Vs. 5 carry team with no support

                                    5 carry team won. Sad

                                    Optimus Drip

                                      I pick techies. Then some potato who has never offlanes in his goddammit life thinks"hey, I'll just pick a farming off lane like tiny, doom, or dk and techies will make me get ez farm" then they feed and blame the techoes pick because the enemy has 2 supports with disable.

                                      Story Time

                                        ^it is not really a pub strat

                                        I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

                                          every game gives me cancer

                                          Forget me not

                                            @HartzFear I play wr, dk , Weaver offlane. Guess there are people who dislike it.
                                            People who pick dk offlane building midas, dragon lance, crystakys, farm all game and at 40 min the opposite safevlane tower still has full HP.


                                              Dota IS cancer


                                                dota is cancer.

                                                Machado98 #xatubaking

                                                  A brewmaster long ago that spent all his gold before he died every time, he had like 20 tp scrolls at 20min or something
                                                  Pudge that goes mid AND tries to gank without dismember, sometimes even without boots or even a single last hit
                                                  Legion/blood/wk/troll/ursa jungle
                                                  Archon is a sad place


                                                    Rofl still better than mirana jungle 30min in not pressing ulti and not even hitting hero